Miss Yan's sticky boyfriend

Chapter 32 Confession

Chapter 32 Confession
Yan Yu still stood at the door and looked up at him, the man's words exploded in her ears, and her heart also boiled.

The scene in front of me is almost exactly the same as four years ago.

The same was true for that person, who came all the way, with a gentle tone, looked at her with eyes full of light, and said to her, "Happy birthday."

Gu Jing didn't urge her, and let her look at him patiently.

The back of the person in Yan Yu's mind overlapped with the person in front of her like a slide show, and her gaze was fixed on the man's eyes.

I didn't realize before that his eyes were so similar to that person's.

The tails of the eyes are slightly raised, long and narrow.

But one is as cold as ice, even though the man in front of her hides her oppressive aura very well, she can still feel the prestige from the man from the inside out.

And the other is scorching hot.

Yan Yan's gaze gradually moved down.

Not only the eyes, but she also found that the nose, mouth, and even the contours of the faces are so similar.

"Come in." Yan Yan forced to suppress the emotion in her eyes, and turned her head away from him.

The door is closed.


"Hello, Mr. Luo Yu." The waitress spoke French and made a welcome gesture to welcome Luo Yu into the store.

"Hello, I'm here to pick up the necklace I ordered last time."

"Okay." The waiter took out the exquisitely packaged gift box, looked at Luo Yu's undisguised joy, and couldn't help but say a few more words:
"This necklace symbolizes the secret lover and eternal love, I wish you a smooth confession!"

"Thank you."

Luo Fei watched him walk over, forced a smile on her face, tried her best to look the same as usual, and made a cheering gesture to him: "I wish you a successful confession later!"

"Hmm! Thank you."

Luo Yu didn't notice Luo Fei's dim eyes at all.


"Yu Bao," Gu Jing looked at her back and noticed that she was a little depressed.

"Huh?" Yan Yu looked back at him and stood where she was.

Only then did he realize that he was holding a bouquet of delicate roses in his hand.

There is also a suitcase at the foot.

He came up to her.

The shiny leather shoes made a slight sound on the floor, but it was like a drum beating, hitting Yan Yu's heart step by step.

One step, two steps...

He stood still in front of her.

His deep black eyes looked at her steadily.

Gu Jing suppressed her smile, her face was serious, and her brows were full of seriousness.

"Miss Yan Yan,"

"I like you."

"Okay, can you be my girlfriend?"

The rose in his hand was passed to her chest by him.

Even if he wears an expensive custom-made suit, even if he is a big boss in the shopping mall, even if he is the proud son of everyone since he was a child,
However, he never learned how to like someone.

Yan Yu is the only one, and also the last one in his life.

He wants to get to her.

He wants to change his heart for his heart.

The man in front of him clumsily held the rose, clumsily spoke a simple and direct confession, and clumsily endured her silence.

There is no romantic candlelight, no ambient music, only a simple bouquet of roses and a heart.

The room was unbelievably quiet.

Gu Jing didn't even dare to breathe more.

He immediately regretted that his words were too straightforward, should he be more tactful.

"Miss Yan, I..."

He moved the rose in his hand forward again, "I, no, today is Qixi Festival."

"Why don't you help me realize this wish?" He tried to ease the unresponsive and formal confession in a joking tone.

As everyone knows, how strange it is for him to look like this when he is usually aloof.

It's like a person who can't make jokes insists on telling bad jokes.

no respond.

The room was eerily quiet.

The last trace of forced smile in Gu Jing's eyes disappeared.

Yan Yan watched him slowly retract the hand holding the rose.

Subconsciously, she didn't want to see his sad expression.

Can't tell why.

Countless times, countless nights, she would think of the scene where that person confessed to herself.

Like a ghost, she stretched out her hand.

There was a soft touch on the wrist.

Gu Jing followed that hand, and moved her gaze to the woman's face.

Then he heard her say:
"Okay, I promise you."

"Boy friend."

(End of this chapter)

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