Chapter 279 Jizhou Talents

In the sixth year of Jian'an, Cao Cao drafted an imperial decree to inform the world that the capital was moved to Xichuan Chengdu to avoid Yuan Shu's rebellion.

The Sili area became a land without an owner, and Yuan Shao's army moved westward in an instant to occupy a large area of ​​​​the Sili area.

Lu Bu gave up Pengcheng and raided Yanzhou, occupying most of Yanzhou.

Yuan Shu took the opportunity to go northward, captured Guangling County, Xiapi and Pengcheng, and pushed his troops straight to the hinterland of Xuzhou.

The Central Plains area is constantly fighting, Liu Bei is in danger, and Cao Cao is recuperating in the southwest.

In Jizhou University, the annual literary examination has begun, and the students are nervously preparing their pens and inks.

Han Wu brought Hua Mulan and Zhen Mi here to see the situation and see what outstanding students there are.

On a second-floor pavilion in Jizhou University, you can see everyone in the examination room.

"Husband, you should pay attention to etiquette when you go out, don't always hug Mi'er like this~"

Zhen Mi is already a 16-year-old girl, and she knows very well about the relationship between men and women.

Being held in Han Wu's arms, Zhen Mi's face flushed and she was very shy.

Han Wu smiled slightly, and said badly: "Mi'er, when will you sleep with your husband? How about tonight, hehe!"

Kneading Zhen Mi's face teasingly, Zhen Mi murmured softly.

It was hard for Zhen Mi to refuse Brother Han Wu's words. She knew since she was a child that she was Han Wu's woman.

Moreover, brother Han Wu is very kind to him, and he is usually so gentle and considerate, but he is rather lewd.

"Husband, husband~"

Lowering her head, Zhen Mi buried her face in Han Wu's chest, not daring to raise her head.

Han Wu laughed loudly, and the laughter spread to the examination room, but none of the students dared to look back to see what happened.

Hugging Zhen Mi who was dressed in Hanfu, Han Wu glanced at Hua Mulan and asked her to sit beside him.

"Mulan, according to your observation, do you think there are any great talents among these students?"

Han Wu pointed to the students in the examination room below and asked.

Hua Mulan is well aware of her husband's temperament and thoughts, so he is asking the question knowingly again.

"Husband, Jizhou University has always implemented the principle of recruiting talents regardless of high or low, so there are many students from poor families here."

"Although it is very fair to students from poor families here, they are students from poor families after all, and they will not be able to compare with children from aristocratic families in terms of the number of books they read and in all aspects."

"Sima Fu and Sima Kui of the Sima family are typical representatives of the descendants of the aristocratic family. They are both excellent."

"Cui Yan's nephew, Cui Shen, and Jushou's son, Juhu, are all descendants of aristocratic families, and after a few years they will all be pillars of talent."

Han Wu smiled slightly after hearing Hua Mulan's words. Although he was satisfied, it was not his complete idea.

Zhen Mi secretly shifted her position in Han Wu's arms, and leaned comfortably on his chest.

"Brother is actually more like letting the children of the poor family achieve better grades, because in this way they can get rid of the control of the aristocratic family."

"After all, most of the talents in Jizhou are from aristocratic families. They don't dare to make a fuss yet, but Bao Buqi will unite against brother Han Wu."

"Children from poor families don't have their own family factions, so if they overwhelm children from aristocratic families, it will be a great thing for my brother."

Zhen Mi's words reached Han Wu's heart, and he nodded in satisfaction.

"Hey! You're right, Mi'er really understands me!"

"However, I remember that I will be called Husband in the future, but the word Husband sounds nice."

"Take a bath with your husband tonight, brother will make you a real woman."

His hands wandered dishonestly over Zhen Mi's body, the thin three-layer clothes were not enough to block the heat from Han Wu's palms.

"Brother Husband, don't~ This is still outside, if it doesn't work, let's stay away from the window~"

Being teased by Han Wu so that her cheeks were flushed and her whole body was hot, Zhen Mi raised her head delicately to beg.

Han Wu smiled slightly, picked up Zhen Mi directly, and took a few steps towards the room.

"Come on, send someone to tell Liu Ye that the exam has started."

After Dian Wei heard what the lord in the room said, he quickly beckoned for an elite bloodthirsty tiger guard to ring the bell and drum.

Zheng Xuan has passed away from illness, and the current Jizhou Academy is managed by Liu Ye, who also voluntarily resigned from his post as Yecheng Ling.

Managing the Jizhou Academy is not as easy as being the governor of Yecheng, and the status has improved a lot.

Every student who went out from Jizhou Academy was regarded as Liu Ye's disciple, and from this point, Liu Ye's status was elevated.

"The exam begins! An essay, within [-] characters, with the title "On Pengju"!"

As the chief examiner, Liu Ye, when he mentioned the topic, all the candidates present were startled.

None of them thought that Liu Ye would ask such a question.

Han Wu, courtesy name Pengju.

The word Pengju in Jizhou not only represents the great Peng soaring high, but also means Mr. Han Wu.

On Pengju, is it about Han Wu or about Dapeng spreading its wings and flying high? If it is about Han Wu, is it a lack of approval or praise of strengths?
Every student was puzzled.

But there were a few people who started to write directly. Liu Ye took a closer look and found that they were Juhu, Sima Fu, Sima Kui, a poor family and a child of the Yingchuan clan.

The child of the Yingchuan clan had never studied in the Jizhou Academy, so he took the exam as soon as he came.

He is Chen Qun!

That poor family boy is also very good, Liu Ye thinks his talent is not inferior to Sima Fu Juhu.

This person's name is Wu Zhi, and his style name is Ji Zhong.

"Hey! The roc rises with the same wind in one day, and it soars ninety thousand miles. This is a famous sentence of the young master, but I don't know who of these students will quote this sentence, or dare to quote this sentence."

Liu Ye was patrolling the field, and when he walked past Chen Qun's table, he deliberately touched the corner of his table with his calf.

The pen and ink shifted suddenly, and the bamboo slips were stained with ink.

Chen Qun's heart trembled, but he didn't speak. He just changed a bamboo slip.

Liu Ye continued to walk to Sima Fu and Sima Kui, and touched the corners of their tables in the same way, soiling their bamboo slips.

Seeing this scene, Chen Qun narrowed his eyes and realized that Liu Ye didn't do it on purpose, nor was it careless.

He is deliberate!
The battlefield is as ever-changing as the officialdom, Liu Ye wants to use this method to create trouble for himself and others.

After thinking about this, Chen Qun smiled slightly, feeling confident.

After the exam at noon that day, Han Wu first asked Liu Ye to bring out the articles by Chen Qun and others.

After reading the articles of these people, Han Wu smiled slightly, and said to Liu Ye: "Very well, Cui Yan's nephew certainly did not disappoint me."

'The Cui family of Qinghe has a century-old character, and its reputation is indeed well-deserved.This Cui Yan was on par with Tian Feng. Although he was loyal and talented, his words were too straightforward and mean. "

"The same is true for Cui Yan's nephew, Cui Shen, but his writing reveals arrogance, making him suitable to be a general."

"This Chen Qun is very young and outstanding. He is a talent. Let him serve as Xun You's deputy for a while."

"As for Sima Fu and Sima Kui, they can both be county magistrates. You should suppress their arrangements for a while, so that they can calm down and calm down."

"After three months, let them make an appointment."

Han Wu put the bamboo slips aside, and the rest can be handled by Liu Ye.

Liu Ye hurriedly said, "Thank you, my lord!"

Ignoring Liu Ye any more, Han Wu directly walked out of Hexiang Bieyuan and got into the carriage.

Zhen Mi can't ride a horse by herself, and she is already a big girl, riding a horse is not good for her health.

So Han Wu also equipped her with a carriage, and Hua Mulan rode with her.

It's just that Zhen Mi was a little nervous, she was imagining how Brother Han Wu would "eat" herself this afternoon...

(End of this chapter)

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