Miss Yan's sticky boyfriend

Chapter 7 Cloud Rain CP

Chapter 7 Cloud Rain CP
seven o'clock at night,

The awards ceremony begins.

Hundreds of millions of netizens are already squatting in the live broadcast room, watching the annual grand ceremony.

Under the daylight-bright flashlight, someone yelled "Yan Yu", and the reporters all crowded around a black private car that had just stopped.

In a moment, a slender leg wrapped in black suit pants protruded from the car.

The reporters rushed forward.

Lu Cheng got out of the car and smiled at Yan Yu in the car.

With a soft and cute look, wearing a suit at this time is a bit like stealing an adult's clothes, and it has nothing to do with calmness.

The barrage in the live broadcast room has densely covered the screen.

[Fuck!Baby Lu! ]

[Ahhh, Lu Cheng smiled so sweetly!The old man's maiden heart! ]
[Lu Xiaobao is so good!I want to go up and grab a bite!]

The reporter kept taking photos of Lu Cheng's face with the camera.

Lu Cheng, a traffic niche!
It's a loss if you don't shoot!
Lu Cheng still kept his cute smile, walked around to the other side, covered the roof of the car with one hand and opened the door with the other.

Yan Yan got out of the car.

The cold white skin reflected the light under the flash, and the long seaweed-like hair vaguely covered the butterfly bone.

The delicate eyebrows and eyes are smiling, and the curved red lips add a bit of color to her.

Elegantly put her hand into Lu Cheng's, wearing a sexy black dress, like a princess in a castle.

Whether it was the live broadcast room or the reporters on the scene, they were frantically taking screenshots, taking pictures, and stopping them from leaving.

Two people in the same frame is simply a visual feast.

"Sister, it seems that we have to blow the cold wind outside for a while longer." Lu Cheng tilted his head slightly, and whispered in Yan Yu's ear.

"I won't ask you to be my boyfriend next time." Yan Yu also whispered a joke in his ear.

Still smiling on his face, he looked at the camera and took pictures together.

Lu Cheng looked at Yan Yu's slightly raised peach eyes, and Naimeng Naimeng blushed, and the mother fans said they couldn't stand it!
Not long after Yan Yan and Lu Cheng entered the arena, Luo Yu and Gao Wen also entered the arena arm in arm.

Gao Wen spotted Yan Yu who was sitting with Lu Cheng at a glance in the crowd, and hurriedly left Luo Yu and ran over.

"My treasure!"

Yan Yu was thrown down on the seat by a bear hug, and listening to her good sister's excited voice, she smiled and patted her on the shoulder.

"Get up, I'm going to be crushed to death by you."

"Yan Yan, you actually dislike me!" Gao Wen pretended to be angry, with her hands on her waist, completely ignoring that this was a live broadcast.

"Hmm, good to know." Yan Yu smiled, and directly pressed Gao Wen on the seat next to her, looking at the man walking towards this side.

"Little Concubine." Luo Yu bent over and touched Yan Concubine's head with his big hand, smiling gently.

"Brother Luo," Yan Yan clapped her big hands away and joked, "I've been doing this hairstyle for a long time."

Luo Yu paused, looking at the woman's star-like eyes, the smile deepened.

"So, sorry? Yubao."

Yan Yu looked arrogant and crossed her legs, "Okay, I will forgive you this time, and give me a seat."

Luo Yu smiled and sat next to Gao Wen.

The camera recorded the whole process just now, and the barrage in the live broadcast room directly overwhelmed the live broadcast.

[I hit it!Luo Yu's eyes on Yan Bao are so spoiled!Luo Yuming knew that Yan Bao was teasing him, and cooperated with Yan Bao! ]
[Touch the head to kill, I love it! ]

[Yunyu CP army walk up! ]
[I seem to be like Lu Cheng and Gao Wen sitting next to Yan Yan, being stuffed with dog food. ]
[You and me under the lemon tree. . ]
[It feels like Gao Wen is redundant in the middle hee hee]
The camera finally moves away.

"It is estimated that some people say that I am redundant." Gao Wen looked at Yan Yan and Luo Yu who were isolated by herself, with a look of lovelessness.

"What are you thinking! Do you believe what you say on the Internet?" Yan Yan tapped Gao Wen's forehead with a helpless expression.

"Oh, just kidding..." Gao Wen covered her forehead, pretending to be pitiful.

The three of them have been together for so many years, if Yan Yu and Luo Yu really want to talk about it on the Internet, how can they not know?
Lu Cheng, who had been silent at the side, seemed to see the disappointment flashing in Luo Yu's eyes.

I don't know if it's my own delusion.

On stage, the awards ceremony has been underway for a while.

"Next, I will announce the winner of this year's Top Female Idol."

Gao Wen held Yan Yu's hand tightly, even more nervous than Yan Yu herself.

The women in the row behind them also unconsciously grasped the corners of their skirts.

"It must be yours, baby."

Yan Yan felt the sweat in her palms, and she was not at all nervous about winning the prize, "Will you win the prize or me?"

"Nonsense! Isn't what's yours mine? Isn't what's mine yours? I'll be honored if you win the prize."

Yan Yan looked at Gao Wen with a tense face, smiled to comfort her, and looked at the awarding platform.

The host continued to hold the microphone and said, "However,"

"Fuck! Why is this host so wordy!"

Gao Wen's nerves became more tense.

"The next awards are all contracted by the three of them." The light swept towards the three sitting together.

The huge screen behind also released the voting status of the list.

"They happen to be sitting together, why don't we invite them all at once!"

Gao Wen pulled Yan Yu to stand up abruptly, and patted Luo Yu next to her, her face was filled with the happiness of winning the award.

"We've won another prize! Let's go!"

[My Wen is still so cute! ]

[Cut, you just won the second prize, as if you have never seen the world.Bai Zhixin didn't say anything at the side! ]
[Upstairs, our concubine did it more than once, twice in a row!Your family's Bai Zhixin still hasn't been able to compare with our family's concubine this year, hahaha. ]
[Hahaha, Wenwen looks so cute!Obviously winning the award every year, the excitement is as if it is the first time winning the award. ]
[Is it only I who feel the helplessness of Yan Yu and Luo Yu, hehehe. ]
The light followed the three of them all the way, and the stars held the moon.

Wherever they passed, there were sincere or false applause from the audience who did not win the award.

The camera pans over the faces of the audience.

Bai Zhixin smiled with a stiff face, as if she didn't care at all.

The fingers outside the camera gradually pinched the corner of the skirt and turned white.

On the screen, she and Yan Yan were close in ranking, but there was a gap of 600 million votes!

This is undoubtedly slapping yourself in the face!
"Yo, sister, this year your award was taken away by Yan Yu again," the woman next to her was obviously digging into Bai Zhixin's pain, "Sister hasn't won an award for two years, and this time she almost missed it!"

Others looked at the 600 million gap and thought it was not a little bit.

Since Yan Yan's debut, Bai Zhixin's attention has not been as good as before, and she has been taken away from the top position by Yan Yan.

Bai Zhixin turned her head to look at her, with a smile on her face, but it was pervasive: "Really," she swept the woman from top to bottom with an extremely disdainful expression, as if she was looking at some garbage, "I want to repay you in your position." You are not qualified to remind me."

The woman received the eyes of others watching the excitement, her face turned blue and white, and she stopped talking in a muffled voice.

Returning to his seat, he looked at Lu Cheng with a smile.

"Sister, congratulations."

"Thank you." Yan Yan put the trophy aside, looked at Lu Cheng's cute face, and wanted to touch it.

"Come on, too." Yan Yu put away her starting thoughts, seeing Lu Cheng's eyes locked on the trophy.

"it is good."

Without Luo Yu, this year's Top Idol Award would probably be Lu Cheng.

In just one year since his debut, he has gained many fans.

She and Lu Cheng met through a performance on the same stage. It has to be said that the boy has a bright future.


The award ceremony draws to a close, and the award-winning stars have to accept individual interviews.

in the form of live broadcast.

Yan Yu and Luo Yu Gaowen separated for an interview.

The staff took her mobile phone.

Yan Yu raised her eyebrows.

Do something?
(End of this chapter)

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