Chapter 34 Baby
Yan Yan obeyed her body and slowly opened the box.

She has always been irresistible to beautiful things.

The things inside the box refract colorful light under the light.

Yan Yan gasped after seeing the whole picture.

"Do you like it?" Gu Jing leaned over and smiled to see her eyes staring like copper bells.

Looking at the dazzling haute couture, Yan Yan nodded her head, her eyes were full of light: "I like it so much, baby!"

She is usually with Gao Wen, baby comes and goes, and when she is happy, she forgets that it is not Gao Wen but Gu Jing who is with her.

Yan Yu raised her hand and patted Gu Jing's shoulder, looking excitedly at C's haute couture filled with gift boxes.

Gu Jing looked down at the hands on her shoulders, the corners of her lips curled up.

After working for so long, it's worth it to change the baby, this is the most profitable business he has ever done.

"Gu Jing, how did you get all these couture pieces?" Yan Yan wished to wear all the jewelry in the gift box on her body, how beautiful it was!
C's high-end products have always been very popular, even a rich young lady like Yan Yan can't buy a whole set, because their production is too high and cold, and there is no chance to grab the few sets.

"No need to grab it," Gu Jing turned her gaze back to herself, and Yan Yan looked at him puzzled, "C's is a niche brand under Gu's, if you want, you can call me anytime, I will Have someone bring it to you."

! ! ! !
Yan Yan's eyes widened even more, almost turning into Doraemon.

Suddenly found that the male ticket is even better.

"Cough..." Yan Yu regained her composure, at least she was a young lady who had seen the world.

I just didn't expect Gu's involvement to be so extensive.

"Thank you, I like this gift very much." Sweeping the small gift box on the dressing table, Yan Yan stood up and took it, "Gu Jing, the one you gave me is not from your family, right?"

"Well, open it and have a look. If you don't like it, I will order it for you next time." Gu Jing didn't care much about the price of hundreds of thousands of earrings, he only cared about whether his girlfriend liked it or not.

Yan Yan opened the gift box, and sure enough, it was the C family's haute couture.

It was the pair she didn't grab last time.

"My wife likes it!!" Yan Yan was so excited that she almost turned around in circles.

It's like buying 99 blind boxes and finally winning the last one.

Gu Jing breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that Qi Chumo is still useful.

After she was happy and calmed down, Yan Yu suddenly realized that she had prepared nothing for Gu Jing.

She doesn't like to default on others, not to mention that all these things add up to tens of millions tonight.

Yan Yu put down the things in her hands and saw Gu Jing's hair that was not completely dry.

Just now I was so happy to patronize myself unpacking the box, I almost forgot that Gu Jing was still a patient.

"Gu Jing,"

"Huh?" Gu Jing waited for her next words.

Yan Yu took out the hair dryer, "Go and sit over there."

She plugged in the socket and tested the temperature, "Is this temperature okay?"

The fragrance of a woman lingers on the tip of his nose, and the distance between him and her is close at hand.

He didn't expect to have such benefits tonight.

It seems that more gifts can be sent in the future.


The hair dryer was quiet, but it stood out in a quiet room.

Yan Yan casually dried Gu Jing's hair like she usually blows her own hair, and after a while, her handsome hairstyle became messy.

Yan Yu looked at her unspeakable results, and thought to herself that luckily her boyfriend has a face full of anger, otherwise she would definitely say goodbye to her boyfriend now.

"Gu Jing, Gu Jing?" The person sitting on the sofa did not respond.

Yan Yan was about to bend down to look at him.

There was a sudden heaviness at the waist—the hairy head that had been blown by myself leaned over.

Yan Yu was half kneeling by the sofa, only half of the man's face could be seen.

The usually cold eyes have been closed, the crow-feather-like eyelashes cast a shadow under the light, and the faint cyan under the eyelids looks a bit abrupt on the handsome face.

Yan Yu didn't dare to move anymore.

It turned out that when Yan was the busiest, she would often see her father, who had been busy all day, falling asleep as soon as he sat down in the living room.

What's more, the scale of Gu's is now many times larger than that of Yan's, and now Gu Jing is taking care of it alone. It would be nice to have time to rest, not to mention flying from China with jet lag.

The man's steady breathing sounded in his ears.

Yan Yan half-kneeled on the sofa with one leg, and stood on the ground with the other leg to support the weight of herself and Gu Jing leaning over. Even though she usually practiced dancing, her waist was still sore immediately.

Slowly moving his waist away, the man's body tilted for an instant, and Yan Yan immediately supported Gu Jing's head with his hands to stabilize his body.

Yan Yan can't let him sleep on the sofa tonight, it's raining lightly tonight, and the temperature is still a bit low.

"Gu Jing?" Yan Yan half-bent down and patted Gu Jing's face lightly.

no response.

Yan Yan endured the guilt in her heart, and forcibly shook Gu Jing awake.

His eyes were sleepy, and his black eyes focused on the person in front of him: "Huh?"

"Hey, go to bed and sleep."

Yan Yu moved away the hand that was supporting his face, and just about to straighten up, a force on her waist threw herself into the warm chest.

The small waist was imprisoned by the strong arms, and the man's hoarse voice came from above his head when he just woke up, domineering and gentle: "Well, good night, baby."

Yan Yan looked at the closed door, the temperature around her waist seemed to be still warm, and she had an intriguing expression on her small face: "Tsk, it feels pretty good."


The weather in Paris today is not bad. The sun rose early in the morning, and the golden light sprinkled the riverside.

A couple walked in and sat down at a table behind Yan Yan and the others.

"Baby, where are we going to play today?" The girl coquettishly took a sip of milk, and looked at her boyfriend opposite with love.

The boy wiped the corners of her lips, and said in a gentle tone, "Baby, let's go..."

Yan Yu was sitting with her back facing them, but she could tell that they were young couples in love, and she had seen them too often.

She didn't pay much attention to it, took a sip of the milk on hand, and met Gu Jing's eyes when she looked at her.

The couple called "baby" in their ears, and Yan Yu was not used to Gu Jing looking at her like this.

"Mr. Gu," she tapped on the table, "Hurry up and have breakfast." Don't look at me again.

Unexpectedly, the man still looked at him, his thin lips parted slightly, and slightly raised: "Yu Bao, what did you call me?"

Yan Yu didn't understand why he asked this, but she answered honestly: "Gu Jing?"

The man just smiled and said nothing.

Yan Yu thought about it for a while, "Mr. Gu?"

Gu Jing shook her head, "Can't you change it?"

"In exchange for..." The address of the couple next to her ear came to her ears, and the rest of the words came to an abrupt end with the bread stuck in her throat.

Yan Yan understood everything when she looked at Gu Jing with half a smile but not a smile.

The man laughed lightly, his eyes filled with brilliance: "Baby, I want to hear you call."

(End of this chapter)

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