Chapter 219 Has Assassins
Sitting in the restaurant naturally ordered a few dishes, Han Wu sized up the owner of the restaurant, and then smiled.

While the boss was going down to prepare the dishes, Han Wu smiled slightly and said, "The assassins sent this time are all of a good standard, but they forgot one thing, that is the instinctive reaction of a person who has practiced martial arts since childhood."

"The store owner just now looked like an ordinary person, but there must be a secret in every way. His palm has already revealed his identity."

Hua Mulan also smiled slightly.

She also saw the calluses on the shop owner's palms, which were not calluses that a shop owner could have.

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were no so-called small pots and small stoves, and all cooking was done in big pots.

There can't be so many calluses on the palm of the cook's hand.

Han Wu saw this problem at a glance. Although he didn't practice sword every day, he was good at observation.

Wang Yue's hands are full of calluses on the tiger's mouth. He is a sword master all his life, and the calluses are very obvious.

Hua Mulan said: "Husband, I didn't expect these assassins to even control this restaurant. It's really not easy!"

"Husband didn't plan to say that he would come to this restaurant in advance. They were able to know about it in advance. I'm afraid that all the restaurants nearby have been..."

Hua Mulan took a deep breath, but Han Wu waved his hand and said directly: "The problem is not that they control a few restaurants, these things are very simple."

"It's noon now, and the children of ordinary aristocratic families will have lunch. They just need to find out which restaurants are nearby."

"Before we come in, let us know before we come in. Other people can deal with the owner of the store in an instant, and they are enough to control the restaurant in a short time."

"However, there was no smell of blood when we first came here. It is estimated that the restaurant owner and Xiao Er were tied up in which room."

"Those people in the back kitchen can be dealt with in a short time. These assassins are indeed very smart."

"It's evil, let the bloodthirsty tiger guards take them all directly, there is no need to say anything."

"Dispel all the diners first, so as not to affect the safety of the people. You are responsible for guarding my side and being my strongest shield."

After Han Wu said something, Dian Wei immediately became more cautious, and waved his hand at the bloodthirsty tiger guard downstairs.

The diners on the first floor had already left a lot, because they were more afraid of the bloodthirsty tiger guards.

Now so many bloodthirsty tiger guards completely surrounded this restaurant, it was obvious that something big was going to happen.

The deputy general of the bloodthirsty tiger guard rushed into the restaurant, immediately dispersed the diners, and led a team of elites into the back kitchen!
In the back kitchen, the assassin, who was still confirming the plan, was shocked when he heard the chaos ahead.

One of the assassins dressed as a junior immediately wrapped his cheeks in black linen, and said with a cold snort, "Sure enough, as Mr. Jia said, we really can't even get close to Han Wu."

"However, our goal has been achieved, we will leave something that can prove Yuan Shu's identity, let's retreat!"

The assassin leader drew out his dagger, but this dagger was not a sharp blade.

The guards in Yecheng are very strict, and it is very troublesome to bring the sharp long sword in.

Especially when they get together, it is even more impossible to hide the truth from the bloodthirsty tiger guards guarding the city.

Therefore, the sword blades of these assassins were temporarily forged from the blacksmith shop in Yecheng, and they could not exert much power in combat.

It is very difficult to use it for assassination, but it is even more difficult to use it to deal with the elite bloodthirsty tiger guards.

The elite of the bloodthirsty tiger guards rushed directly into the back kitchen. When they saw a group of assassins who were about to escape, they rushed up!
"Retreat according to the original plan and flee separately!"

When the leader of the assassin gave an order, the other assassins immediately ran wildly and jumped out of the backyard.

The bloodthirsty tiger guards immediately formed an encirclement circle, taking down four or five assassins in an instant, leaving no survivors at all.

All of them are direct kills. These bloodthirsty tiger guards are all soldiers who have been fighting on the battlefield for many years, without the slightest mercy.

Especially the lieutenant general has just issued an order not to escape any of them, since they cannot be captured alive, they will all be killed!

"Brother, you go first, these elite Jizhou soldiers are hard to deal with!"

"A few of us are here to delay the time, you go back and report the situation quickly, just say that the task has been completed!"

The other assassins were taken aback by the bloodthirsty tiger guard's brutality.

They made a quick decision and decided to stop.

The diners on the first floor of the restaurant were frightened by the noisy weapon collision and screams from the back kitchen, and immediately fled the restaurant.

Han Wu sat on the second floor and smiled slightly. He knew that these assassins couldn't escape.

"Brothers, kill directly!"

The deputy general of the bloodthirsty tiger guard immediately ordered his soldiers to slaughter these assassins directly, leaving no one behind.

Only one leader of the assassins climbed over the wall, and this person was very good at light kungfu, he jumped and escaped from the top of the house.

The next moment, a white phantom flashed past, chasing after the fleeing assassin leader.

Han Wu saw this scene on the second floor, and he seemed to know who the assassin leader was.

Wang Yue had a disciple named Shi A.

If this person is really Shi A, then it is self-evident who sent the assassin this time.

Cao Cao!

After half a cup of tea, the deputy general of the Bloodthirsty Tiger Guard escorted the two assassins up, their mouths were stuffed with coarse cloth.

Preventing these two guys from biting their tongues or taking poison to kill themselves, the bloodthirsty tiger guard's lieutenant finally left two alive.

"My lord, there are a total of sixteen assassins, one escaped and two were captured alive. Thirteen more were killed on the spot!"

The deputy general of the Bloodthirsty Tiger Guard immediately reported to Han Wu!

Han Wu saw the two assassins staring at him angrily, he smiled slightly, and motioned for a bloodthirsty tiger guard to tear off the coarse cloth.

"Han Pengju, you disobeyed His Majesty's will, and I will come here to kill you! Now that His Majesty has led troops to Xuzhou, sooner or later your Jizhou will be lost!"

The assassin did not choose to commit suicide directly, but instead bit Yuan Shu back.

Han Wu laughed loudly when he heard it, and said with a hearty laugh, "Idiots, you are really a group of guys with brain problems."

"Not to mention whether Yuan Shu will be able to beat Jizhou, you are stupid enough just to bite back."

"Your master is Cao Mengde, don't be shocked how I know. The assassin who escaped just now should be Shi A, because the only person who can let Senior Wang Yue do it himself is his disciple."

The two assassins were shocked when they heard Han Wu's words. They didn't expect that Han Wu had already guessed that it was the assassin sent by Cao Cao!

"Okay, I have nothing to say to you, take them to the gate of the State Shepherd's Mansion, don't let them die now."

Han Wu stood up straight away, ready to take the two assassins to the gate of the State Shepherd's Mansion to behead them for public display.

These two assassins are still very useful, they can be Han Wu's tools to warn the aristocratic family.

It just so happened that it was time to rectify those aristocratic families recently, so I used these two assassins to remind them, so that those dishonest guys would be at ease.

The bloodthirsty tiger guard's elite immediately stuffed the coarse cloth into the mouths of the two people again, so that they would not seek death.

(End of this chapter)

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