Chapter 51 Dinner
"Hey, let's go play in the living room." Gu Jing rubbed Yan Yu's head rubbing against her body with one hand, and held the spatula in the other hand, watching the situation of the steak in the pot. .

"I'll just take a look and don't make trouble." Yan Yu wrapped her arms around his strong waist and clung to him.

Normally, Gu Jing would definitely enjoy her sticking to him, but now, he can't guarantee whether he can concentrate on the dinner in the pot.

In the end, Gu Jing didn't look at the regretful expression on the little girlfriend's face, and kicked her out.

Yan Yan collapsed on the sofa, looked at the calm figure of the man on the kitchen door, pursed her mouth.

It would be even better if I could see the handsome man cooking.

It's a pity that her baby cut off her idea on the grounds that she was afraid of the oily smoke choking her.

Gu Jing's villa has a minimalist style, and the main color is high-grade gray, which brings a feeling of loneliness and coldness.Inexplicably like his character.

He is vigorous and resolute, indifferent to other things, and there seems to be nothing else in life except work.

Gu Jing lived alone.

But everything is neatly arranged, without any breath of life.Not as messy as her own little apartment.

Yan Yu looked here and there, and found no trace of a woman, which made her very satisfied.

She turned on the TV that Gu Jing had barely touched since she moved in, switching channels in a bored way.

There are thousands of lights outside, and Huaye is just coming up.The host's laughter came from the TV from time to time, and the tall figure of the man in the kitchen.

It made Yan Yan feel that this place has a bit of home, and it has become warmer.

A rare steal in busy time.

"Dinner's ready, baby."

Gu Jing's magnetic voice pulled Yan Yan back from her thoughts.

Gu Jing arranged the last dish, put away the tableware, pulled out the chair for Yan Yu, and then sat down.

"Thank you dear~"

"Want some?" Gu Jing shook the red wine in his hand.

There was only a faint light in the restaurant, which made the atmosphere ambiguous in an instant.

Red wine is also good with her baby's steak. "uh-huh."

The two of them ate quietly at the dining table, chatting a few words from time to time, full of warmth.

After dinner, Gu Jing dragged Yan Yu to the living room, but Yan Yu didn't ask to go home immediately, she leaned on his shoulder, enjoying this moment of security.

The two chatted leisurely on the sofa, and laughter came from the TV from time to time.

Gu Jing moved slightly, and Yan Yan saw an extra black gold card between his two fingers.

"Hold it." He stuffed the card into her hand, "The password is your birthday."

Yan Yu recognized this card, and there are only ten cards in the world, no limit.

Not even Laoyan.

She stretched out her hand to push him away, and then leaned on him again. She didn't know why she drank from time to time, as if she had no bones, her eyes were lazy: "I don't want it, Miss Ben is rich."

Gu Jing chuckled lightly and didn't say much.

Just when Yan Yan thought he had given up, he stretched out his long arms again, snatched away her bag, and wanted to open his own.

"Whether to give or not is my business. As for whether to use it or not, it is your business."

Looking at the bag that was about to be opened, Yan Yu's heart tightened.

Instinctively, her body threw herself into his arms in a panic and snatched him over.

There is something very important in the bag——

(End of this chapter)

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