Chapter 147

Chapter 15 Section 5 Greedy businessman?

In the vast world, there are endless temptations. Only when you know how to give up and learn to be content, can you be happy. ? ?

After the war, an exiled farmer returned home with a businessman who was doing business in other places.Passing through a small town, they found it was deserted, so the two of them started looking for belongings in the streets.They found a large pile of unburned wool, and they each divided half and carried it on their backs. ?
Later, they found some more cloth, and the farmer threw away the heavy wool on his body, and chose some better cloth that he could carry.But the greedy merchant picked up all the wool and leftover cloth left by the farmer, and the heavy burden made him panting and walking slowly. ?
After walking not far, they found some silver wares again. The farmer threw away the cloth and picked up some better silver wares. device. ?
While the two were walking, there was a sudden heavy rain. The wool and cloth on the merchant's body were soaked by the rain and added a lot of weight.But the farmer went home in the cool rain with ease.He sold his silverware and became rich. ?
Mind walk?

"Greed is not enough to swallow an elephant", if a person falls into the quagmire of greed, he will lose the ability to control himself, because greed can grow, so greed must be restrained.When greed arises, you can use the adages to reflect on yourself and restrain yourself, cultivate your moral character in peacetime, learn to be content with yourself, and know how to let go of things outside of you. ?
Why didn't Edison invent the hearing aid?
(End of this chapter)

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