Chapter 71 Chapter 71

Two adults, one movie queen, and one suave young man, but when they meet, they are even more childish than elementary school students.During the whole process, he was nestled on the sofa playing games and kept fighting. Of course, Qi Chumo couldn't speak against Gao Wen.She looked like she wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it, like a pissed off daughter-in-law.

Gao Wen didn't want to get entangled with this guy, so she threw herself into the arms of her little sisters.

"Sister Gao Wen, we all thought you were going to play with Brother Qi all night." Qiao Xing joked with sly eyes.

"Cut, anyone who wants to play with this trash will lose points." Gao Wen didn't care about Qi Chumo, and cast her disdain at the man who was still fighting on the sofa.

"Hey, hey, I'm listening, can you be respectful?" Qi Chumo suddenly looked away from the game page and turned to Gao Wen, but there was no expression of anger on his face.

Gao Wen didn't pay much attention to it, she just thought it was strange to be able to eat chicken because of the double-mindedness of this guy.

The four girls were chatting idly, drinking a little wine, and they completely forgot about the men, talking and laughing unscrupulously.

"By the way, Bao'er, the little brother you worked with last time is very tender. I almost fell in love with him after watching the videos on the Internet!" Gao Wen took a sip of the fruit wine and looked excited.

Qiao Xing and Jiang Yue also stopped what they were doing, obviously very interested.

Handsome guy, who is not hungry?

Looking at the three pairs of wolf-like eyes, Yan Yan was almost amused: "It's quite tender, it seems to be two or three years younger than me."

Gao Wen gasped, little fresh meat!

"Only 22?!"

"Well, it should be. Not to mention, my little brother is quite good at taking care of people." Yan Yu thought of Lu Cheng being obedient, with a standard puppy appearance, and "sister" in a loud voice, he was really very obedient.

"Do you have WeChat? Or QQ? I want it~" Gao Wen took out her phone and asked hurriedly.

How nice to have so many good-looking younger brothers!

"Hey, some people are simply lustful, they don't want to make a good career and go to old cows to eat young grass..."

Gao Wen heard the voice of Sao Bao wanting to be beaten again, and ignored it.Busy adding WeChat.

Being ignored, Qi Chumo closed the page of the game about to win, and seeing the impatient look of the woman, he felt irritated for no reason.

With such a handsome guy in front of him, why didn't he see her so enthusiastic?
A woman who forgets when she sees sex!

The party lasted until eleven o'clock at night, because Gu Jing thought that Yan Yan was tossed by her last night, so she broke up and went back to her own house.

Qiao Xing got into Lu Jingsheng's car in the name of taking a ride and left, and the other two couples also left, leaving only Gao Wen and Qi Chumo.

"Hey, are you still going?" Gao Wen yelled looking at someone who was still playing with his phone on the sofa.

This guy may have been depressed in the second half because he lost the game, so he just drank there.

Qi Chumo glanced at the time, picked up the coat that was draped over the back of the sofa, still looking sluggish, "I'll send it to you."

The two of them had nothing to say all the way, and Gao Wen was also tired, so she didn't notice the abnormality of Qi Chumo, who usually talked a lot.

Just about to get out of the car, but was stopped.

"Hey," his tone was a little loose, and he looked at her with black eyes, which was rare for Gao Wen: "Artists in the rising stage are not allowed to fall in love."

Gao Wen felt that he was baffled, and looked at him with the eyes of a fool: "I know."

Seeing her nonchalant look, Qi Chumo felt bored again. He couldn't tell what it was like, and he scratched the blue hair irritably.I just feel that the whole person seems to be soaked in a sauerkraut jar, which is enough.

"Oh." Leaving this sentence behind, he coolly closed the car door and left.

Gao Wen looked at the figure of the car that disappeared from sight, and suddenly realized: "Oh my God, this vicious man wants me to spend my life alone!"


"Honey, are you alright?" Yan Yan asked while lying on the bed.

Gu Jing put down the hem of her nightgown, confirmed that the swelling had subsided, and breathed a sigh of relief: "It's done."

"Then go take a shower and rest early."

Yan Yu urged him, wanting to hug him to sleep earlier.

Gu Jing pinched her slender waist, picked up the bathrobe and walked to the bathroom.

Until the sound of running water in the bathroom, Yan Yu got out of bed and went to the balcony, closing the door.

"Hey, Doctor Ye..."


"Yueyue, you're drunk." Lin Yu looked at the person who was soft in his arms, and there was a smile in his words.

"Well... it seems a little..." Jiang Yue wanted to raise her hand to rub her head, but found that her hand seemed to be extremely heavy and she had no strength.

"Yueyue, shall we go take a bath?" His voice was a little low, he grabbed her weak hand, and sprayed warm breath behind his ears.Jiang Yue has been with him for some time and naturally knows the reaction under him.

The coat on the shoulders was taken off by the man, exposing the fair and delicate skin to the air, the waist was wrapped around her waist, and the male hormones were overwhelming, disturbing all her emotions.

"Okay..." The soft beauty's face was slightly reddish, and one couldn't help but want to take a sip.

The desire in Lin Yu's dark eyes became more intense, and his breathing became tighter.

Resisting his temper, he took off her clothes gently.

"It's so beautiful..." His eyes gradually blurred, and the shy look of the person in front of him made Lin Yu even more affectionate.

"Yueyue, do you know." Lin Yu looked at the gentle and soft person lying in his arms, and brushed her delicate face: "Actually, I have known you for a long time. A year ago, in the Yuanshang Villa, you saved a man, remember?"

Listening to his words, Jiang Yue was so sleepy that she opened her glued eyelids again, with surprise: "It's you?"


Fate really catches people, it's just such a coincidence that they met again, knew each other, and fell in love.

Jiang Yue vaguely remembered that at that time, she was busy completing the homework assigned by the teacher, and ran outside every three days, just to design more jewelry for others so as to improve her practical experience.

That night, she happened to see a car suddenly lose control and the accident happened.

At that time, I didn't expect so much, saving people is the most important thing, "I didn't expect that I brought my boyfriend back." She looked at him with gentle starry eyes, and mischievously wiped the bubbles in her hand on his chest.

"Well, thank you Yueyue." Lin Yu looked at her dotingly, and scrubbed the scar on her wrist from saving herself, "Does it still hurt?"

She shook her head: "It doesn't hurt. I used to think it was ugly, but now it looks pretty pleasing to the eye."

Ren'er's frowns and smiles were reflected in his eyes, there was no flattery, only sincerity.

His throat tightened immediately, and it was nice to look at him steadily.I really love her like this, thinking, the rest of his life will be planted by her.

 Little cuties, please give some comments. The stand-alone author is so lonely~
(End of this chapter)

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