Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 245 Anti-corruption situation

Chapter 245 Anti-corruption ([-])

"Wu'er, of course you can thoroughly investigate whether these officials are corrupt and accepting bribes, but you can't attack the Liu family first!"

"The Liu family is your mother's natal family, and the head of the family is your uncle in terms of seniority. How can you do this?"

Han Fu said something consoling to his son, he knew that only good words of persuasion could calm his son down.

Han Wu snorted softly and said, "Father, mother, since ancient times every dynasty has been defeated by incompetent courts and rampant corrupt officials."

"Of course, none of the officials of the Qin Dynasty dared to embezzle, because Qin Fa was cruel and heartless."

"But Qin Shihuang's crimes will last for thousands of years. Now that the Han Dynasty is about to die, is Jizhou still supporting corrupt officials?"

"Wu'er knows that corruption is inevitable, but at the very least, we must start governance from Jizhou. From tomorrow, Wu'er will issue a military order! Corruptors, return all corrupted money to the state pastoral office within [-] days, I, Han Pengju let bygones be bygones."

"Once it is found out after fifteen days, if the money cannot be returned, some corrupt officials will be beheaded depending on the circumstances!"

Han Wu's eyes widened, and he pointed at Lu Zhishen to his father.

Obviously what he meant was "I am in control of the army in Jizhou, and I have the final say on everything."

Seeing his son being so serious, Han Fu sighed helplessly.

There is nothing wrong with corrupt political officials, but it is a bit troublesome to go to war like this.

Mrs. Liu was also helplessly worried, and persuaded: "Wu'er, there are your elders in the hall, so it's not good to thoroughly investigate your family like this?"

"Or Wu'er, let them all sit in the hall, and the Liu family will allow you to investigate thoroughly."

"Once there is any evidence of corruption, you can take away the same amount of money from the Liu family's property, and it will be regarded as a punishment for them."

Mrs. Liu is not a stupid person either, he made a suggestion to his son.

After marriage, she became a husband. Naturally, the Liu family will not only look towards her natal family, but also supports her son very much in her heart.

His father and clansmen should be punished for their corruption and bribery.

It's just that Liu felt that it was not proper for Han Wu to let his elders stand in the hall.

Han Wu nodded lightly after hearing this, and said, "Okay! Since it's what mother said, then let all the elders of the Liu family sit and rest in the hall!"

"If no one in the Liu family is involved in corruption, then Han Wu should apologize to the Liu family."

"If there is, then I will not embarrass you. In addition to returning the embezzled money, I have to double the embezzled money to repay the fine."

"If you don't want to call out so much money, it's okay, just send the corrupt person to the state pastoral mansion, and let me, Han Pengju, find a time to behead him in public!"

Han Wu looked at Liu Jing coldly, and motioned for him to bring someone to the hall to sit and rest.

Liu Jing was very nervous. He originally thought that inviting Han Fu and his cousin would resolve the matter.

Unexpectedly, Han Wu not only refused to follow this set, but even Han Fu and Liu Shi obeyed.

Half an hour later, the sons of the Liu family who were officials in the counties near Yecheng returned urgently, and one even brought three hundred private soldiers with him!
More than a dozen members of the Liu family who were officials and politicians were gathered in the Liu family's compound. Han Wu snorted coldly, "Liu Ye, clarify the accounts that have been thoroughly investigated in the past ten years."

Liu Ye nodded nervously, and could only say: "My lord, since the Yellow Turban Rebellion was put down, every year the Liu family's income from all expenses can reach 200 taels of silver."

"This does not include the income of political officials, so the Liu family's property is indeed within the normal range."

"However, Liu Ran, Liu Ling, Liu Ding and other six people have private courtyards in all counties and counties, exceeding the maximum total income of their years of being officials."

"If the Liu family didn't openly embezzle and accept bribes, then these six people must have embezzled the county's money and built a courtyard for themselves."

After Han Wu heard the result, he glanced at Liu Ye with satisfaction.

Liu Ye made it clear inside and out that there was indeed a problem with the Liu family's accounts, and he also shifted the blame from the Liu family to these six people.

The six people whose names were called under the hall became nervous, and their foreheads began to sweat.

Naturally, they knew what they had done, and the Patriarch Liu Jing couldn't get away with it.

But now it's time to check the accounts, and it is estimated that the six of them will be sacrificed for the sake of the overall situation.

Han Wu continued: "Patriarch Liu, you'd better explain why the money of these six people exceeds the specification."

"Could it be that the Liu family blatantly took bribes and gave the extra money to these six honest officials to build a courtyard?"

Sweat broke out on Liu Jing's forehead, and he said quickly, "No, no, no! Don't make such a joke, my lord. They are all officials in various places and are not under the management of the Liu family!"

Seeing that Liu Jing did not intend to intercede for them, Han Wu also smiled happily.

Just when he was about to say how to punish these six people, one of them shouted loudly: "Han Pengju, don't bully people too much!"

"I waited as an official in Jizhou to benefit the common people, and the state pastoral government never rewarded me!"

"Now you want to punish me indiscriminately, and I, Liu Ding, refuse to accept it! Butler Li, escort me away!"

One of the members of the Liu family, Liu Ding, who knew he had corrupted too much, immediately yelled and asked the housekeeper he brought to protect him.

The three hundred private soldiers outside were also raised by Liu Ding, and now he has to leave quickly.

Han Wu was angry and stared at him thoughtfully.

"It's evil, let the bloodthirsty tiger guards do it, and first control those private soldiers. Those who dare to do it will be killed directly, but don't behead them all without explanation."

"Lu Zhishen, go and take this Liu Ding down."

As soon as Han Wu's words fell, Dian Wei threw a special small iron halberd into the sky.

After the iron halberd lifted into the air, it burned directly, emitting a dazzling flame.

This is something that Wang Yue gave to Lu Zhishen to give orders in a short distance.

The bloodthirsty tiger guards outside saw the signal from the general, and they immediately surrounded the three hundred private soldiers and started to fight.

Lu Zhishen also rushed up to Liu Ding, chopping the butler to the ground with the knife in his hand!
Private soldiers are private soldiers, and they cannot fight against brave generals who fight on the battlefield.

Liu Jing was already frightened, thinking that there were screams outside one after another.

Han Wu actually dared to do something, and this Liu Ding was so daring!
In Jizhou, Han Wu was the local emperor, and there were still people who dared to attack Han Wu.

Lu Zhi took a deep look at the butler, and then knocked Liu Ding to the ground with one punch.

Lu Zhishen's heart trembled because he felt that he seemed to have used too much strength.

Liu Ding was beaten to the ground directly, his face hit the ground, and blood flowed from his nose.

And without any sound, he passed out directly.

Han Wu snorted coldly, and said: "The other five members of the Liu family, no matter how large the accounts they have embezzled, they must return twice the amount to the government, and you will be given ten days."

"As for this Liu Ding, I'm going to take him away to make an example to others."

"Patriarch Liu Jing, do you have any objections?"

Liu Jing swallowed. Liu Ding, who wanted to ask private soldiers to protect him just now, was dealt with within three breaths.

Han Wu threatened himself with force, so Liu Jing could only agree.

And he wasn't too merciless, he just said that he wanted to return more money, and he didn't want to kill anyone again.

(End of this chapter)

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