god of reasoning

Chapter 84 "Pieces of Love" [End]

Chapter 84 "Pieces of Love" ([-]) [End]
Yuan Zhu repeatedly looked at the ticket and timetable in his hand.Gradually, the confusion in my mind was finally wiped away like fog on a glass window, revealing the scene inside:

In the middle of the night, an old mother came to her daughter's residence to visit her with concern for her daughter.But what greeted her was indeed a cold corpse.

We can imagine the distraught feeling in the heart of this old mother at that time.But she calmed down quickly, and immediately thought of reporting the crime.A few months ago, three single women were killed in a row in S city, but it has been more than three months since the first woman was killed, and the Public Security Bureau still has no clue, and the murderer is still at large.People are gradually forgetting about these incidents.Thinking of this, the grieving mother couldn't help but have concerns.If the murderer does not continue to commit crimes, people will gradually forget about this case in a few months and turn their attention to other things. At that time, the Public Security Bureau may gradually transfer its police force to other new incidents. If the case goes up, it is likely that this case will become an unsolved case over time.

If this is the case, then her daughter died in vain, and even the murderer will not be found in the end.The old mother was obviously not reconciled to this.How can the Public Security Bureau intensify its investigation to solve the case as soon as possible and avenge my daughter?She thought about this question for a long time, facing her daughter's cold body like this, the grieving mother cried bitterly while thinking.

It must cause a sensation in the society, so that public opinion can exert greater pressure on the Public Security Bureau and solve the case as soon as possible.It was the best the helpless mother could think of.So she made up her mind to take action.

"Daughter, don't blame mom, it's not that I want you to die without a whole body, but in order to find the murderer as soon as possible, I really have no choice."

Yuan Zhui seemed to hear the murmur of the old mother in his ear.

In this way, the mother picked up the kitchen knife and cut it again and again, crying and chopping. I don't know how long it took, and finally, with the support of an extreme love, she personally dismembered her daughter to pieces.

A week later, the police finally brought the serial murderer to justice.

The murderer was a laid-off worker who lived in a difficult life. His wife couldn't live with him and eloped with others.Under the double blow, his psychology began to be distorted, and he hated women extremely, so he began to take revenge.

In the four homicide cases, he followed a single woman returning home at night, broke into the house when she opened the door and took advantage of her unpreparedness, and killed her.

In this way, the serial murder case that made people in S City panic was finally solved.

The municipal government, the Public Security Bureau, and all walks of life are very happy.However, an overtone in this series of cases, that is, the truth about the dismemberment incident in the fourth murder, was deliberately concealed by the media.

As for the poor mother, she swallowed sleeping pills and committed suicide on the day she learned that the real culprit was arrested.Naturally, this event was also deliberately ignored by the media without any reports.

One morning a few days later.

A cemetery in the suburbs of S City.

A man and a woman stood in front of two newly erected tombstones.

Yuan Zhui gently put down the sacrificial flowers in his hand, and remained silent for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, but finally, Lin Yun spoke slowly:

"Love until broken is still love..."

[use up]
(End of this chapter)

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