Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 221 Wuhuan and the Jie Clan

Chapter 221 Wuhuan and the Jie Clan
Jia Xu smiled slightly and said to Cao Cao: "Mr. Cao, what you should worry about is not that Han Wu will not come to support, but that he should come to support!"

"After my analysis and Li Ru's analysis of Han Wu, he is a calm and steady person, and it is impossible for him to resort to military force just for the sake of Xuzhou's fighter plane."

"If he leads troops to the south, it will prove that Jizhou can fully support the war. This is not a good thing!"

"On the contrary, we still need to persuade the Wuhuan and Jie tribes in the grassland to let them interfere with Han Wu's rear Youzhou. This is the best policy!"

After Cao Cao heard Jia Xu's words, he narrowed his eyes and laughed loudly: "Hahaha! The one who knows me is Wen He. Wen He really has the same place as me, which makes me very happy."

"Wen He dared to speak out about this matter directly, presumably you have already convinced Zhicai, and he has also sent someone to persuade the Jie clan and Wuhuan, wonderful!"

Cao Cao is very wise, and he has grasped Jia Xu's disposition.

Jia Xu nodded lightly, but immediately took another step back, allowing herself to remain silent.

Personally, he is a wise and protective person. Although Jia Xu is now taking the initiative to advise Cao Cao, he has already thought of many ways to protect himself.

The most important thing is Li Ru and his united front, this is Jia Xu's most secure point.

Compared with protecting himself wisely, Jia Xu can only do it quietly; Li Ru is different, he can protect himself under any circumstances.

Even the sudden incident of Lu Bu beheading Dong Zhuo, Li Ru was able to escape immediately, which is enough to show how much he knows how to protect himself.

Cao Cao stared at the two Xiliang advisers in front of him, he knew what they were actually thinking.

Jia Xu and Li Ru can be reused, but they must not be entrusted with military power, otherwise there will be great chaos!

three days later

The urgent report from Youzhou was sent to the State Shepherd's Mansion, and Han Wu had already received the news in Hexiang Bieyuan.

Sitting on the honored seat in the front hall, Han Wu glanced at Xun You and Guo Jia, and said calmly, "Not long after Gongsun Zan died, Wuhuan's Tadun was about to attack Youzhou, and he even joined forces with the Jie clan!"

"Why have I never heard of this Jie tribe? It's really strange that their military strength is still not under that of Wuhuan."

Han Wu took a deep breath and glanced at Xun You, hoping that he could explain to himself.

In these aspects, Xun You is more knowledgeable than Guo Jia, and can explain many problems of Han Wu.

Seeing the lord staring at him, Xun You hurriedly clasped his fists and replied, "My lord, the Jie tribe is also a nomadic people, but they have another name, which is 'Biebu of the Huns'!"

"To be precise, this Jie nationality is also a branch of the Xiongnu, but it is a relatively large branch of the Xiongnu."

After hearing Xun You's explanation, Han Wu nodded slightly, completely understanding.

The Jie tribe originated from the Xiaoyue clan and was once attached to the Xiongnu, so it is also called "the other tribe of the Xiongnu".

Han Wu calmly took out his folding fan, fanned it, and said, "Two days ago, there were assassins who came to attack me, and they were Cao Cao's men, and now there are other tribes of Xiongnu and Wuhuan Tadun attacking me." Youzhou, it's really an eventful year!"

"However, it is easy to understand this matter. If Cao Mengde hadn't intervened in this matter, no one would believe it.

"Now I'm wondering why Cao Cao wants Tadun and the Jie tribe to interfere with me. Could it be that he is worried that I will have troops going south and interfere with his attack on Yuan Shu?"

"Cao Cao probably wouldn't do that. His army's fighting power is not inferior to mine. I won't fight him to the death now."

"Cao Cao probably thought so too, but why did he let the grassland people interfere with me? Could it be that his main force is not in Yanzhou?"

Han Wu thought in his heart, this is the doubt he has been having all this time.

It can be seen from the battle reports sent by Zhang Xi during this period that the troops deployed by Cao Cao in the Hetao area have decreased a lot in a short period of time.

Guo Jia narrowed his eyes at this time, and after a slight wry smile, he said directly: "Master, I have a very unrealistic guess, but this guess is too unrealistic!"

When Han Wu heard Guo Jia's speculation, he was very curious about what this guy thought of.

Guo Jia rested his chin, thought carefully, and said slowly.

"My lord, I think you should have also noticed that Cao Cao's troops have suddenly decreased a lot, which can be seen from the Hetao area."

"Cao Cao, who controls the Yanzhou and Sili areas, is definitely not inferior to us in terms of military strength. It is impossible for him to defeat Yuan Shu."

"However, Cao Cao's reaction was very strange. Not only did the pioneers of Cao's army who fought against Yuan Shu fail repeatedly, but now even Cao Cao's own army has not retreated."

After Han Wu and Xun You heard Guo Jia's words, they both felt a little strange.

Especially for someone like Cao Cao, he would never allow Yuan Shu to interfere with the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty.

The little emperor is the biggest trump card in Cao Cao's hands. If anyone dares to threaten his trump card, Cao Cao will definitely try his best to destroy it.

Guo Jia said: "Cao Cao's elite troops are too small, and his attitude towards Yuan Shu is not so tough. Jia thinks Cao Cao has other plans."

"Put yourself in Cao Cao's shoes, I think Cao Cao's forces have already gone south to capture Hanzhong and Yizhou!"

Xun You was shocked when he heard Guo Jia's guess, and retorted in disbelief: "How is this possible? Feng Xiao, your guess is a bit inaccurate. How could Cao Mengde win Yizhou?"

"The land of Yizhou has mountains and rivers and natural dangers. Even if Liu Zhang has just taken over the position of governor of Yizhou, Cao Cao will never be able to fight in!"

Guo Jia heard Xun You's rebuttal, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "You forgot about Zhang Lu."

"Zhang Lu used to be under Liu Zhang's command, and he is very familiar with Western Shu. If he had helped Cao Cao, it would be very easy to win Yizhou."

This time even Xun You became silent, because although Guo Jia's speculation was unbelievable, it was not impossible.

This time even Han Wu couldn't sit still, he frowned slightly and said: "If Cao Cao really takes Yizhou, then the area he controls will soon exceed the four northern states!"

"Once he is given enough time to develop, even we may not be able to deal with Cao Cao."

"We can't be laissez-faire like this anymore, we must raise our troops immediately and defeat the Jie clan and Wuhuan first!"

"Afterwards, we must lead our troops to the south, destroy Yuan Shao first, take Xuzhou as much as possible, and then march into Yanzhou to force Cao Cao to retreat!"

"Even if it is militarism, we have to do it. Otherwise, once Cao Cao develops, he will not be able to suppress it."

Han Wu took a deep breath and thumped the table hard, with a serious expression on his face.

Cao Cao's attack on Xishu is better to be believed than not to be believed!
After all, Cao Cao himself is a man who is in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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