god of reasoning

Chapter 68 "Prisoner of Poseidon"

Chapter 68 "The Prisoner of Poseidon" ([-])
I type the last word and hit save.This month's manuscript was finally finished, and I stretched long.The clock on the wall already showed that it was 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. I moved the mouse and clicked on QQ, and found that it was still full of people, and among the many friends, the most conspicuous one was Lin Yun's leopard head.

It has been three days since the murder case at Yushanzhuang. During this period of time, I have not seen Lin Yun because of rushing to finish the manuscript. I don't know how she is feeling now.

"In?" I lightly typed this short greeting in the chat window, which has almost become the beginning of our chat.

"En..." Her reply was unexpectedly quick.

"What are you doing?"


"what happened?"

"The teacher's case is still unresolved."

"Oh, what did the police say?"

"I just chatted with Shen Feng. They checked the teacher's body on the night of the incident, and the result was consistent with his previous judgment. The teacher was indeed killed around 6 o'clock in the evening. According to The degree of swelling of the corpse’s skin is certain, and the teacher’s body had been soaked in the lake for at least 8 hours when it was discovered at 2 o’clock, so it is certain that the lakeside of Tingyu Villa was the first scene of the murder.”

"What about the suspect?"

"Shen Feng, Sister Su, and Mu Yeku were all ruled out of suspicion because they provided each other with alibi. Now the police have shifted the direction of detection to the people who had grudges against the teacher before his death, but it is said that the investigation The volume is still quite large. It seems that it will take some time to make progress.”

"Oh, but..." I regretted it as soon as I sent this message.

"But what?"

"Forget it, nothing."

"No! There must be something, tell me quickly." This is Lin Yun's personality, breaking through the "pattern" of the sand to the end, so I regret typing the word 'but' just now.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just accidentally thought of another person who might be the murderer." I had no choice but to express my thoughts.


"Forget it, you don't want to know."

"Come on less, speak quickly, or I will go to you now."

"Yes, yes, let me say... that person is Wu who."

"Him? How is it possible? Hmph...I see."

"what do you know?"

"I know you hate him very much. Seeing that I am very close to him, you are jealous, right. That's why you framed him." This is actually the reason why I didn't want to tell her this idea at first. According to her personality, it must be so Guess.

"Hey, I knew you would say that, forget it, just pretend I didn't say it. Okay, I'm going to go to sleep, 88" I saw that the situation was not good, so I quickly found an opportunity to escape.

"No, you have to tell me clearly today, why do you doubt Wu, if you don't give me a basis, I will definitely not let you go!" Looking at the text in front of her, Lin Yun's savage and ferocious appearance seemed to be Right in front of my eyes, at this moment, I began to miss the sad and weak girl in Tingyu Mountain Villa that night.

"Okay..." It seems that I can't get away without making it clear today.Reluctantly, I took a bottle of green tea, took a sip, and then started typing on the screen, "Didn't the forensic doctor say that the deceased was killed around 6 o'clock, and that happened to be Wu who met?" When we arrived, I think he used some excuse to invite the deceased to meet somewhere in advance, then killed the deceased, and then drove to Tingyu Mountain Villa. At this time, he ran into us by accident, thinking that he could just use it We helped him create an alibi, so we got on board."

"Shen Feng has already said that the scene of the crime was by the lake of Tingyu Villa, but when Wu met us, he was on the road an hour away from Tingyu Villa. How did he kill the teacher? "Lin Yun interrupted my explanation.

"About this, I'm about to explain to you, please don't interrupt me."


"what happened?"

"Didn't you say you wouldn't let me interrupt you, so I'm silent." Seeing this sentence, I couldn't help laughing. It seemed that her mood was indeed much better than a week ago. I have been depressed for a long time about this murder case, and now it seems that I was worrying too much.

"What are you doing? Why don't you speak?" Lin Yun's urging interrupted my brief thoughts, and I hurriedly continued typing.

"I think who Wu actually killed the deceased on the road, put the body in the trunk of the car, and then drove to Tingyu Villa. At this time, he met us... After arriving at Tingyu Villa, the housekeeper Ning Bo came to greet us to enter the villa. Wu who made an excuse to stop the car and let us go in first. He took the corpse out of the car trunk at this time, threw it into the lake behind the villa, and hurried to the lounge Meet us." When I called here, I paused for a moment to see if Lin Yun interrupted me again. Fortunately, the other party didn't respond, so I continued to explain, "But Shen Feng once said that at 8 o'clock When the deceased was found, the body had been soaked in the lake for at least 2 hours, and it was only 1 hour since we arrived at Tingyu Villa (that is, when Wu who threw the body into the lake), so we ruled out the suspicion of several of us So I think Wu who should have used some kind of method that would not interfere with his journey and allow the corpse to be soaked in the lake."

"What method?" Sure enough, Lin Yun couldn't help interjecting again.

"It's actually very simple. He filled the trunk of the car with water so that he could soak the body in the water while driving. And, I think for safety's sake, the water in the trunk of the car is probably his I went to listen to the water drawn from the lake in Yushanzhuang in advance, so that the skin or body of the corpse would not be detected on the skin or body of the corpse.

"Oh..." Contrary to my expectation, Lin Yun's reaction was very flat after listening to all the answers.This shows that she has accepted my reasoning.

"Okay, I've finished explaining, now I can go." At this moment, I think she should calm down and accept this fact, so she asked to leave very wisely.

"En. 88" After saying this, she actually downloaded QQ faster than me.

It seems that tonight will be a sleepless night for both Lin Yun and me.What worries her is that the person she likes is actually the real murderer who killed her teacher; what worries me is that the fact that the person she likes is a murderer is exposed, and I don’t know what impact it will have on our future.

The wind is howling outside the window, the night sky is dark, without half a star, it seems that there will be a storm tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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