Miss Yan's sticky boyfriend

Chapter 42 Baby, I haven't found out that you have the potential to be a humanoid pendant

Chapter 42 Baby, I haven't found out that you have the potential to be a humanoid pendant ([-])

Yan Yan was slightly stunned, but before she could react, a familiar touch came from her slender waist, and the icy temperature flowed through her body like an electric current, causing a shiver.

She looked at the handsome hands of the man on her waist, and remembered what she had just said.

Gu Jing doesn't feel safe with herself?

"Let's go, baby." Gu Jing walked forward with her arms around her waist.

Yan Yu didn't think too much, and walked around the supermarket slowly, enjoying the few leisure time.

People came and went in the supermarket, and soon Yan Yan and Gu Jing were squeezed together.Even though both of them wore masks, their exposed faces still attracted a lot of eyes.

When Gu Jing led her to a slightly spacious place, Yan Yan finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Feeling the touch on her waist, she couldn't help curling her waist.However, the movement of the man beside him was unrestrained, and his face was calm.Just like the owner of the hand on his waist that took advantage of him is not him.

Standing on tiptoe, Yan Yu was facing him. She stretched out her arms and hooked them around the man's neck. The distance between them instantly closed.

"Baby, why didn't I realize that you are an old-sex-patch before." Yan Yu leaned on his shoulder, her soft lips brushed against his ears.There is quite a bit of gnashing of teeth in it.

Feeling the softness of the red lips, Gu Jing's body froze, and then seeing Yan Yan's furry little expression, a hint of teasing flashed in her eyes.

With a hook of the long arm, the man was held in his arms.

Yan Yan didn't expect him to do this again, and her head was caught off guard against his stiff chest.

He laughed softly from above, and his chest was shaken, "Really? Then the baby has put this hat on me, so I can't sit like the baby?"

Yan Yan, who was pinched again: "...Gu Jing," she looked up at him, "You have changed."

Suddenly, she changed from a stuffy gourd to a seductive little fairy.

If you ignore the pink ear tips.

"Then do you like it?" Gu Jing looked at her with dark eyes, showing the fierceness and majesty of having been in the mall all year round, even if it was just a look, it was oppressive, making people dare not look directly at her.

But Yan Yu was not afraid, she directly met his narrow and deep eyes, and said with a smile: "I like it! I would like it even more if you took your trotters away."

After finishing speaking, I did not forget to pretend to struggle a few times.

Gu Jing quietly looked at her smiling face, her eyes were filled with irresistible pampering, and when she pinched her hand lightly, the person in her arms moaned and chirped.

"Liar liar."

"Clothes or me, choose one." Yan Yan heard Gu Jing whispering in her ear, her voice was as mellow as a cello, and her calves were limp.

Looking at the pure black high-end suit jacket between the man's arms, it seemed that he was going to put this formal dress on his waist in the next second.

How hot that is!

What's more, didn't I just wear a cropped short sleeve? As for being so jealous, it seemed like I had no clothes on!

The muffled voice of his girlfriend came from her arms. Gu Jing patted her head in satisfaction, and walked slowly, pushing the shopping cart with one hand and leading her forward with the other, as gentle and patient as coaxing a child: "Be good, baby, wait a minute." We'll go buy milk tea in a while."

Yan Yan leaned against him sullenly, hammering his hard muscles, but Gu Jing was not annoyed, instead she smiled a little more.

Forget it, for the sake of milk tea, let's make do with him once, just once.Anyway, his hand has an air-conditioning effect, so he won't feel too hot, so let him take advantage of it for a while.Yan Yan thought.


"Qi Chumo, let me tell you what's the matter with you! Why are you still rushing forward! What a pig teammate!..." Gao Wen looked at the page where she was eliminated, her face was flushed with anger, and she said cracklingly. Follow the idiot at the other end of the game to criticize and teach.

"Speaking, why are you silent? Didn't someone say that he is very powerful, and he also said that he would take me to eat chicken, but he was shot in seconds as soon as he got off the plane!"

Gao Wen looked at the quiet page and couldn't get angry.

He shouldn't have believed Qi Chumo's idiot in the first place.

Terrible technique!
"Phew~ this little ancestor finally finished cursing." Qi Chumo lay on the bed without a formality, put on his earphones, and breathed a sigh of relief.

At that time, my brain must have been pumped to see this woman volunteered to rush forward when she posted on Moments to find teammates.

Thinking of being wronged by her before, this time he can still abuse her in the game.

No idea, the clown is actually me...

Qi Chumo wanted to scream up to the sky—why did he provoke this ancestor!
"Ancestor, calm down..." Qi Chumo was really afraid of her ability to scold others without repeating the same words, the hot-tempered young master humbly coaxed the gradually irritable woman over there.

"I won't play with you anymore, goodbye!" Gao Wen quit the game and continued to share her anger with others.

Qi Chumo: ...Okay, dear.

Find the phone number of your good sister and dial it.

After waiting for a long time, Yan Yu didn't answer.


"Baby, wake up." When Gu Jing got out of the car, she saw Yan Yan who fell asleep at some point on the way, and she called softly with a helpless face.

But Yan was like a little lazy pig, sleeping soundly.

"Baby," Gu Jing put her arms around her waist, watching the signs of waking up gradually appearing on her face, her black eyes gleamed playfully, "If you don't wake up, I'm going to play a hooligan on you."

Yan Yan vaguely heard the man say something like this, and being disturbed in her dream, she squinted her eyes and stared at Gu Jing very unhappy, her small face was full of resentment.

Then he closed his eyes again as if confirming his safety.

Gu Jing had never coaxed someone to get up so patiently before, she couldn't help laughing when she saw her like this, she was quite cute.

"Hey, wake up, didn't you just say you were hungry on the way? Let's go home and eat before going to sleep."

Maybe because the temptation to go home and sleep was too great, Yan Yan was finally willing to open her eyes.

Gu Jing smiled and rubbed her dazed little face just after waking up, stretched half of her body into the co-pilot, and unbuckled her seat belt, "Let's go, baby."

The woman's fragrance penetrated into the tip of the nose in an instant, and there was a soft touch from the neck, and even that piece of skin became hot.

"Gu Jing, hug."

Yan Yu's intimate and natural movements are full of trust. Realizing this, Gu Jing's mood improved a few degrees in an instant.

"Little lazy pig, I don't even want to go on the road!" He patted the beauty's buttocks lightly, although his appearance was reproachful, but there was an undeniable tenderness and pampering in his words.

Yan Yu's small face on his shoulder rubbed against his neck, and her arms around him tightened a little, as if expressing her dissatisfaction.

Like holding a child, Gu Jing supported Yan Yu's butt with one hand, let her restless legs wrap around her waist, took out the ingredients from the trunk, exited the parking lot, entered the elevator, and went upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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