Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 284 Ask Zhang Zhao if you are undecided about internal affairs, and ask Zhou Yu if you are u

Chapter 284 Ask Zhang Zhao if you are undecided about internal affairs, ask Zhou Yu if you are undecided about foreign affairs ([-])
When Lu Su saw that Mr. Quan was about to start preparing a banquet, he immediately became cautious and said, "Master! If Yu Ji really succeeds, then Mr. Zhou is now drunk and drunk. I'm afraid Zhou Gongjin will suspect him!"

Lu Su's words fell into Sun Quan's ears, and he smiled softly, "Zijing, what's the problem?"

"First, the third brother is still young. Once the eldest brother dies, even if someone sees the clue, they will not allow Zhou Gongjin to deal with me. I am the only person who can control Jiangdong at present."

"Secondly, Zhou Gongjin's confidants and soldiers are watching outside. Except for my servants, no one enters or exits my mansion today. Zhou Gongjin, who has no evidence, can do anything to me?"

"Yu Ji must be very careful when going in and out. At this time, no one knows that Sun Bofu is sure to die. What else can I do if I am an idler who is not a drunken man?"

Lu Su also understood the general meaning of Sun Quan, but he was still a little nervous.

After all, this matter was planned by Mr. Quan alone. Although he didn't personally participate in it, it was enough to expose something.

Sighing, Lu Su could only accompany the young master, drink and dance together.

Half an hour later, the inner layers of the Changsha State Shepherd's Mansion were under martial law, and all the core soldiers arrived here.

Outside a courtyard, all the soldiers were discussing and feeling very nervous.

Gan Ning frowned, and said to Huang Gai: "General Huang, Sun Bofu was attacked suddenly. Judging by his injuries just now, this is not something ordinary people can do."

"The short knife pierced Bofu's chest, and he was able to injure Bofu at close range before retreating completely. This kind of martial art..."

Gan Ning was still skeptical about Sun Quan, after all, now that Sun Ce had an accident, Sun Quan benefited the most.

But after seeing Sun Ce's injury, Gan Ning dispelled this speculation.

Huang Gai did not answer Gan Ning's words, because he knew that Gan Ning had certain factions after all.

He is a general directly under Sun Ce's command and will more or less support Sun Bofu.

Han Dang couldn't help it anymore, he shouted: "Gan Xingba, don't say a few words! With that kind of injury, you can stab his chest with a knife in the full state of Bofu, I'm afraid even Wentai can't do it when he is alive." !"

"Bofu's martial arts is the best among us, and he is invincible in Jiangdong area."

"Being able to injure Bo Fu with a short knife, it is obvious that the assassin is not a general at all, but a swordsman or an alchemist!"

Han Dang's words made Huang Gai and Cheng Pu tremble.

Alchemist, there was once an alchemist named Yu Ji who threatened to take Sun Bofu's life.

While these officers and soldiers were still discussing, Mrs. Wu pushed open the door and said, "Bo Fu has woken up. General Cheng Pu, General Huang Gai, General Han Dang, Mr. Zhang Zhao, Zhou Gongjin and five people, Bo Fu Let you in."

After hearing Mrs. Wu's voice, all the soldiers shut their mouths and quickly lowered their heads.

The five people who were chanting their names immediately walked into the room and saw Sun Bofu lying on the bed with a pale face.

Sun Ce turned his head and glanced at the five people. He took a deep breath and said, "It's Yu Ji! Yu Ji brought a hundred dead soldiers with hand crossbows and attacked and killed me!"

After Zhou Yu heard Sun Ce's words, he raised his hand, wanting to ask whether the matter was related to Sun Quan.

But Sun Ce didn't give him a chance to speak at all, so he widened his eyes and told Zhou Yu to shut up.

"Let me finish!"

Sun Ce coughed and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The doctor immediately supported Sun Ce's chest, and pressed the wound for him to prevent the wound from bursting.

"Bo Fu! Just lie down and tell me, your two uncles and I are listening." Huang Gai quickly took a step forward and pushed Zhou Yu away.

Obviously, Huang Gai saw that Zhou Yu made Sun Ce anxious.

Sun Ce smiled slightly, he snorted coldly, and just said: "The three uncles have taken good care of Bo Fu for more than 20 years, and Bo Fu is very grateful."

"But today, Bo Fu knows that he still has three hours to live, and there is no cure."

"Yu Ji once threatened that he could kill me with a flying knife. I didn't believe it, but he did it. There is poison on the flying knife, and my life will not be long. Don't arrest Yu Ji. His method is weird, he is a demon! The flying knife stabs me out of thin air. into my chest, I'm not kidding."

"I feel quite energetic now, and I have to explain the funeral in advance. Send someone to find Zhongmou, I have something to entrust to him!"

Sun Ce coughed a few times and told the soldiers to call Sun Zhongmou.

After the three uncles saw Sun Ce's state, they wanted to persuade him, but they didn't know what to say.

Because Sun Ce's condition is indeed not good, he is about to die.

Huang Gai gritted his teeth, dragged the doctor out, and at the same time let Wu Shi listen.

Seeing Huang Gai go out, Zhou Yu took a step closer to Sun Ce, wanting to ask about the details of his assassination.

But Sun Ce glared at Zhou Yu, and said to Cheng Pu: "Uncle, someone tied Zhou Gongjin and gagged him!"

"Gongjin will be released three days after my death. During this period, he cannot be allowed to say a single word."

Without opening his eyes to look at Zhou Yu again, Sun Ce sighed quietly.

He knew Zhou Yu well and knew what Zhou Yu was going to say.

After his father died, Jiangdong was stabilized with great difficulty, and now his own destiny is at the end of his life, so there can be no more chaos!
Even Sun Ce has some doubts about his younger brother, but for the sake of the overall situation, now is not the time to figure out everything.

Cheng Pu understood what Sun Ce meant, so he took Zhou Yu down without restraining him.

Seeing Sun Ce's attitude, Zhou Yu gritted his teeth and spat.

Bo Fu didn't want to worry about these things, so Zhou Yu could only let him go.

Outside, Huang Gai asked the doctor, "Sir, is Bo Fu really hopeless?"

The doctor took a deep breath and said softly, "General, as a doctor, it's the villain's fault that he can't help the world and save people."

"General Sun Ce's body is actually fine, and his injuries are not serious. But judging from his pulse, he has been poisoned and will die within three hours."

"This kind of poison, the villain has seen in an article by Mr. Zhang Zhongjing. It is a kind of poison used by Yu Ji, who saved the people of Wu County, to resist the plague. He cured the plague with poison."

"It is said that Mr. Zhang Zhongjing didn't even research the antidote to this poison at that time, and now he is in Jingzhou... he won't be able to catch up in three to five days."

The doctor sighed helplessly, bowed his head and admitted his incompetence.

Wu didn't blame the doctor, she squeezed a tear from the corner of her eye, restrained her emotions and said: "Sir, thank you for your hard work. Please don't publicize this matter, and stay at the mansion for the next two days to avoid rumors. "

"General Huang, immediately send someone to call Zhongmou, and tell him that his brother is critically ill, so come over immediately."

Wu gave the order solemnly, and Huang Gai bowed and accepted the order.

Now that Sun Bofu is critically ill, even if the Wu family is the most respected person, his words represent the meaning of Marquis Wu Cheng.

Sun Quan was drinking a small amount of wine in his backyard. He didn't let himself get drunk, but he was still slightly drunk.

You must let yourself act like you didn't know that your brother was assassinated. Sun Quan knew that he had to do a full set of plays.

"Zijing, you don't need to drink, and stay awake. It won't take a cup of tea, and someone from the prefect's mansion will call me over."

As soon as Sun Quanwei arrived, he waited for someone to come and take him away.

(End of this chapter)

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