Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 261 Assault on Chang'an City

Chapter 261 Assault on Chang'an City (Part [-])
"Boys, charge with me!"

As soon as Lu Bu gave an order, the Bingzhou wolf cavalry immediately launched a charge and rushed towards the battlefield.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes made the ground tremble slightly, which was quite frightening.

Where the Xuzhou Army and the Yangzhou Army fought, the soldiers all looked around in confusion.

"What's the situation? The earth dragon is alive?"

"Fart! Run, it's Lu Bu's cavalry rushing over!"

Two Xuzhou soldiers saw Lu Bu's Bingzhou Wolf Riders charging towards this side, and their legs became weak from fright.

Such a cavalry charge is simply a killer for soldiers who are engaged in positional warfare.

Both Liu Bei and Zhang Xun also saw Lu Bu's Bingzhou wolf rider, but their attitudes were just the opposite.

"Withdraw! Let's retreat quickly, even if the entire army is wiped out!"

"This Lu Fengxian is really interesting. With such a charge, it is estimated that the elite of the Xuzhou army will be exhausted."

Zhang Xun laughed loudly, and directly took a few guards and soldiers out of the battlefield, preparing to flee.

Zhang Fei saw Zhang Xun who was about ten feet away trying to escape, so he shouted angrily, "Zhang Xun, come back and eat your grandfather with a spear!"

Staring angrily at the direction Zhang Xun was escaping from, Zhang Fei rode his horse and rushed over.

"Eunuch Zhang Yide, you should go back and protect your elder brother! Lu Bu's Bingzhou wolf cavalry is not our Yangzhou cavalry. It is estimated that your Xuzhou army will be wiped out in a while, hahaha!"

Zhang Xun laughed arrogantly, now he wants to leave, no one can stop him.

Zhang Fei shouted angrily, looked back, and gave up chasing Zhang Xun.

None of the generals under Liu Bei could keep Zhang Xun, because they were too busy to take care of themselves.

Lu Bu's Bingzhou wolf rider rushed into the battlefield in an instant, and the horse violently smashed away the Xuzhou and Yangzhou elites in front of him!
One after another, one after another, Lu Bu also violently beheaded the soldiers in front of him.

Both the Yangzhou army and the Xuzhou army died tragically under his Fang Tian's painted halberd.

When Liu Bei saw this scene, he was startled and shouted, "Lu Fengxian! Are you going to help the evildoers and help Yuan Gonglu?"

It's a pity that Liu Bei's voice was not loud, and Lu Bu, who was on the battlefield, couldn't hear him at all.

The battlefield is already chaotic.

"Yun Chang! Quickly ordered the withdrawal of troops, we fell for it!"

Liu Bei's heart seemed to be bleeding. Seeing that Xuzhou's elite was about to fall into the hands of Bingzhou wolf riders, he was heartbroken.

These ten thousand elite soldiers are almost all elite soldiers from Danyang, which can be regarded as part of Liu Bei's trump cards.

If all these ten thousand elites were lost, Liu Bei would never have any troops to stop Yuan Shu from conquering Guangling County.

Guan Yu quickly ordered the withdrawal of the troops, and ordered the soldiers under his command to retreat.

After Xuzhou soldiers heard Ming Jin, they immediately retreated to the rear and withdrew from the battlefield as much as possible.

Zhang Liao glanced at Liu Bei's direction, raised his sword and beheaded a Xuzhou lieutenant general!
"Everyone, kill Xuzhou soldiers first! Finally, deal with these Yangzhou soldiers."

After hearing Zhang Liao's order, the Bingzhou wolf rider howled and killed the Xuzhou soldiers.

There were screams one after another, and Liu Bei could only grit his teeth now.

If it was half a month ago, Liu Bei would have asked his second and third younger brothers to block Lu Bu.

But now he didn't dare to do that, because Lu Fengxian became so violent that he could even kill Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

And now Lu Bu's attitude is very obvious, that is to weaken himself and massacre Yangzhou soldiers.

Liu Bei snorted coldly and roared, "Withdraw! Lu Fengxian is a despicable villain, I remember him."

"Starting tomorrow, we will cut off all supplies, food, and grass to Lu Bu. I want to see what he will do! If he asks Yuan Shu for help, then he will send a letter to the court to condemn Lu Bu."

Liu Bei was furious, but he still kept his cool as much as possible.

Taking Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and the defeated generals of Xuzhou who had withdrawn from the battlefield, Liu Bei returned to Guangling County without looking back.

Lu Bu watched Liu, Guan, and Zhang escape, and he snorted coldly, and said, "Wen Yuan, capture these Yangzhou soldiers and Xuzhou soldiers who did not escape! We need to expand our troops."

Zhang Liao nodded, and cooperated with Gao Shun's camp to ambush the other soldiers.

Cao Cao could see clearly in the barracks, and said with a sneer, "Hey! Liu Bei's vitality was seriously injured this time, and he lost [-] elite soldiers from Danyang."

Standing beside Cao Cao, Cheng Yu also said, "That's right. But Yuan Shu's loss is even greater. Zhang Xun's initial 5000 vanguard army now has only [-] left."

"And all of them are remnants and defeated generals. This team of vanguards is regarded as disabled."

After hearing Cheng Yu's words, Xi Zhicai frowned slightly and just shook his head.

"No. Yuan Shu didn't suffer a disastrous defeat, but a complete victory."

When Cheng Yu heard that Xi Zhicai said that Yuan Shu had won, he looked at Xi Zhicai very puzzled.

Cao Cao also smiled slightly, and said, "That's right, judging from the number of people lost, it was indeed Yuan Shu's disastrous defeat."

"But if it is estimated from the total strength, then Yuan Shu will take advantage of it."

"The 1 army only lost more than [-] people, and it killed Liu Bei's [-] Danyang elite soldiers. Now Liu Bei still needs troops to resist Yuan Shao. The north-south attack and the loss of troops will make Guangling County unable to defend."

"Moreover, the battle report came from the rear. Han Wu's general Chen Qingzhi pushed the Southern Huns back a hundred miles, and Yuwen Chengdu led the heavy cavalry south. We are no longer safe."

"Wenhe and Wenyou have already prepared to transfer most of the people in the Sili area, and we must also find a way to transfer the people in Yanzhou."

"One year later, I will leave Yuan Shao and Han Wu with the most exhausted Yanzhou, let them fight!"

Cao Cao's eyes were gloomy, showing a traitorous expression.

In the Hetao Plain area, Zhang He, Qu Yi, and Yu Wen joined forces in Chengdu, looking at the farming area ahead.

"Strange! It stands to reason that we have only just started planting awns. Why is the Hetao Plain so desolate?"

"It's fine if there are no officers and soldiers to grow crops, but there are no common people to farm."

Qu Yi felt very strange, he didn't know what Cao Cao was planning.

Zhang He was also silent, as if he had thought of something.

Only Yu Wencheng sneered and said, "The reason why the lord let us go south is because he guessed that Cao Cao had secretly captured Xichuan."

"Now that Cao Cao is going south, he will definitely not farm on a large scale. Wouldn't it be better to leave the barren Sili area and Yanzhou to the lord and other princes?"

After hearing Yuwen Chengdu's words, Qu Yi was shocked.

"Huh? Cao Cao took Xichuan! Ah, it's not impossible. However, he should not have time to transfer people and money."

"Since this is the case, the three of us might as well use our tactics and directly raid Yanzhou!"

After hearing Qu Yi's words, Yu Wencheng smiled slightly and glanced at Qu Yi with satisfaction.

"Hahaha! Good! The cavalry of the three of us adds up to eight thousand, which is enough."

"Lu Yi, come and guard the Hetao area, and create a retreat for the three of us from Yanzhou!"

Yu Wencheng did what he said, and he and Qu Yi themselves were the kind of generals who could do whatever they wanted.

Zhang Xi swallowed, but he was also very excited.

"Then let's go now, the first target, Chang'an City!"

Yuwen Chengdu chuckled, pointed to the southwest direction, and directly decided to take Chang'an first.

The cavalry team is not suitable for attacking the city, but if it is a surprise attack, Yu Wencheng believes that Chang'an City may be conquered in an instant before closing the gates and deploying defenses!
Two days later, in the Hexiang Bieyuan, Han Wu gradually fell to the ground angrily, shouting: "Crazy, crazy! They are all fucking crazy! Call Zhu Ling over, and let him immediately gather all the cavalry around Yecheng, all The cavalry recruits are also gathered for me."

Han Wu's chest kept rising and falling. Although he was angry, he really admired the courage of Yu Wencheng, Zhang Yun and Qu Yi.

These three people actually led the cavalry to raid Chang'an City directly!
(End of this chapter)

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