Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 255 White Horse Silver Spear, Zhao Zilong!

Chapter 255 White Horse Silver Spear, Zhao Zilong!
"Tsk tsk tsk! Cao Gong, do you still care about how many brave generals Liu Bei has?"

"For a general, it is enough to lead as many troops as possible. The bravery of one person cannot establish the overall situation of the battle."

"Ding Yuan defeated Dong Zhuo all the way back then, didn't he also be decapitated? A general's bravery cannot establish the overall situation of the battle, and Liu Bei is just a clown."

Li Ru came in from outside the big tent, beside him was Xi Zhicai.

Xi Zhicai smiled slightly, and said: "Although Liu Xuande is a clown, he can be regarded as a dragon and a phoenix among men."

"If he is allowed to guard a piece of land, I'm afraid he can really disturb the world."

"What the lord should care about is not how many brave generals Liu Bei has under his command, but when he gets a talented person!"

Xi Zhicai narrowed his eyes and looked at Cao Cao calmly.

Cao Cao also suddenly realized, and realized this in an instant.

It was obviously a strategy for Lu Bu to attack Guangling County, and it coincided with Liu Bei.

Lu Bu can do this without thinking too much, Chen Gong is his only think tank.

But Liu Bei has no masters under his command, which proves that he must have got resourceful advisers.

Cao Cao said: "That's right! Liu Xuande would never have the wisdom to think of acting with Lu Bu. In addition, before Guan Yu and Zhang Fei ambushed Zhang Ji, this is enough to prove that Liu Bei has a master to help."

"However, this is also a good thing. Liu Bei's participation is also necessary for Wen He to say that he will divide the world into four corners."

"Let him get a counselor to assist us, so that we can go to the final victory and defeat Han Wu!"

With excited eyes, Cao Cao just released his ambition in an instant.

Li Ru also gave a faint smile, and said softly, "Mr. Cao, I will try my best to help you succeed, and I will do what you promised me before."

"Since ancient times, cunning rabbits have died, and lackeys have cooked; flying birds have died, and good bows have been hidden. Although I, Li Ru, don't care whether you, Mr. Cao, will cross the river and tear down the bridge, I hope you can live up to your promise."

Cao Cao nodded slightly after hearing Li Ru's words, and he agreed again.

This time even Xi Zhicai was at a loss, he didn't know what the lord had promised Li Ru.

But since Li Ru could be made to work for the lord, then this matter would definitely not be a simple matter.

At least before Cao Cao gets the world, he can't do it!

Inside the Mufu Mansion of Yecheng Prefecture
The ten-day discussion was going on, and the Bingzhou victory made Han Fu grieve from ear to ear.

Chen Qingzhi's white-robed army chased Liu Bao, the newly promoted Zuoxian king, out of the prairie for nearly a hundred miles, and directly entered the hinterland border of the Southern Huns.

In the end, the four virtuous kings of the Southern Huns dispatched together, only to force Chen Qingzhi's white-robed army back.

The Huyan clan officially announced that they would break away from the control of the Huns, and went south to join Chen Qingzhi.

They sent the most beautiful woman in the clan to Bingzhou, and Chen Qingzhi personally sent someone to Yecheng.

Han Wu's Hexiang Bieyuan is filled with more than a dozen prairie beauties, which makes the Hexiang Bieyuan even more popular.

Han Fu didn't dare to accept these beauties, after all, Mrs. Liu was very concerned about this moment.

Han Fu, who has always loved his wife, is reluctant to accept concubines, let alone accept beautiful women.

Therefore, it was cheaper for Han Wu.

Han Wu smiled slightly, and said: "The great victory in Bingzhou, the white-robed army shocked the northern border, that's very good."

"I also ask my father to allow the child to reward the white-robed army so that other soldiers will also believe in the state pastor's mansion."

"However, the most important thing is the Qin crossbow. From today onwards, Liu Ye is responsible for urging the craftsmen to build the Qin crossbow and the Qianji crossbow. First, deploy the Qianji crossbow to the city defense of Ye City."

As soon as Han Wu finished speaking, Liu Ye responded immediately.

Xun You saw that the war in northern Xinjiang was almost done, so he also stood up and reported the situation in Xuzhou.

"My lord, there was a small battle in Xuzhou. Lu Bu personally led his troops to attack Guangling County, and defeated the combination of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in a one-on-one battle."

"Then Lu Bu was defeated by Changshan Zhao Zilong, who was once a young general of Baima Yicong under Gongsun Zan's command."

When Han Wu heard that Zhao Yun had defeated Lu Bu, he subconsciously thought the news was false.

Although Zhao Yun is powerful in martial arts, he is still a young general after all, and it is impossible for him to defeat Lu Fengxian who is in his prime.

It is reasonable to say that Lu Bu defeated Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

But Zhao Zilong defeated Lu Bu, this new news must be false, and it was deliberately spread by Liu Bei.

Han Wu shook his head and said, "That Changshan Zhao Zilong, I did ask Tian Feng to look for him in Changshan. His force is not weak."

"It's just that it will take at least ten years to defeat Lu Bu. This should be a scheme between Liu Bei and Lu Bu, but I really don't know what their purpose is."

Han Wu could tell at a glance that Lu Bu's attack on Liu Bei was their strategy.

However, his knowledge is not enough to see through the essence of the strategy.

Guo Jia smiled slightly at this time, and quickly explained: "My lord, this strategy is used to confuse Yuan Shu, but in fact it won't be very effective."

"The key is that if Cao Cao also starts to confuse Yuan Shu, he will definitely take advantage of the morale of defeating Sun Jian and storm Xuzhou."

"At that time, the Yangzhou army belonged to the arrogant soldiers, and the arrogant soldiers will be defeated!"

Han Wu nodded slightly, but he still didn't understand the real purpose of this strategy.

Fortunately, the war in Xuzhou will not affect Jizhou, so Han Wu doesn't need to take care of it.

"Well! If that's the case, let General Yuwen Chengdu lead the suanni iron cavalry to go south to capture the Hetao Plain in autumn."

"This time, let's be tougher. Let Qu Yi and Zhang Xi lead troops southward, conquer the Hetao Plain before the autumn harvest, and seize some of Cao Cao's food and grass!"

Han Wu thumped the table and said very seriously.

Before voluntarily abandoning the Hetao Plain, Han Wu did so in order not to conflict with Cao Cao.

But now the situation does not allow Jizhou to calm down anymore, Han Wu must take the initiative to attack!
If Cao Cao takes over the Hanzhong and Western Shu regions, the case will inevitably be delayed in a short period of time, but it will rise in the long run.

Delay will only benefit Cao Cao more.

Yuan Shao in his previous life also had the advantage of being a land of four states, but because of his indecision, he was forced to death by Cao Cao!
Han Wu would not make such a mistake.

Now that Cao Cao is ready to move south, Han Wu will take over the Sili area and force him away completely.

"Okay! Let's do it according to Wu'er's idea, and retreat!"

With a big wave of Han Fu's hand, everyone was asked to leave the State Shepherd's Mansion.

Han Wu also had a few words of courtesy with his father, and then returned to Hexiang Bieyuan.

Walking to a room in the backyard of Hexiang Bieyuan, Han Wu took a look at the newly built bathing pool and nodded with satisfaction.

This bath was built by Han Wu based on Huaqing Pool, and he used it for bathing in the future.

Although it has just been built and looks relatively simple, Han Wu can imagine the scene of taking a bath with Mulan and Mi'er in the future.

Thinking about it, Han Wu almost drooled...

The dick's personality is innate, even if reincarnated, it is difficult to completely change it!

(End of this chapter)

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