Miss Yan's sticky boyfriend

Chapter 57: Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Chapter 57
"Okay, let's send it here." Yan Yan looked at the time and said to Gu Jing that it was already late at night.

Just after unfastening the seat belt, a body full of cold breath pressed up.


"Huh?" Yan Yan looked at him against the light in the car without knowing why.Under the thick eyelashes are deep eyes, from which she can clearly see herself.

Gu Jing buried herself in her shoulder, and rubbed against her with attachment, her neat black hair made Yan Yan itchy.

"Let me hug you for a while longer, I don't want to."

Yan Yan looked at the obedient appearance of the man in the shopping mall, and inexplicably thought of a very clingy cat at a friend's house.But seeing Gu Jing not wearing a tie, unbuttoning two buttons and revealing her honey-colored collarbone and chest, pure and lustful, Yan Yu wanted to throw him down.

She reached out to put on the man's strong waist, acquiescing to his proposal.With his head resting on his shoulders, his hands wandered restlessly around his waist, constantly mopping, but Gu Jing let her touch her randomly, and seemed to enjoy it.

"Honey, do you have time in a few days?" Yan Yan sniffed the nice cold fragrance on his body, thinking that she would also buy a bottle of the same shower gel.

"Yes." Gu Jing became restless.Warm thin lips kissed her small, white and tender earlobes.

As long as it was about Yan Yan, he had time.

Sensitive parts continued to be stimulated, and Yan Yan grabbed Gu Jing's shirt corner, "Well...then let's go to the movies after I'm done working these days."

Yan Yu felt Gu Jing's body stiffen, and then looked at her black eyes filled with joy: "Okay!"

This is the first time that Yu Yu took the initiative to ask him out.

Yan Yu hooked her lips, raised his handsome chin, looked at him with amorous eyes, and said with a perfect sexy voice: "Why are you so happy, huh?"

"You were a little flattered when you asked me out for the first time."

Yan Yu laughed when she heard it, and felt guilty at the same time.In this relationship, it seems that Gu Jing has always been actively fighting for it.

She pecked lightly on his thin and cool lips, and said with a smile: "There will be many more times in the future, so don't do this."

Gu Jing couldn't stand her provocative teasing, so she hooked her when she was about to leave, turned her back on the guest, and took Yan Yan to review the basic breath-holding skills she practiced today before letting her go.

After it was over, Yan Yan blushed and panted, and hurriedly loosened her tie to accuse the gluttonous man: "Gu Jing, have you had other women before!"

Otherwise, how could her kissing skills be so good!Made her look like an innocent little white.

Although in fact she is...

"No." He patted her head in a smooth manner, "Little stupid pig, you can't breathe by yourself and you still blame me?"

Seeing the playful smile on the man's face, Yan Yu slapped his hand away, got out of the car, and glared at him angrily.

But in Gu Jing's eyes, it was more like coquettishness, without the slightest threat.

Before taking two breaths of fresh air, the clingy Mr. Gu embraced her from behind again, spraying warm and ambiguous breath behind her ears: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I was wrong."

Gu Jing has never been so patient with others before, but he just loves the way she acts coquettishly and loses her temper at him.

In fact, Yan Yu was not that hypocritical, she managed to keep her feet steady, and her 1.7-meter-six figure looked very petite in her arms of nearly 1.9 meters: "Then who is a stupid pig?"

"I, I am, okay." Gu Jing had already seen the corners of her slightly raised lips, and did not expose her, and admitted her mistake in a good voice.

If Gu Jing's subordinates saw this scene, they might think they saw a ghost!
When had they seen the son of Tianjiao coaxing others so humbly?
Gu Jing considered that Yan Yu would have to get up early for rehearsal tomorrow, bit her reluctantly before letting go, and drove away after watching the lights on her floor turn on.

Here, Yan Yu came home and found a courier box at the door.

The recipient is her, but the sender is nowhere to be found.

A bad thought came to my mind, and even the warmth that remained when I was with Gu Jing just now disappeared.

Past experience told her that there would never be good things in this box.

Yan Yan looked around, and then calmly picked up the box and entered the door.

The security of this community is very high, and ordinary paparazzi and idlers can't get in at all.Therefore, there is no trace of the origin of this express shipment.

"Ding——" the message sounded in the quiet space.Yan Yu clearly felt that the string in her heart was stretched.

Two messages were displayed on the lit phone screen.

One is Gu Jing's WeChat, and the other is a private message from Weibo.

Yan Yan opened WeChat, Gu Jing's profile picture was a little pig, and his name was "Gu Jing".

[Baby, I'm home.Good night. ]
For some reason, Yan Yu's heart suddenly settled down.The violent anxiety factor in the body also gradually dissipated.

She replied to Gu Jing's message, and then clicked on Weibo to check the private message.

[Bitch, have you received the gift?This is what I have carefully prepared for you! ]

Yan Yu remembers this account.

Because she saw it this morning, and the profile picture was a stage photo of her.It's just that it was turned into a posthumous photo by P.

Undoubtedly black fans.

Yan Yan put down her phone and opened the box.

A foul smell came out of his nostrils.It was a stinky mouse that had been dead for a long time and its body had rotted, revealing some bones.

Yan Yan endured the nausea and removed the mouse on her face, and saw the postcard at the bottom of the box.

"Bitch, are you happy to receive my gift?" The letter was scrawled and excited, with abnormal extremes and madness: "You are shining on stage, oh no, you are flirting everywhere It looks really hateful!
"Who are you pretending to be arrogant and arrogant! No matter how good you are, in the end, you are still a stinky bitch who is being ridden under you!"

The following words became more and more extreme, and Yan Yan was not interested in reading any more, but she could guess the general content.

Just to scold her.

Although she hadn't provoked him, or even seen him.

But I can't escape the fate of being called a bitch and being denied all my hard work...

That night.

After all, Yan Yan doubled the dose and forced herself to fall asleep.

——In a dilapidated rental house
"Chen Di, look at how outstanding your sister is! She is the first in age again! Looking at you again, I dare not tell outsiders that you came out of my stomach!"

The loud yelling and cursing of the middle-aged woman made the crumbling chandeliers in the corridor flicker.

And a boy with pimples on his face and even a few pustules sat numbly in front of the computer, without any response to the woman's scolding.

The middle-aged woman has little culture, is illiterate, and has no idea what page her son is browsing.

He just felt that his noise was ignored by others, so he got angry and picked up the broom by the door and threw it on Chen Di's head.

Immediately, blood flowed.

And the boy seemed to have gotten used to it long ago, and just let his mother beat and scold him until she lost her temper and had no strength to control him.

(End of this chapter)

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