god of reasoning

Chapter 64 "Prisoner of Poseidon"

Chapter 64 "The Prisoner of Poseidon" ([-])
Sitting in the back seat, I looked at the two people chatting happily in front of me, feeling unspeakably uncomfortable.I always thought that I was a very open-minded and open-minded person, but now I realized that it was just my wishful thinking.

Through their dialogue, I vaguely guessed their relationship.They are alumni of the university, but they are not in the same department. They met each other in a fellowship activity during their senior year.At that time, the two seemed to have a good impression of each other, but they were facing graduation before they could develop further.Thus, a budding love seed was buried like this.After graduation, the two went to different places. Lin Yun returned to his hometown to open a small clinic, while Wu who stayed in a hospital in the city to work.

According to the normal development, the two of them should be a set of parallel lines, and they will never intersect each other again.But because of this birthday party, let them meet again.Today may be a lucky day for them, but it is an out-and-out unlucky day for me.

The car was speeding on the highway as if it wanted to throw the setting sun far away.As the minutes on the watch cycled around again, we finally arrived at our destination.At this time, the sun was really far behind us, and the earth was shrouded in darkness.

When I saw the villa standing in front of me for the first time, I couldn't help screaming.I have only heard that this is a Western-style building with Gothic style before, but I didn't expect it to be so majestic and tall.And not far behind the villa, there is also a huge lake whose edge merges into the darkness. Under the light of the bright moonlight that jumped into the sky at some point, it is starting to sparkle, as if the stars are scattered on the lake. .

Whose Wu's car had just parked in front of the villa, when an old man in a neat suit came over, he didn't look like the owner, he should be a housekeeper or something.

"Hello, everyone! You are all here to attend the master's birthday party. I am the housekeeper here, you can call me Ning Bo." The housekeeper's self-introduction gave me a full score for my previous guess.

"You guys go in first, I'll come over after parking the car." Hearing this, I immediately pulled Lin Yun up and followed the butler into the villa.It would be better if you never come with me, I almost blurted out this inner subtext.

There is a huge contrast between the interior of the villa and the exterior.Looking at the outside, I thought that the inside of this villa might be a spooky old mansion with candlelight shadows flickering everywhere.But I didn't expect that the lights inside were brightly lit, like daytime.In addition to the gorgeous chandeliers on the ceiling, there are candlesticks with both decoration and lighting effects on the surrounding walls.

Under the leadership of the butler, we walked along the winding corridor to a door.

"The master is not here now, please wait here for a while." After the butler finished speaking, he pushed open the double doors. Inside was a spacious room with a carpet in the middle and several sofas around it. lounge.At this time, several people were already sitting inside.

"Ah! You are all here." Lin Yun seemed to know those people and greeted them warmly.

"Ah, it's Xiaoyun! You're late!" A man with a mustache said in an ambiguous tone similar to Wu Who, which made me sick to my stomach.

"Yeah, usually you are always the first to arrive. Why is it so late today?" A beautiful woman with colorful makeup and long wavy hair greeted Lin Yun while smiling.

"Hey, don't mention it, it's all because of him." Lin Yun returned the salute to several people present, and at the same time looked back at me, and found that I was standing there blankly, "By the way, I forgot to introduce, he is ..."

"It's your boyfriend." The mustache interrupted with a smile.I like this sentence very much, so my impression of him is higher than at the beginning.

"Brother Shen, stop joking. He is my friend and neighbor. He will come to the teacher's birthday party with me this time." Lin Yun just happened to walk in when Lin Yun said this, so she put the word 'neighbor' Bit hard.

"How can there be a neighbor who accompanied someone all the way to the banquet? He must be your boyfriend, so you just admit it." The words of that beautiful woman with heavy make-up also fit my heart.

"Sister Su made fun of me again, next time I'll ignore you." Lin Yun was circling among several people, while holding me to introduce the people present one by one.

"This mustache brother is called Shen Feng, don't look at him speaking in a glib manner, he is a policeman by profession." Faced with Lin Yun's ridicule, Shen Feng didn't care, and bowed slightly to me.

"Police?" This occupation was indeed beyond my expectations. Looking at his appearance and speech, I thought he was an ignorant dude.

"That's right, it's a forensic doctor to be precise. By the way, I asked him to help me understand the last case." After Lin Yun finished adding, she turned to the gorgeous beauty, "This beautiful sister, named Su Su, is a pharmacist."

I nodded slightly at the woman named Su Su, and then followed Lin Yun to the next person.It was a man sitting on the sofa in the corner, his whole body shrouded in shadow. If it wasn't for Lin Yun's introduction, I really didn't notice that there was another person here. "This man of God is called Mu Yeku. He always likes to hide in a corner and eavesdrop on what others are saying. This is also in line with his profession. He is a psychiatrist. But I have always suspected that he is autistic. syndrome." Hearing Lin Yun's joking jokes, he couldn't see any reaction from the other party, it seemed that he was indeed a guy who was not good at talking.

"You should have known this last one when he came here. His name is Who Wu, and he is a surgeon at S City General Hospital." Hmph, I don't want to know this guy, I muttered to myself.

After introducing everyone, Lin Yun sat on the sofa and chatted with others.I sat next to them for a while, and found that they were talking about medical topics, and I couldn't get in the way at all, so I just went to the window to enjoy the scenery outside in a boring way.

At this time, it was completely dark.

(End of this chapter)

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