Chapter 248 Qin Crossbow

Ten days later, Jiuyuan County in the north of Bingzhou

All the soldiers under Chen Qingzhi's command are white robes, and they are all elite troops.

Adhering to the lord's point of view, the white-robed army is only [-].

But the 30 white-robed army is comparable to the [-]-[-] Central Plains army, and their combat effectiveness is not a joke.

Although the siege does not have a high combat effectiveness, the field battles and city defenses of the white-robed army have already made the Huns start to fear.

Standing on the high platform, Chen Qingzhi said in a low voice, "Soldiers, my lord has raised our military pay and increased the food and grass for each meal."

"This is the lord's grace, but I, Chen Qingzhi, put my words here, each of you can't eat vegetarian meals!"

"Today, I'm going to take you deep into the grasslands, and kill Liu Bao, the newly-promoted Southern Xiongnu Left Wise King who is displayed in the northern part of Bingzhou!"

"Soldiers, do you have confidence?"

Chen Qingzhi just asked a simple reprimand, but the response to him was a sky-shattering roar.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

The entire Jiuyuan County was shocked, but the people here have long adapted to this.

There are white robes guarding here, and the people firmly believe that the Xiongnu thieves will never be able to invade the south.

Chen Qingzhi took a deep breath, coughed a bit, and said, "Wang Shuang, lead the troops out!"

"Take the Qin crossbow we secretly researched, and I want to show those Hun cavalry what is the Great Qin heavy crossbow."

Chen Qingzhi sat in the carriage and asked the groom to set off.

He himself is like a Confucian general, sitting in the carriage without worrying about the Huns' army at all.

And this time, even Yuwen Chengdu is paying attention to Chen Qingzhi's battle situation. He wants to ensure that Chen Qingzhi's white-robed army can guard Bingzhou alone.

Only in this way can Yuwen Chengdu go south with peace of mind and seize the Hetao Plain.

Outside the Great Wall of Shuofang Grassland, Liu Bao got the news that Chen Qingzhi sent troops, and he couldn't help but become serious.

"Chen Qingzhi's white-robed army sent troops? He dared to send troops, he is courting death!"

"No, he is so calm. He has held on to the Great Wall for two years and has never taken the initiative to attack."

"Now he wants to take the initiative to attack, isn't it a fraud?"

Liu Bao said something to himself, which happened to be heard by the scout reporting the situation.

"Lord Zuo Xianwang, Chen Qingzhi has less than [-] troops, and only [-] cavalry."

"It is said that Tianshen general Yuwen Chengdu's suanni cavalry has no plans to go north, so we shouldn't be too nervous, right?"

Hearing that the Suanni Iron Cavalry did not dispatch troops, Liu Bao burst out laughing instantly.

"Hahaha! What are you talking about? Suanni cavalry didn't send troops, so we are afraid of a ball."

"He, Chen Qingzhi, is just a strong defender of the city. At most, this is due to the fact that we only have warriors, but no engineering equipment to climb the tower."

"If it comes to field battles, Chen Qingzhi's white-robed army is not as good as shit!"

When Liu Bao heard that Suanni Iron Cavalry and Heavenly General Yu Wencheng were not planning to send troops, he immediately relaxed his vigilance.

I have an army of [-] Huns cavalry under my command, and I have never been afraid of anyone on this grassland.

"Prepare to send troops to fight against the white-robed army!"

"He, Han Pengju, used the Wuhuan people to build a corpse Jingguan, and I, Liu Bao, used the white-robed army to build a Jingguan!"

Liu Bao said domineeringly.

Outside the Shuofang Great Wall, the white-robed army, led by Wang Shuang, a vanguard officer, slowly left the pass.

Five miles ahead is the area where the Huns cavalry haunted, which belongs to the war zone.

Chen Qingzhi nodded slightly, and said to Wang Shuang: "Ziquan, let the forwards prepare the Qin crossbows. Once they encounter the Huns cavalry, they will shoot them directly after they get within range."

Wang Shuang swallowed immediately, and replied: "General, if you enter the range, you can start shooting when you are more than 200 feet away."

"The last general thought it would be better to let the Huns cavalry come in at a distance of one hundred feet, and then the archers and Qin crossbowmen launch a counterattack together."

"Our front row soldiers have weapons that you invented yourself, which has a great restrictive effect on the cavalry."

After Chen Qingzhi heard Wang Shuang's words, he shook his head and said, "Just do as I tell you! Start shooting with bows and crossbows as soon as they come into range!"

Without giving Wang Shuang a chance to refute, Chen Qingzhi was very serious.

Wang Shuang could only keep silent, he knew that the general's judgment would not be wrong.

After traveling less than five miles, you can see the cavalry army of King Zuo Xian of the Xiongnu from a distance.

In the endless grassland, it can be seen clearly from five miles away.

"All the soldiers stopped and began to rest, Qin crossbowmen and archers get ready."

Chen Qingzhi's voice was not high, and Wang Shuang yelled loudly for him.

"The archers are at the front, and the Qin crossbowmen are in the second row, get ready!"

Wang Shuang roared, and the soldiers under his command began to stand in an orderly manner.

The Xiongnu army led by Liu Bao was extremely fast, and it didn't take long to reach two miles away.

"The general is still two miles away, shall we start shooting arrows?"

Wang Shuang asked, but Chen Qingzhi narrowed his eyes.

"Ziquan, start shooting after two breaths, get ready."

After hearing the general's words, Wang Shuang immediately started to prepare and shouted: "Qin crossbowman, shoot!"

"Archers, start shooting!"

After two orders, Qin crossbowmen and archers set up their bows and put arrows in, and the arrows shot out through the air.

Qin Nu howled like an evil spirit, attacking and killing Liu Bao's army.

Liu Bao also saw the rain of arrows coming from afar, and laughed loudly: "Warriors, slow down!"

"Hahaha! This white-robed general is indeed a guy who doesn't live up to his name. He can't even control the distance of the bow and arrow."

"After this round of salvo, let's get ready to charge!"

Under Liu Bao's order, the Xiongnu army stopped one mile away from Chen Qingzhi's white-robed army.

The [-] warriors under his command howled and laughed mockingly, waiting for the arrows to fall on the grass in front of them.

But the next moment, even Liu Bao was dumbfounded!
Hundreds of arrows fell from the sky, some of them were exposed on the grass in front, and most of them shot and killed the Huns.

The bow and arrow can shoot so far!
"It's impossible! No matter how hard a bow is, it can't shoot such a long distance."

"This white-robed army is deceitful! What is that thing in their hands? Could it be the Qin crossbow recorded in the ancient scroll?"

"But even the Qin Nu can only shoot and kill the enemy within a mile, but now it completely covers our army!"

Hearing the screams around him and the continuous sound of arrows piercing the air, Liu Bao was terrified.

"Withdraw troops! Withdraw troops quickly!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Liu Bao immediately ordered the withdrawal of troops without any hesitation.

If the White Robe Army really mastered the Qin Nu, it would be really troublesome.

Qin crossbow is the nemesis of cavalry.

The soldiers under Liu Bao's command were well-trained, and as a people who lived on horseback, these Huns immediately turned around and turned back.

But still 800 people died in this first salvo!
"Ziquan, fire the second volley, they haven't left the range yet."

"Push that thing out and shoot in the direction of the enemy general."

Chen Qingzhi was expressionless, but what he said made Wang Shuang's heart tremble.

That thing is a big killer!
(End of this chapter)

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