Miss Yan's sticky boyfriend

Chapter 86: Let's calm down

Chapter 86 Let's all calm down
It snowed all night in Nancheng, the sky and the earth were all white, the cold wind was blowing, pedestrians couldn't help gathering their clothes.

When Gu Jing woke up in the office, it was already working time.It was rare for him to get drunk, but the clips from last night were clearly played back before his eyes.

A special ringtone came from the phone.

Gu Jing couldn't be more familiar with it, it was Yan Yu's WeChat message.

His eyes sank after seeing the content, and regardless of the upcoming morning meeting, the Maybach flew straight back to the villa.

Open the door and check.

The room was tidy, without the mess of last night: the sofa was returned to its original place, the dining room was rearranged, the floor was swept and polished.

Even the shoe cabinet has returned to its original appearance.

Everything has been cleaned to its original appearance - Yan Yu is gone.

No matter how careless she is usually, she didn't leave a single object this time, not even her unique aura.

Just like there has never been a past between them, and there will be no future in the end.

Gu Jing's mobile phone screen displayed a WeChat page
[Yan Yan: Let's all calm down for a while. ]

A man's smile came from the quiet room, but it was full of gloom and unknown emotions.

He looked at all this with a cold expression, but the hand on the side of his leg had already clenched his fist into the pure white wall, and immediately, the wall was splattered with red ink.

Physical injuries are nothing compared to overwhelming emotions.

I thought that what I saw would be an explanation to deal with him, but I didn't expect that she would even dismiss it as a perfunctory one.

Yan Yan, you never loved me.


A report on the Internet turned out:
shock!A well-known actress actually used a certain business leader as a backup because of her old relationship!

Enthusiastic people who eat melons arrived at the first time, and what caught their eyes was this amazing news.

Looking down, I found a love letter.And the inscription is actually a top-notch swallow.

No, to be precise, it was Yan Yan, who was 20 years old.

After some checking, the recipient was Wen Shinian who had just returned to China.

For a moment, the public's eyes focused on Gu Jingyan, Wen Sinian and the three of them.

[It can't be seen that Yan Yu is quite good at playing!How dare you use Mr. Gu as a stand-in! ? ]

[Will not!Yubao won't do that!Yubao and Mr. Gu are clearly in love with each other, this report must be made up!Don't even think about destroying the relationship between them! ]

 This chapter is rarely played, I will make it up tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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