Miss Yan's sticky boyfriend

Chapter 76: Wedding

Chapter 76 76 Wedding
The next day, the live broadcast continued.

Today's task is to find out the hidden real culprit. The background is set in the period of the Republic of China.

Compared with the first day, Yan Yan has become familiar with the live broadcast camera a lot, and she is in a relaxed state.

[It's another new day, new treasure~ check in! 】

[I really hope that Yubao can participate in this kind of variety show more in the future, it is our welfare, we can see beautiful Yubao every day! 】

[Today, Yan Yu's appearance is so beautiful, I want to fall in love with her as a girl! 】

In the camera, Yan Yu is wearing a light pink cheongsam. She already has a fair complexion, and with the addition of a touch of pink, she adds a touch of softness to her coldness and arrogance, and her body curves are perfectly displayed.

At this time, she was walking through the busy Minguo Street, even if she got mixed up in it, her slim figure could be recognized at a glance.

There is a beautiful woman in the South, Rong Hua is like a peach and plum.

Yan Yan observed every move of the people here on the street, but her eyes were fixed on a certain place.

She walked quickly to a men's clothing store.

"Girl, this tie is the best we bought this season, girl, you have a real eye for it!" The group performer laughed and joked with Yan Yan, who was wearing a tie: "Girl, this style of tie is best for your lover or husband. Why don't you buy one?"

Yan Yan nodded, indicating that she understood, and glanced at the clothes in the store. They were all styles from the Republic of China period, with a retro atmosphere and a gentlemanly elegance.Inexplicably matched with Gu Jing.

She really wanted to buy all the clothes in this store and give them to Gu Jing, but after all, they were still props, so Yan Yan still put them down.

Although she didn't stay in the store for a long time, this small move still aroused a series of curiosity from the audience.

[Does the goddess have someone she likes?Otherwise, why do you want to read it here, it seems that you still want to buy it? 】

[Yu Bao is beautiful alone, maybe she stopped for so long because she wanted to buy it for her father. 】

[Ah, it's impossible, who can accompany the goddess' love! 】

[I always feel that there will be a master in the near future...]

【This tie, heh.It's not easy, maybe they are secretly in love. 】

There was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room, of course Yan Yan didn't know and didn't care.

She has already decided that after the recording of the show is over, she must prepare a gift for Gu Jing, and she can't let Gu Jing make herself happy all the time.

She also has to make Gu Jing happy.

After finding some clues, they meet up with Xiarou from the same group and prepare to go to the next destination.

An accident happened——

The warlords in power were in turmoil. For a moment, there was no one on the street, and people hid in the dark to save their lives.

Yan Yan and Xia Rou were wearing the cheongsams that matched the program group, and they got in the way when they ran.

Yan Yangang was still thinking that it was all because of the setting of the program. She would investigate cases and fight wars later. Wearing this cheongsam is not as convenient as the long-sleeved trousers that Gu Jing gave her.

But Xia Rou suddenly pushed her away and fell on the grass beside her.

And Xia Rou fell into a big pit, was arrested by the warlord, and quit the game.

Yan Yu looked at her obviously abnormal foot apologetically, and it twisted.

In the evening, the recording ended.

Yan Yan still sleeps with Xia Rou in a suite.

"Yan Yan."

Just about to go back to the room, but was stopped by Qin Si.

"Brother Qin, what's the matter?"

At this time, there were only the two of them in the dining room, and Xia Rou went back to the room to rest.

He took out a bottle of spray for treating bruises and handed it to Yan Yu, but the expression on his face was still the same as usual, and he couldn't see what was going on in his heart.

But his words let Yan Yu know the importance of Xia Rou to him - "Remember to give it to her."

In the end, he stopped walking and said, "Don't involve me."

Understood, it means that you are a good person in secret, and in the face of it, you get a benefit for nothing, and you will be given a good person talisman.

As the night gradually deepened, Yan Yu missed Gu Jing.

But the strange thing is that they would have finished talking on the phone at this time, but not today.

It took me a while to get through the phone, "Hi, honey—"

There was a murmur over there, and it took a long time for Yan Yan to hear her man's voice.

He seemed to have found a slightly quieter place, less noisy than before.

"Where are you, why are you so noisy?"

The guests on the lawn have already taken their seats, Gu Jing winked at the groom, signaling that he doesn't have to wait for him.

"I'm abroad. I left temporarily last night. I didn't tell you when Pai disturbed your rest. How was today's recording?" Gu Jing asked softly.

Thinking of Xia Rou's injury, Yan Yu pouted, "It's okay."

"Fortunately, what do you mean? Wronged?"

"No, it's just that the program team is too unreliable. They prepared cheongsams with slits for us. It's not convenient to run around. We almost lost the game today."

Gu Jing's gaze became deep, he hadn't even seen Yan Yan wearing a cheongsam, but it was better than those who called other people's wives.

"Then I'll also see how you look in cheongsam when I come back." Gu Jing smiled lowly, imagining the charming look of his woman in cheongsam...

Yan Yu didn't like her, so she liked to tease him: "Then why don't you just find a time to watch it?"



"You are my woman, don't you have the privilege to watch the live broadcast?"

Yan Yu couldn't hold back, and was directly amused by his more real appearance.

Who would have thought that such a powerful business crocodile would have such a day of being bullied~
"Okay, okay, let's talk about it when you come back."

Looking at the phone that Yan Yu hung up on, Gu Jing still had a smile on her stern face.

"Hey, my good brother, what are you laughing at?" During the years of cooperation between Hualian Card and Gu Jing, he had never seen Gu Jing smile like this, and was a little surprised for a while.

Gu Jing was still smiling, but this time he was laughing at him: "The bridegroom is still waiting, and your bride has to wait."

Sure enough, someone who was going to get married quickly rushed to his little wife, so he didn't care about any brothers.

Gu Jing also received an impromptu notice last night. This guy hid deep enough, and he was about to get married as soon as he came.

Under the sun, on the green lawn, a pair of Bi people read their vows to each other for the rest of their lives. Then, Gu Jing saw that they, who were competing to become husband and wife, were kissing passionately.

It would definitely look better if she wore that white wedding dress.

Gu Jing squinted her eyes, her lips curled up.

The scorching sun hit his deep black eyes, but it still couldn't stop the firmness in his eyes—he wanted to be husband and wife with her, and stay together for a lifetime.

This idea has been deeply imprinted in Gu Jing's heart since the first time he saw Yan Yu...

(End of this chapter)

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