Chapter 93: Ours, Ours (93)

Half a month later——

The Nancheng Charity Gala came as scheduled, and celebrities and bosses from all walks of life gathered, all wanting to create a good image of themselves to the outside world.

Wen Shinian received an invitation from the organizer and wanted to go with Yan Yu, but he was only given one month. "My dear, be careful, call me when the party is over, and I'll ask someone to pick you up."


Yan Yu hung up the phone and got out of the car with her boyfriend Lu Cheng tonight.

"Why, aren't you happy walking the red carpet with your sister?" Yan Yan teased him as the camera kept buzzing.

"Look here, two!" The reporter next to him yelled.

"Sister, you think too much." Lu Cheng put on a smile on his face, but anyone could tell that he was in a bad mood.

Just as they reached the end of the red carpet, there was another commotion from behind.

Yan Yu heard someone calling "Gao Wen".

Looking back, it was really Gao Wen.

However, what surprised her was that the man next to her—Qi Chumo—was no longer the bohemian look she had seen before, but a black suit with a meticulous neckline and a serious look.

It was as if someone had been replaced.It turned out that the boy who had nothing to do was gone.

The two walked towards them with a smile, arm in arm, looking like a good match.

Yan Yu felt Lu Cheng stiffen next to him, his expression suddenly froze, and a look of pain flashed in the eyes of those little milk dogs, and he understood it instantly.

No wonder the kid asked her about Gao Wen last time.

The reporters were all shocked, tonight they were able to capture the same frame of these influential figures!
What surprised the reporters even more was yet to come!
"Mr. Gu! It's really Mr. Gu!"

——Screams like a tide trapped Yan Yan in place.

She stared blankly at the black Lycan and the man who seemed to have fallen from the sky.Dark eyes, thin lips, familiar outline.

Everyone was naturally curious about what it would be like for the former lovers to meet each other now, and everyone's eyes instantly focused on the two of them.

The man's eyes swept over, and the eyes of the two met tens of meters away—Yan Yu's rapid heartbeat stopped suddenly, and the next second, Gu Jing glanced at her with the eyes of a stranger, without stopping.

Yan Yan forgot to dodge, and watched him shyly go around to the other side of the car and open the door.

The eyes of the audience froze, a slender white leg wearing white high-heeled shoes landed on the ground and came out of Gu Jing's back seat.

You know, apart from ex-girlfriend Yan Yu, no woman can sit next to Gu Jing's car!

Yan Yu recognized that it was Ruan Wei.

Gu Jing stretched out a gentleman's hand and wrapped Ruan Wei's little hand.

The surrounding flash lights lit up like daylight, illuminating the two of them.

The media reporters had already thought up the title of the report - [Gu Jing, President of the Gu Group, Finds a New Love! 】【New love and old love meet again, who can win Mr. Gu's heart more! ? 】【Pick up Mr. Gu's new girlfriend】

The sweetness in the eyes of outsiders is actually—"Cousin, I love you so much! I can finally meet so many big stars at once! My classmate even asked me to take a few more pictures of their idols ..." Ruan Wei's starry eyes became brighter, and she tightly grasped Gu Jing's arm.

"Shut up." Gu Jing listened to her chattering with a headache, and dragged her into the arena.

"Let's go." The blurred vision no longer allowed her to look any further, and Yan Yan signaled Lu Cheng and Gao Wen to enter.

The other three did not speak and followed silently.

Qi Chumo did not expect Gu Jing to come.

Based on his understanding of Gu Jing, what Gu Jing disdains the most is wasting time on this pretentious party.

"Hurry up!" Gao Wen frowned and glared at him.

"Okay, dear~" Forget it, he still doesn't care about the affairs of Lao Gu and Yan Yan, Gao Wen is enough for him to worry about.

Looking at the gradually disappearing back, Gu Jing frowned impatiently, and the reporters who were pestering to take pictures trembled in fright.

When the party started, Gu Jing was naturally arranged by the organizer to the best audience area in the first row.

"Brother, Sister Yan is behind~ she's still watching you!" Ruan Wei whispered in Gu Jing's ear.

Gu Jing was taken aback, and then returned to normal.Eyelashes flicked slightly: "Look at your star."

Yan Yan looked at the two people who were so close, her heart ached, and she was almost out of breath.

The same action, but the other party is no longer her.

This girl will kiss Gu Jing's thin and cool lips as passionately as she used to, and will lazily lean on Gu Jing's arms in the small den where she lived. At night, she will also be like her former self. Falling asleep in the chest full of the smell of cold clothes... She will erase Gu Jing's own breath, melt Gu Jing with love and enthusiasm, and mark her own unique mark...

Just the picture of them together, Yan Yu has already imagined the scenes that she and Gu Jing have experienced, and now, it will be owned by another beautiful and lucky girl.

The increasingly fluctuating mood caught the attention of Lu Cheng and Gao Wen: "妘妘,"


"Are you uncomfortable? Why are you shaking?" Gao Wen gently shook Yan Yu's arm, looking anxiously at her tear-stained face.

Hastily stepped forward to block the turning camera.

Yan Yu didn't speak, and fell into her own emotions.Tears just stared ahead.

Gao Wen understood instantly.Anyone who sees an ex-boyfriend with a current girlfriend will feel bad.

"Shall I go out with you?"

"No need. I'll go out for a walk by myself." Yan Yu propped herself up, even her back looked embarrassed.

Gu Jing ignored Ruan Wei who looked like a little lunatic, suppressed the desire to get up and catch up with Yan Yu, and picked up the phone: "Xiao Sunyang, follow Yan Yu."

The drizzle outside the venue had grown heavier at some point, Yan Yan let the bean-sized raindrops hit her pale face straight, and walked forward aimlessly.

Xiao Sunyang followed out and saw this scene.

Why!Why do two people embarrass themselves!
[President, Miss Yan is soaking in the rain. ]
[Do you need an umbrella from me? ]

Messages on WeChat came into Gu Jing's eyes one by one.

Why are you so stupid!
His heart hurt so badly, but he didn't dare to let himself into her life again.

[Send her to a shelter from the rain, buy a cape and a box of cold medicine. ]
Gu Jing, I can't go on any longer, so be it.

Just watch her secretly like this.

Gu Jing closed her eyes and stopped looking at the real-time situation sent by Xiao Sunyang.

Yan Jin was shaking all over, but she didn't care at all.

I have told myself countless times in my heart that Gu Jing has a new life, but all the fortresses that have been piled up collapsed the moment he saw him being intimate with other women.

Was it the same for Gu Jing before? When she saw herself being ambiguous with other people, her heart felt as painful as being dissected.

If it was retribution, then she got it, felt it completely and without reservation.

"Miss Yan—"

The male voice in the heavy rain interrupted Yan Yan's thoughts, and she couldn't tell whether it was tears or rain on her small face.

"You..." Yan Yu stared at him blankly.

"I... I have an umbrella here, I'll take you home?" Xiao Sunyang remembered what Mr. Gu said, and didn't reveal much information.

Yan Yu didn't say a word, letting the rain run across her cold white collarbone and into the room of her dress.

At the end of the party, the guests came out one after another.

"Hey! Wasn't the weather pretty good when we came here? Why is there still a thunderstorm!"

"That's right! The sky in Nancheng really changes faster than your face!..."

Yan Yan looked at the exit, but she didn't see that tall figure for a long time.

Xiao Yangyang hesitated to speak.How can the president let you know that he cares about you.

"Let's go, Miss Yan?"

Yan Yu finally got into the car with Xiao Sunyang.

When she asked what to do when Gu Jing went home, Xiao Sunyang gave her the answer that Mr. Gu and Ms. Ruan would go home together, there is another car, so don't worry.

Yan Yan didn't ask any more questions, but just quietly watched the heavy rain outside the car window continuously hit the glass and was quickly wiped off by the wiper, repeatedly, tirelessly.

So much so that Xiao Sunyang didn't notice that there were two extra candied fruit in the cold medicine that Xiao Sunyang brought her—only Gu Jing would prepare it for her.

In the car, Xiao Sun watched Yan Yu go to the elevator, and watched her answer a phone call.

There was a splash of water next to it, Gu Jing's car was parked on the side of the road, staring at the back of the man obsessively.

The two men didn't speak in the two adjacent cars, but Gu Jing lit a cigarette - his daily life during this period.

As a loyal fan of Yan Yan, Xiao Sunyang more than anyone hopes that the two of them will get back together, but the matter still needs to be resolved by Mr. Gu and Yan Bao.

"Brother, I'm almost home, so there's no need to call someone to pick me up."

"...Well, hang up first, I'll go into the elevator."

Yan Yu let out a breath of cold air, and forced herself not to think about Gu Jing anymore.

But she will never know that as long as she turns her head at this moment, even with a slight glance, she will be able to see the man she can't get rid of even though she has squeezed all the time to forget.

Smoking a cigarette, his eyes are affectionate and restrained.

It's been half a month since Yan Yu returned to Nancheng again because of work. At this time, Wen Shinian's plan has also been completed.

If this plan can be approved by his father, then he can stay in Nancheng forever with Yan Yu.

Wen Shinian looked at the stack of papers in his hand that had exhausted his efforts, two dimples appeared at the corners of his mouth.

The thick and long eyelashes look softer under the warm yellow light, and the tough but not youthful outline is more like being covered with a thin layer of pale golden light, which makes people yearn for it.

He glanced at the time, hurriedly got up and went to the garage to fetch the car to pick up Yan Concubine without even taking a coat.

It is already early January in Nancheng, but the temperature is still so unpleasant, and the weather is the same.

When Yan Yan came out of the set, she was greeted by another torrential rain that blurred her vision.

She didn't have an umbrella, but the studio was about to close. Qin Si had been staying in the hospital for a while. She didn't ask why, and Wen Shinian couldn't drive in.

Yan Yan had no choice but to walk under the rain for a while to other small streets that were sheltered from the rain.

In the heavy rain, she lowered her head, but heard the familiar footsteps again.

She knew that it was the sound of high-end leather shoes stepping on rough stone roads and puddles.

In recent times, she has noticed this voice not far behind her several times, keeping just the right distance.

Yan Yu didn't pay attention at first, but when she found out later, she subconsciously listened to it, so as not to be attacked by black fans like last time.

Gradually, she was no longer afraid, but felt a sense of relief.

The rain became heavier, and Yan Yu was drenched within a few steps.She heard the footsteps behind her stop, accompanied by the sound of objects falling to the ground.

Her heart skipped a beat, but when she looked back she found a black umbrella on the ground.

She was sure that it wasn't there when she walked here just now.

It was that person who left it for her!

Why?who's that person?
Yan Yan picked up the umbrella, not knowing whether that person had already left or was watching her from a corner.

"Thank you." She said towards the direction she was walking, hoping that the man could hear.

"Yuan, who are you talking to?" Wen Shinian saw this scene as soon as he got out of the car, but there was no one there except Yan Yan.

"elder brother!"

"It's nothing, let's go." She subconsciously didn't want him to know.

"Why did you come out with only a suit shirt? You'll catch a cold..."

In the hazy rain curtain, Yan Yan tipped her big black umbrella towards the thinly dressed Wen Shinian...

On the street of the studio——

"President Gu..."

Xiao Sunyang can guarantee that he has never seen the president in such a distressed state since he followed Mr. Gu in the past few years.

He should be the eye-catching, radiant, god-like existence, not the hair that is soaked in the rain and hangs down feebly, the high-end expensive suit that is stained with mottled water stains by the rain, even the pair of The black eyes that overwhelmed everyone were completely dimmed at this time.

"Drive, go back to the company."

Gu Jing is the same as usual, there are no three points and one line, only the company all day long, and she is very busy, as if she is integrated with work.

Later, Xiao Yangyang only heard him say to Mr. Gu——

Father, I have decided to go to country G.


Wen Shinian looked at Yan Yan who was asleep in the car, feeling helpless and distressed.But he knows that it is her dream to shine on stage, so he will support her behind no matter what.

But every time I see her tired look, I can't stop pitying her.

Wen Shinian put Yan Yan gently on the bed, let her lean on his shoulder and drank some ginger tea to drive away the cold.


I didn't wake up after shaking a few times, and fell into a deep sleep.

It seems that taking medicine on time has helped a little recently.

The red lips were covered with a layer of water by the ginger tea, and Wen Shinian stopped wiping.

The person he has liked since he was a child is in his arms, and he can even feel the breath that sprays out.

The white and tender face transmits hot temperature, through the shirt, it burns to his skin and heart.

The fire started a prairie fire, and Wen Shinian's gaze was fixed on his waxy red lips.

In that scorching hot summer full of cicadas, the thoughts and desires that the young man dared not express seemed to be still yesterday.

His rationality disintegrated in an instant, and the fire of desire burned all over his body.

Carefully and cautiously, he slowly approached the woman's lips, slowly, close to...

When his lips were about to touch, the cold touch on the back of his hand woke him up like an electric shock.

Unknown words were murmured in the man's mouth, and the tears on his cheeks flowed down his chin, hitting his hand on Yan Yu's shoulder.

There was silence in the room.

Only Yan Yan's murmur remained.

Wen Shinian heard it clearly——

Gu Jing...

He distanced himself from Yan Yu, and helped her to sleep without saying a word.

That night, Wen Shinian didn't sleep a wink.

(End of this chapter)

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