Miss Yan's sticky boyfriend

Chapter 67: Meeting the Parents

Chapter 67 Chapter 67

After being tidied up by Gu Jing, Yan Yu leaned against the kitchen door, admiring the picture of the handsome man cooking.

"Honey, how long will it take to get better? I'm so hungry~" Yan Yan didn't feel backache while standing and talking.


Gu Jing looked back at her coldly and arrogantly.

Yan Yan was about to say something when the phone rang.She picked up the phone, and when she saw the call, her eyebrows raised slightly, but she was not in a hurry to answer it, and walked to Gu Jing's side.

"Honey, answer the phone."

If the expression on her face wasn't so understated, Gu Jing really thought it was just an ordinary phone call.

He turned off the fire and cleared his throat, making Yan Yu giggle aside.

After answering the phone, Yan Yu crossed her arms and looked at him intently.

"Hello, aunt—"

"Hey, baby... huh? Did I make a mistake?" Mother Yan withdrew her phone to confirm the contact, right?How could there be a man's voice! ?Father Yan at the side was also stunned.

"Aunt, I'm Gu Jing." Yan Yan looked at the man and introduced herself foolishly, why is her baby so cute!

"Gu Jing? Are you with our concubine?"

"Well," pinching the corner of the woman's mouth that was about to rise, he understood Yan Yan's meaning, "You are at my house, we live together..."

Gu Jing hung up the phone and grabbed Yan Yu's delicate waist: "It's fun to see me in a hurry, huh?"

"Well, it's fun." Yan Yan squinted her eyes and rubbed against his neck.

"You have to prepare well this afternoon. My parents will definitely come to check the post. Oh, I have to prepare too, and there may be your parents. After all, my mother and your mother have a good time."

"Yeah." Yan Yu was willing to tell her family about her existence to prove that she had him in her heart, and he was approved by Yan Yu.

For Gu Jing, this is undoubtedly more exciting than talking about transnational cooperation.

In the afternoon, the results of Chen Di's trial came out - two years in prison for attempted rape.His original family environment was also picked up on the Internet.

His mother's dominance often compares him with his outstanding elder sister, and he is constantly belittled and disapproved by his family, which leads to a series of psychological problems. He is extreme, and thus spreads his anger on the irrelevant Yan Yan.

The reason is that Chen Di sees the shadow of his excellent sister in her.

It's ridiculous, but it's true.

But now, these Yan concubines don't care anymore.Because——both parents are here.

"My darling, are you alright?" Mother Yan threw Yan Yu down as soon as she entered the door, looking left and right at you, terribly worried.Almost no snot and watery eyes.

After Gu Jing's unremitting efforts, the swelling on Yan Yu's face has subsided, and there are no traces at all.

"I'm fine." Yan Yu signaled Lao Yan to pull the excited Ms. Yan away.

"It's good that it's okay, mom will be worried to death when she sees the news on the Internet in Hawaii!" I wish I could fly back with a pair of wings.However, due to the weather, the private plane was also delayed.

Gu Jing called "Auntie" obediently, and immediately attracted Ms. Yan's attention, and she almost called out "son-in-law".

"Please come inside, uncle and aunt." Gu Jing closed the door and led them to meet Gu's father and mother.

The parents of the two families are old acquaintances, and they usually have contacts in the business field, so they chatted naturally when they met.

Especially Gu's mother, she is gentle and gentle, but she is the most active in the audience except for Yan's mother. Seeing Yan's concubine is like seeing her own daughter. She is busy asking Yan's concubine to go shopping next time, maxing out her family men's wallet.

"Just get used to it." Gu Jing reassured Yan Yan looking at her flattered look.

"Gu Jing, do you have any plans for the future?" Father Gu asked, and immediately broke up the joyful atmosphere in the family and became serious.

They have all reached the age to talk about marriage. If they really have that idea, the older generation will support it.

Gu Jing naturally understands what his father means, but he can't make his own claims on such things: "Our relationship has not been announced to the public. I want to wait until my career is stable before I announce it."

He avoids the important and ignores the trivial, and takes the unannounced love affair on himself.Yan Yu's heart tightened, and she clenched his big, well-articulated hands, feeling inexplicably safe.

Yan's father and Yan's mother are also well aware of the nature of their daughter's work, and have no objection to this.They are also very supportive of the two children being able to come together.

After a short condensed breath passed, both parents left with satisfaction, leaving the young couple alone time to spend together.

In their hearts, the two children are already a pair.

"Baby, thank you." Yan Yu tiptoed to kiss his chin, and looked at him with watery eyes: "We will announce our relationship after the recording of my variety show this time."

(End of this chapter)

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