Miss Yan's sticky boyfriend

Chapter 27 Seat Belt Couples

Chapter 27 Seat Belt Couples

Early the next morning.

Yan Yu's Weibo post last night has already been trending, and the popularity remains high.

It's just that Yan Yu's temples twitched when she saw this hot search entry.

[Seat belt couples, let's go! ] After learning about it, Yan Yan finally realized that it was her and Gu Jing's CP, and now there are quite a lot of CP fans. .

The popularity surpassed the Yunyu CP she knew.

After reading the comments below, they are all thoughtful.

[Yubao is busy taking care of Mr. Gu, so how can I have time to reply to some people's concerns on Weibo? Seeing the trending searches yesterday made my heart ache for my little treasure. 】

[Compared to replying unnecessary Weibo, it is most important to know how to repay and take care of benefactors.I support Yubao! 】

【Yesterday, those trash who said that Yun Duo had no brains and fans of the wrong people came out and got beaten! 】

[The one above is right.Certain people are not heavenly kings and fathers, and what they say is not an imperial decree. Whoever said it should reply as soon as possible!Wanting to catch the heat and save face at the same time, it's really a toad eating swan meat, wishful thinking. 】

[Is it only my focus that is different from yours?Mr. Gu and Yan Bao are really nice!This time I seem to have a new CP to knock, hee hee. 】

[Did you find out, last night Mr. Gu gave a thumbs up to the reply that promised you with your body! 】

[Stop talking nonsense, I'm a couple with seat belts.Look at Mr. Gu's likes, don't you guys really miss something?Anyway, I don't believe it's hand slipping. 】

[Go up and help Mr. Gu's dream come true~ Seat belt couple. 】

【Yunyu CP is still there...】

[What's the nonsense upstairs, did Yu Bao admit it?I started guessing.Little fairy Yan Yan is beautiful alone. 】

After reading the comments, Yan Yan felt complicated for a while.

But the purpose of replying to yesterday's Weibo and rectifying Yun Duo's name has been achieved.

Don't bother with Gu Jing.

After stepping out of the elevator and entering the ward, Gu Jing was still bowing her head to deal with official business.

Yan Yan didn't make a sound, and silently took off her mask and sunglasses.

Smelling the familiar fragrance, Gu Jing raised her head to meet Yan Yan who had just entered the door, a smile flashed in her eyes.

"It's so early today?" Gu Jing put down her notebook, sat on the hospital bed and looked at Yan Yu.

Lifting the fruit basket to the side, Yan Yan took a breath: "Well, I have to fly to Paris later."

Gu Jing was silent for a moment, "How long do you have to go?"

Yan Yu didn't feel disgusted by his cross-examination: "Three or four days."

"Oh." Gu Jing's joy just now faded a bit.

"Yu Bao, I want to eat peaches."

"Okay." Yan Yan picked up the knife and started peeling the peaches in the fruit basket.

The movements are not very smooth, and it can be seen that he seldom peels fruits like this for others to eat.

Gu Jing realized this, and the loss just now was diluted.

"Forget it, I'll come."

Gu Jing was afraid that she would hurt her hand.

"Oh." Yan Yu also knew that she was not very good at it, so she handed over the job to him with peace of mind.

It was quiet in the ward, but the two of them didn't feel any embarrassment.

Gu Jing's hands are well-articulated, slender and delicate, but at this time, they don't seem to be peeling fruit, but they seem to be giving Yan Yan a chance to appreciate them.

"What are you thinking?" Gu Jing's hand stopped.

"At..." After only one word, his mouth was blocked by a piece of peach.

Yan Yu was not annoyed either, after all her favorite fruit is peaches.

After swallowing, he continued, his eyes still following the man's beautiful hands: "I was thinking, your hands are pretty."

The man let out a chuckle from his chest, looking at Yan Yu's obsessed eyes, he felt that he had one more advantage.

"You can also keep it for yourself." Gu Jing's hand waved in front of her eyes, with teasing in her eyes.

Of course Yan Yan understood what he meant.

It's really beautiful to think about abducting yourself with just one hand.

"No, just look at it and enjoy it. I'm not a hand controler."

Gu Jing said "hmm" with some regret.

Then he opened Weibo again and quickly edited the message.

"Bao Bao, come here." Patting the empty seat next to her, motioned Yan Yan to sit on the bed.

"What are you doing?" Yan Yu sat over and saw what he edited.

"Oh, you can send it. I will respond to you later."

Gu Jing released the official announcement, with a few advertising photos taken by Yan Yu yesterday.

【Some of us get dipped
in fait, some in satin, some in gloss, but evry once in a while, you find someone who's indecent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare. Gu's new product spokesperson @盛世中央. Yan Yan, welcome! 】

Because Gu's products also involve many overseas users, Gu Jing's previous post was in English.

Seeing him posting it, Yan Yan replied in front of Gu Jing: 【Happy cooperation. 】

As soon as it was posted, people who were still bouncing around on Yan Yan's Weibo came to watch again.

[If I know that one day I need to use English to read an official announcement, I will learn English well if I am killed. 】

[Is there a big guy for translation? I don’t understand this. 】

[Wait for the translation, let me appreciate Yan Bao's beauty crit first. 】

【Translation: Some people are rich in gold and jade, while others are in ruins.One day you will meet someone who is as gorgeous as a rainbow, and then, you will think that everyone else is just a cloud. 】

[The upstairs is awesome. 】

[Why do I feel like Mr. Gu is talking about love. 】

[It's a real hammer.An endorsement doesn't need the president to make an official announcement.Mr. Gu must have plotted against our family concubine. 】

【I just came over from there, so I stopped guessing and just waited for the official announcement. 】

[Congratulations to Yubao, happy to mention endorsement, so beautiful!The bag is also pretty!I will plant grass immediately! 】

Yan Yu didn't care about the comments of netizens, she looked at the time, and it was time to leave.

"Okay, it's time for me to go, you have a good rest." Yan Yan put away her phone and put on a mask.

"Wait a minute, baby."

There was a numbness in the hand, accompanied by a coolness.

Yan Yu glanced at it, but didn't respond, "What?"

Gu Jing pointed to Yan Yu's face, looking quite serious: "There is something on her face."

"This way."

Yan Yan wiped her face in the direction he pointed, but there was nothing.

"No, a little further to the right."


"No, a little to the left."


Yan Yu was in a hurry, and just about to take out the mirror, she was cut off by Gu Jing.

A domineering force pushed her into the man's arms.

In a panic, she remembered - she was wearing a mask. .

Before Yan Yan could resist, her waist and limbs were imprisoned by a pair of big hands, and a warm breath came from her ears: "My treasure, that's it, just 30 seconds."

Time seems to be pressed the pause button, and the picture freezes.

In the morning light, the two on the bed hug each other.

It was Gu Jing who broke the deadlock, turned to look at her, and spoke softly, as if he wasn't the one who held her in her arms just now: "Come back and see me soon, Yubao. I will... miss you."

Yan Yu vaguely felt that Gu Jing stuffed a small thing into her arms, saying it was for her.

When they got to the airport, Yan Yu didn't even open it to see what was in the small box.

Just about to turn off the phone and board the plane, the phone rang.

 The English paragraph in the article comes from the Internet and is not original
(End of this chapter)

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