Chapter 53
Xia Rou was brought into the room by Mr. Ma. She was alone and widowed, so it was self-evident what would happen.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Ma," Xia Rou covered the tattoo on her waist, avoiding his touch, with a flattering smile on her face, "Let's start directly..."


"Where are you going tomorrow?" Gu Jing breathed a little more steadily, put her arms around the person in her arms, and asked.

"It's in Nancheng, rehearsing with another partner." Yan Yu said weakly, her legs softened.

"Then I'll pick you up at the end of tomorrow."


Gu Jing kissed the corners of her charming eyes, looked towards the door, "Go in, go to bed early."

"Wait a minute," Yan Yu took his hand, put it on the fingerprint lock, and entered the fingerprints.

"All right."

Gu Jing felt the lingering warmth of her fingertips, and an unruly smile appeared on Jun's face: "Aren't you afraid that I will suddenly attack you in the middle of the night?"

Yan Yu tilted her head and winked at him, "Come here if you have the ability, who is afraid of whom?"


He chuckled softly, as if it came from his chest, and touched Yan Yu's ear: "I will not act until you are asleep."


As soon as Gu Jing returned home, news of special concern on Weibo came in - Yan Yan posted on Weibo.

A selfie.

Lazily lying on the sofa, with long hair scattered, holding a bouquet of beautiful bellflowers, smiling happily, her delicate little face is still flushed.

Gu Jing stared at the red lips of the person in the photo, her eyes became unfathomable.


Still want to kiss.Fragrant and soft.

[sleep earlier. ]
Gu Jing no longer used her trumpet as before, and the officially certified tuba was commented on Yan Yan's Weibo like this.

As soon as it was released, the WeChat note with "Baby" sent a message: [Okay, dear ~ good night. ]


Lin Jiaojiao tore off the mask on her face, and excitedly picked up the phone.The manager next to her was already used to her surprises.

"Fuck! Who is this person? He dares to grab the sofa with me!"

Looking at the first comment, Lin Jiaojiao's curiosity was aroused, and he glanced at the name.

He took a deep breath: "This, this won't be the Mr. Gu I imagined, right?"

But the manager nodded.

Well, she can't afford to offend other chaebols.

As expected of her goddess, she still has contact with Mr. Gu.

She thought their contact would be cut off after the commercial was finished.

Lin Jiaojiao, who was obsessed with Yan Yu's beauty, didn't notice the manager's dark eyes.

Years of experience in the entertainment industry told her that the relationship between Yan Yu and Gu Jing is not simple.


"Okay, I see." Yan Yan hung up the phone and arrived at the rehearsal place.

It's only seven o'clock in the morning, and the set is not full.

After saying hello to the staff, Yan Yan found a place to sit down and sent a message to Gao Wen while waiting for her partner Lu Cheng.

[Brother Qin visited the class instead of me today and has already set off.There are instant noodles, self-heating rice, and hot pot in the suitcase for you. Take it easy, don't be discovered by your manager. ]
There was no way, Gao Wen couldn't control her mouth, and Yan Yu spoiled her again, so the two had no choice but to steal their mouths from their manager in private.

(End of this chapter)

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