Chapter 258

"Knife is indeed the master of soldiers. But using a sword does not only rely on brute force, it still requires moves."

"Since it's a move, it's naturally a martial art in the world, the only thing that can't be broken is speed!"

"Thousands of miles in the yellow sand, start!"

While thinking about it, Han Wu made a gesture of the Huangsha Wanli Xing Dao technique, which was full of momentum.

Even the dust that hadn't been cleaned up in the front yard in the morning was picked up by Han Wu's aura.

Like a body protected by yellow sand, the wild aura on Han Wu's body suddenly increased!
"This kid is extraordinary! Although I don't know what kind of sword technique this is, it is definitely not weak."

"At the very least, he has practiced it to perfection! If Mr. Han is a ranger, even Xu Shu is no match for him."

After Wang Yue saw Han Wu's starting gesture, he immediately became excited.

Walking the world for nearly 50 years, this is the first time Wang Yue has seen such a difficult-to-see knife technique.

The most important thing is that Han Wu didn't expose his flaws because of his lack of proficiency, as if he had practiced sword skills all his life!
"bring it on!"

Wang Yue gave a soft drink and stood ready.

After Hua Mulan saw her husband's aura, her beautiful eyes blurred and her face turned pink.

Such a domineering and heroic feeling, a generous and strong figure, and cold and terrifying eyes, every bit of Han Wu attracted Hua Mulan.

If Hua Mulan was half grateful to her husband before, now she is completely infatuated!
Zhen Mi was also attracted by the loud noise in the front yard, she covered her mouth in surprise.

Hiding behind Sister Mulan, Zhen Mi watched Han Wu's change in disbelief.

Dust surrounds the whole body, and the stellar energy is already visible to the naked eye, just like a fairy.

As an ordinary person, Zhen Mi had never seen such a situation.

"Master Wang, you have to be serious."

Han Wu spoke very plainly, but Wang Yue didn't dare to be careless.

Raising his sword to block, Wang Yue hasn't felt like facing an enemy for more than ten years.

With a sound of breaking through the air, Han Wu directly threw the Jueying Knife and shot it at Wang Yue's chest.

Wang Yue also narrowed his eyes, and instead of retreating at all, he raised his right leg.

The Jueying Knife was just a false move, and the real killer was Han Wu's leg skills.

Even Wang Yue didn't dare to take that move of "Xiang Tread".


Just when Jueying Knife approached Wang Yue within half a meter, his pupils dilated instantly.

The Jue Ying Knife was not a false move.

Han Wu held the Jueying Knife in his hand again, and kicked out his left leg with the "Xiang Tread" move.

Wang Yue's right toe touched Han Wu's calf, and the original ruthless move was immediately resolved.

With a flash of cold light from the long sword in his hand, Wang Yue flicked Han Wu's Jueying Knife aside.

But the next moment, Wang Yue went backwards!

In Han Wu's hand, the Jueying Knife was like an arm and a finger, and he slashed out four or five knives in an instant.

At such a speed, even Wang Yue's heart trembled.

The yellow sand travels thousands of miles, and the yellow sand is everywhere!
The attack like flying sand and rolling stones, just cut Wang Yue's jacket with a few small holes.

"Not bad, very powerful!"

Wang Yue nodded in satisfaction. Now he seemed to see a Xiliang ranger standing in front of him.

Han Wu's momentum is very strong.

"If it was 30 years ago, Mr. Han would have been the enemy of this old man. However, it is not enough now."

"Young Master Han, you are still too young."

Wang Yue's eyes became sharp for a moment, and the long sword in his hand seemed to be alive, and he began to fight back.

The speed of each move is not at all inferior to Han Wu, Wang Yue is going to show some of his true skills.

Han Wu is not afraid at all, he upholds the domineering philosophy and will never defend himself!

Just attacking as if desperately, every move of Han Wu is quite ruthless.

A move attack can be fatal, even Wang Yue's heart trembled.

Knowing every flaw in Han Wu's body skills, Wang Yue felt even more astonishing.

No defects!

Only Han Wu knew that the martial skills exchanged from the God of War summoning system had full proficiency and no defects.

The only disadvantage is that the user's force value is insufficient and cannot exert its full power.

Wang Yue was even more pleasantly surprised. After taking a deep breath, he used [-]% of his movement speed!

Han Wu felt dazzled for a moment, and his chest kept rising and falling.

In just a moment, he had swung hundreds of knives.

It's a pity that every knife was blocked or dodged by Wang Yue.

No matter how good Han Wu's physique is, it is difficult to attack without panting for a long time!

The method of traveling thousands of miles in Huangsha is to use it in one breath until the enemy is beheaded.

But similar to the breathless continuous fighting of modern boxers, traveling in Huangsha is quite exhausting.

Wang Yue found that Han Wu had already started to slow down his attack speed in less than five breaths.

"There is a weakness! It's now!"

Wang Yue could tell at a glance that Han Wu's arm was sore and weak, and he needed to breathe and take a rest.

However, Wang Yue seized the opportunity of this moment and counterattacked directly!
The long sword in the right hand seemed to be alive, bent forcibly, and hit Han Wu's wrist.

Han Wu suffered from pain, and his arm was sore and numb, and the Jueying Knife fell directly to the ground.

Even the stellar energy around Han Wu dissipated in an instant, and the dust fell to the ground!

Wang Yue stood gracefully and naturally in front of Han Wu, putting his sword back into its sheath.

"Young master, it's really amazing!"

Wang Yue nodded excitedly, agreeing with Han Wu very much in his heart.

Han Wu also smiled lightly, shook his arm, and laughed loudly.

"Hahaha! Have fun! Master Wang, the junior's martial arts have been fully displayed, and now he is considered a loser."

"However, Master Wang, please don't break your promise. From tomorrow onwards, you will be instructing juniors in sword and sword techniques. Hahaha, cool! Master Wang, please go back and have breakfast."

Han Wu put the Jueying Knife back into its sheath, stretched and walked towards the main hall.

Although Wang Yue was shocked, he knew that the young master was exhausted.

Although there was less than a cup of tea duel, Wang Yue knew that Mr. Han had used his full strength.

Facing a master of the Yanshan sword master level like himself, Han Wu must have lost his strength.

Walking to the hall, Han Wu smiled at Hua Mulan, and returned to the backyard with him.

Hua Mulan looked at her husband's back obsessively, blushing.

But as soon as Han Wu walked into the inner courtyard, he leaned softly in Hua Mulan's arms.

"Daughter-in-law, my husband is so tired~ Hurry up and help him to eat. After dinner, I want a knee pillow and a massage."

Han Wu showed a dick-like smile and leaned into Hua Mulan's arms.

Hua Mulan could only smile lightly, and helped her husband considerately.

She knew that although her husband was teasing her, he must have lost his strength.

Cai Yan, who had just come out of the room to tidy up the courtyard, saw this scene, blushed and came over to greet Han Wu.

"No! I'm going to use the bathtub today, and both Xiaoxiao and Mulan must come to take a bath with me."

"Mi'er, do you want to come with me?"

Han Wu touched Zhen Mi's face viciously, but the little girl also smiled shyly.

She didn't refute brother Han Wu's words, she knew she couldn't escape today.

What's more, in another two years, she will be the concubine of brother Han Wu, so naturally she didn't refuse.

"Husband! Mi'er is still young, don't go too far!"

"Little sister has already prepared breakfast, I will help you to eat some, and then take a bath and rest."

"As long as there is no serious health problem today, my husband must also go to the State Shepherd's Mansion. After all, there are still military affairs to deal with."

Hearing Hua Mulan's warning, Han Wu smiled slightly and did not refute.

But he secretly pinched Mulan's waist, and the salty pig's hand slid towards the beautiful upturned part...

Hua Mulan snorted shyly, glanced at her husband, and led him into the room together.

Su Xiaoxiao has prepared breakfast and is waiting for her husband to come to eat.

Although Cai Yan was very embarrassed, she also walked in, ready to have dinner with her husband.

(End of this chapter)

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