god of reasoning

Chapter 74 "The Lost Bride" [End]

Chapter 74 "The Lost Bride" ([-]) [End]
Following the girl around in the dark streets, she finally came to a building.The girl stopped and turned around.Seeing that I was still following behind, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, were he smiling?I am not sure.

Then the girl turned her head and walked straight into the dark corridor that looked like a huge mouth opened by a monster.I hesitated for a moment, but followed quickly.

All the way up to the top floor, the girl stopped, took out a key in front of a door, opened the door, and walked in.I followed suit.

The girl reached out and groped the wall a few times before turning on the light.With the dim light, I began to look around.This should be her boudoir, the room is not big.

There was nothing in the room except a bed, a dresser, a wardrobe, and a bookshelf.The walls are painted with light blue paint, and the empty space is like any other girl's room, with posters of celebrities.

The girl walked over and sat on the bed, saw me standing in the middle of the room at a loss, and said quickly: "Please sit down."

Apart from the bed, there was only a chair in front of the dressing table to sit on, so I pulled the chair and sat down.

"I didn't expect you to come with me..." the girl said lightly, her tone was different from the previous two, it was a very peaceful and normal tone, "Although I really hope you will come with me."

"Why do you want me to come here?" I looked confused.

"Because this is a test..."

"Test?" The confusion on my face increased a lot.

"The result of the test negated my previous assumption, but it is indeed the result I hoped for..." The girl's words became more and more incomprehensible.

"The more you listen, the more confused you become? How about this, let me ask, how do you answer? The first question: Are you a ghost or a human?"

"Hehe...you said that?" The girl couldn't help laughing when she heard this question, it was definitely from the heart, her bright smile was in stark contrast to her gloomy expression before, her smile was so sweet , so beautiful, I can't help being fascinated again.But I recovered quickly.

"You have been riding the subway until midnight every day this week. Are you waiting for your boyfriend? No, why don't you first ask if your boyfriend is the young man who died in a car accident that was written in the newspaper?" There were too many doubts in my heart. For a while, I didn't know which question to start to say hello to.

The girl looked at me in a hurry, and smiled knowingly again, the smile was still so sweet. "I know you have too many doubts in your heart. I caused all these. I'm really sorry..." When she said this, she stood up and bowed deeply to me.Then he walked to the window thoughtfully, looking at the silent starry sky outside, "Indeed, anyone who encounters such a thing will inevitably feel puzzled. I will tell you the story of this matter from beginning to end."

"The young man who died in a car accident was actually my sister's boyfriend, and the girl who was killed by you later was my sister..." She paused for a while.I noticed the sadness in her tone, and looked up at her face reflected in the glass of the window, with dots of fluorescent light shining on it.Soon she wiped the tears off her face with the back of her hand, and then said: "About my sister's death, I have always suspected that she did not commit suicide."

"Why do you have such doubts? Didn't you find your sister's suicide note at the scene?" Even so, his sister did die because of me, and I still feel a little guilty in my heart.

"Because I was on a business trip when the incident happened, the accident had already been dealt with when I came back. And there was no one else in my family except me and my sister, so I didn't see the scene of the accident with my own eyes. The suicide note was also issued by the police. The department handed it over to me afterwards. Therefore, I think that the suicide note may have been forged by you to shirk responsibility... Now it seems that I was wrong, sorry, I doubted you..."

"It doesn't matter, I would have assumed the same way." The sisters were also orphans like me. Thinking of this, I felt a bit of sadness in my heart.

"It was just my imagination at the time, but there was no evidence, so I changed into my sister's clothes and waited for you on the way from get off work, hoping to get your attention and feel happy for what you did for yourself. Surrender yourself with panic and guilt. But you saw me every day in the previous week, but you didn't have the slightest panic or surprise. What's more, you came over to strike up a conversation with me the day before yesterday, without any fear at all, as if you Haven't seen me." Like me, the girl obviously has her own doubts.

"Hehe, some things are so unbelievable. I suffered from amnesia because of the impact on my brain during the car accident, and I forgot what happened on the day of the car accident. So I saw you sitting quietly in the corner of the subway in the middle of the night. It's just strange, and I struck up a conversation with you out of curiosity..." Speaking of this, I scratched my head in embarrassment. In fact, part of the reason I struck up a conversation with her was because I had a good impression of her. Of course I don't like that. able to speak out.

"I said, why are you not afraid at all, even if the suicide note is not forged by you, you should at least be a little surprised and scared when you see me. Only this time you have some panic towards me, I think it should be You have recovered your memory. I asked you to come with me in the alley at that time. It was the last test for you. If it was your forged suicide note, you would never dare to follow. The result of the test is that you passed!" Said This time, the girl raised her head and showed her charming smile again.

"So why do you always show up on the same train I'm on? Why such a coincidence? And why did you choose to be there?" The question that plagued me was much easier now.

"That's because I got your work unit address from the Public Security Bureau, and I wait for you at your door after get off work every day. When I see you coming out, I take a taxi to the entrance of the previous subway station and take the subway to wait for you. As for choosing the subway: Because there are fewer people there, and you spend a lot of time with you, which makes it easy for you to notice me. But you are really a workaholic, and you make me wait from five o'clock to midnight every day after get off work, It's hard work. Hehe..." The girl's face has completely lost the gloom and sadness before, and it seems that she was originally an optimistic person.

"One last question—what did you say to those three drunks?" I finally asked a question I already knew the answer to because I wanted to see her big smile again.

"That's what I said—I'm a ghost!" We said the last three words almost at the same time, and this time the laughter echoed through the room for a long time.

I don't know when snowflakes floated outside the window...

[use up]
(End of this chapter)

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