Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 251 Invincible Lu Fengxian

Chapter 251 Invincible Lu Fengxian
The Zhangba Snake Spear is more dangerous than ordinary spears and spears, attacking and killing Lu Bu's face like a poisonous snake.

Lu Bu took a deep breath, and hit Zhang Fei's snake spear blade with brute force, easily defusing the move.

"Hahaha! Zhang Yide, your strength is too small, that's all."

After Lu Bu felt Zhang Fei's strength, he laughed out loud and relaxed a lot.

Lu Bu is also a person with natural supernatural power. Although he is slightly inferior to Yu Wencheng in terms of strength, it is enough to crush Zhang Fei.

The Zhangba Snake Spear itself is not suitable for competing in strength. Zhang Fei also increased his attack speed after shouting angrily.

The snake spear quickly pierced Lu Bu's chest, this time making Lu Bu completely serious.

"This Zhang Yide is stronger than Xiahou Yuanrang in terms of strength, and his skills are even better than Zhang Wenyuan. In time, he will become a super-class hero."

"At the very least, there is only one Xu Chu under Cao Cao's command who can match him. This Liu Bei is really lucky."

Lu Bu took a deep breath, accelerated the speed of waving Fang Tian's painting halberd, and reduced the strength on his arms.

Against a brave general like Zhang Fei who is good at attacking speed, Lu Bu naturally had to fight back with speed.

The glare of the cold blade was so frightening that Liu Jun in Guangling County was shocked to see it!
"To be able to fight against the three generals, isn't this Lu Fengxian alone?"

"You can see that Lu Bu's left hand doesn't seem to use any strength at all. The heavy Fang Tian's painted halberd can be swung faster than the Zhangba Snake Spear of the three generals!"

The soldiers under Lu Bu's command were used to the general's bravery, but the elite under Liu Bei were dumbfounded.

Guan Yu, Chen Dao and Zhao Yun were also shocked. They did not expect Lu Bu to be so brave.

If he had been singled out with him at Hulao Pass, Guan Yu now thought that if no one came to support him, he would probably die in the hands of Lu Bu.

At least at that time, I didn't have as much martial arts as I do now.

"Zilong, why do I feel that Lu Bu is using Fang Tian's painting halberd with one hand? If this is true, then the strength of his single arm will catch up with the strength of Yide's two arms!"

Liu Bei couldn't understand the doorway, so he hurriedly asked Zhao Yun.

Although Zhao Yun was on par with Guan Yu in terms of martial arts, he was still slightly inferior in reckless fighting.

But in terms of vision, Zhao Yun is naturally stronger, after all, his master is Tong Yuan, a generation of gun prodigy.

Zhao Yun also narrowed his eyes, took a closer look, and replied: "My lord, Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, is proficient in eighteen weapons, but he only likes the overlord of a hundred soldiers - the halberd!"

"It is rumored that before Xiang Yu raised his army, a meteorite fell from the sky in Jiangdong. Later, Xiang Yu forged weapons with this, and forged it into a giant Overlord Spear. The shaft was as thick as the mouth of a bowl! King Xiang named it "Ghosts and Gods"!"

"This gun needs the joint efforts of two strong men to lift it, but King Xiang's natural supernatural power made this gun only one-handed. Later, he even created a set of invincible moves on the battlefield 'one-handed eighteen picks'."

Zhao Yun went on to say: "The falling bamboo plum blossom spear technique taught to me by the master, the sea fishing spear technique, and the Coiled Snake Seven Detectives created by Mo Jiang recently all come from this one-handed eighteen picks!"

"And Lu Bu's move is eighteen picks with one hand!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Yun showed an expression of admiration to Lu Bu.

Liu Bei nodded his head half-understood, but Xu Shu was shocked when he heard it.

Compared to Xu Shu, who was born as a swordsman and chivalrous man, Liu Bei can only be regarded as a layman in martial arts.

Xu Shu said: "Zilong, your master Tong Yuan is a generation of gun masters, but I'm afraid he can't use one-handed [-] picks, right?"

"This move can only be used by those who are born with supernatural power. This Lu Bu's martial arts and arm strength are probably close to the Overlord of Western Chu!"

Xu Shu took a deep breath, and he told the truth.

Even Tong Yuan with the gun body couldn't use one-handed eighteen picks.

Because this is not something that can be learned by relying on skills, but requires extremely high strength requirements.

Guan Yu has remained silent all this time, but now he tried to utter three words: "It's waist strength!"

His face was reddish-purple, Dan Feng's eyes narrowed, and Guan Yu never spoke much.

Zhao Yun nodded directly, and said, "That's right! What General Guan said is absolutely true, this one-handed [-] picks uses the strength of the waist!"

"Using the strength of the waist to drive the one-handed arm, so as to wield the spear to achieve eighteen picks with one hand. General Zhang San's arm strength can also be used for ordinary spears, but it is difficult to achieve extremely high lethality."

"Lu Bu's Fang Tian Halberd itself is a heavy weapon, but it can also be as flexible as a spear, so its power is even more astonishing!"

"The most important thing is that the red rabbit horse is a peerless steed. It can withstand Lu Bu's moves like this, just like Wu Zou, the overlord of Western Chu!"

The halberd has been used as a ceremonial weapon since the Zhou Dynasty and is rarely used on the battlefield.

This is not because the use of the halberd is too demanding for the user and it is difficult to practice.

A good horse is also an important aspect to make a fierce general fight more bravely.

Liu Bei took a deep breath and said, "This Lv Bu can perform eighteen picks with one hand, so Yide is sure to lose? Yun Chang, you are ready to challenge Yide when Yide is exhausted. This Lu Fengxian!"

Guan Yu became more serious, he naturally wanted to challenge Lu Bu.

Such a peerless fierce general as one's opponent is a rare thing.

"Hahaha! Zhang Yide, why are your movements slowing down? Is it because you're weak?"

"You can be optimistic, I, Lu Fengxian, use Fang Tian's painted halberd to fight you with one hand, so you can't do it?"

Lu Bu attacked Zhang Fei wildly, forcing Zhang Fei, who was good at attacking, to let go.

The ground was full of traces of Gang Qi surging out, and Lu Bu's Gang Qi suppressed Zhang Fei even more.

Zhang Fei himself can generate stellar energy by himself, but he can't control the stellar energy to protect his body like Lu Bu!

"Hmph! Lu Fengxian, don't be too complacent!"

Zhang Fei roared, but he didn't careless at all, he just strengthened his defense.

The next moment, Guan Yu rode out of the city and rushed towards Lu Bu.

"Third brother, I'll help you!"

Knowing that Zhang Fei's physical strength was about to reach its limit, Guan Yu wanted to come to support him.

Zhang Liao saw that Liu Bei's generals wanted to fight with many against few, he shouted angrily: "Guan Yunchang, let me meet you!"

Just when Zhang Liao was about to ride out, Lu Bu laughed loudly and shouted, "Wen Yuan, go back!"

"Let me deal with it alone, I want to see how many brave generals Liu Xuande has under his command!"

Lu Bu cautiously stared at the red-faced tall general, and clenched Fang Tian's painted halberd with both hands.

Although he didn't know Guan Yu himself, Lu Bu felt a more dangerous aura from him than Zhang Fei.

But he is no longer the Lu Fengxian who was easily forced back by Yuwen Chengdu in Hulao Pass!
After the Battle of Hulao Pass, Lu Bu realized two stunts from Yuwen Chengdu's moves, and his martial arts were too refined.

Now, he has full confidence in dealing with the two heroes in front of him.

"Zhang Yide and that red-faced general, you two go together, don't care about anything!"

"One-on-one with me, Lu Fengxian, is not good for you, hahaha!"

Arrogant, extremely arrogant.

But Lu Bu's arrogance stems from his own strength.

Both Guan Yu and Zhang Fei acquiesced in Lu Bu's arrogance, because he has the strength and capital.

(End of this chapter)

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