Chapter 290 Guan Yunchang!

In the general's mansion in Xuzhou City, Guan Yu sat behind the criminal, squinting his eyes and reading "Spring and Autumn".

A maid came over in a hurry and said in a low voice: "General, the doctor just gave Madam a pulse and said it seemed to be a girl."

Guan Yu narrowed his eyes, his maroon face was expressionless, and he just said, "It doesn't matter if it's a girl, but my Guan Yunchang's daughter is naturally a tiger. Now that you have Ping'er, it would be nice to have another daughter."

Seemingly not paying attention to these things, Guan Yu glanced at the maid and told her to step back.

Cao Bao hurriedly walked outside the hall, saw Guan Yu talking with the maid, and stopped to wait.

"General Cao Bao, come in and say something."

With contemptuous and arrogant eyes, Guan Yu said to Cao Bao without even getting up.

Although Cao Bao asked himself that he was not as good as Guan Yu in martial arts commanding troops, at least he was regarded as an equal official position.

Now Guan Yu was just appointed by Liu Bei to guard Xuzhou City, and he was so arrogant that Cao Bao was very uncomfortable.

Cao Bao went to the hall, bowed his head and said: "General Guan, Han Wu's army has already arrived in Xuzhou, and it will reach Xuzhou City in less than a day."

"Mr. Xu Shu said that if Han Wu insists on taking Xuzhou City, let him go."

"Now we..."

Guan Yu narrowed his eyes, and Cao Bao couldn't help shivering as he stared at him with red and phoenix eyes.

With a soft snort, Guan Yu said in a low voice: "Military Master Xu Shu said to give up Xuzhou City, and I, Guan, will obey the order to give up the city?"

"Abandoning the city means abandoning the people in the city! He Han Pengju is just a junior, if he has the ability to take down Xuzhou City from me, then Guan will give it up!"

"If Han Pengju doesn't have this ability, how can he help his brother go south to destroy Yuan Shu? Cao Bao, send someone to tell Han Pengju that I'm waiting for him under the city of Xuzhou!"

Guan Yu's arrogance and justice made Cao Bao sigh.

Guan Yu is very human.

Cao Bao hurriedly withdrew and asked someone to write a letter to Han Wu, expressing Guan Yu's intentions.

On the border of Xuzhou City's jurisdiction, Guan Yu's messenger has arrived at Han Wu's camp.

Han Wu looked at the bamboo slips from Xuzhou City and smiled slightly.

Throwing the bamboo slips to Guo Jia, Han Wu also let him have a look.

All the soldiers were silent, they didn't know what happened.

Guo Jia took a deep breath, and said angrily after finishing reading, "This Guan Yunchang is too arrogant, he even said that we should take Xuzhou City by ourselves!"

"We have promised Liu Bei to go south to attack Yuan Shu. Xuzhou City is just a reward, and we have to take it by ourselves."

"Even Liu Bei acquiesced in giving up Xuzhou, how dare Guan Yu, a mere reckless man, stand in the way of the lord's army?"

Before Guo Jia finished speaking, all the soldiers became angry and scolded Guan Yu angrily.

For a while, the battalion commander was very noisy, and even Dian Wei and Lu Zhishen began to criticize Guan Yu.

"This Guan Yu is too arrogant!"

"That's right, a mere lieutenant general dares to look down on our Jizhou army so much. What is he?"

"That's right, what is he!"

Han Wu smiled lightly, and waved to Hua Mulan behind him, asking him to get him a glass of water.

Hua Mulan hurriedly knelt down beside her husband's chair, filled a cup of tea, and continued to stand up to guard.

While drinking tea, Han Wu listened to the discussions of the soldiers, but kept silent.

After half a cup of tea, all the soldiers seemed to realize that the lord had stopped talking.

Dian Wei and Lu Zhishen quickly shut up, they saw the lord staring at the soldiers expressionlessly.

The other soldiers also began to shut up one after another, lowering their heads one by one, not daring to speak anymore.

Han Wu snorted softly, raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the matter? Why don't you talk anymore? Look down on Guan Yu?"

"Which of you knows Guan Yu? Dian Wei looks down on Guan Yu because he has that kind of martial arts. Except for Dian Wei, who of you has the right to talk about an enemy you have never met?"

"I, Han Pengju, ask myself, if I am negligent, I will be defeated by Guan Yu. Some of you say that Guan Yu is not worth mentioning, so what am I, Han Pengju? Not worth mentioning?"

As soon as Han Wu said this, all the soldiers were taken aback and knelt down on their knees.

"The last will not dare!"

All the soldiers became nervous, they didn't know why the lord started talking ironically.

Han Wu stood up, shook his arms, and said earnestly: "My soldiers in Jizhou, and my soldiers under Han Pengju's command are not trash."

"However, arrogant soldiers are bound to lose, you must understand this truth."

"In the past five years, he defeated the Xiongnu, defeated Gongsun, blocked Ma Teng, and destroyed Wuhuan. These achievements are indeed not small."

"The Jizhou army is victorious in every battle. It is indeed the heroism of all the soldiers. But the arrogant soldiers must be defeated, don't you understand?"

Han Wu glanced at Guo Jia, he snorted softly and widened his eyes.

Guo Jia also quickly knelt down, but kept silent.

He also knew that what he said just now was wrong, which made all the soldiers underestimate the enemy.

Seeing all the soldiers kneeling on the ground, Han Wu was silent for a few seconds, then continued: "Guan Yu, Guan Yunchang, that's Liu Bei's sworn brother."

"Since Xu Shu asked Guan Yu to guard Xuzhou, it is because he has the ability. Tomorrow will send troops to Xuzhou, Guan Yu will not give up Xuzhou City, I, Han Pengju, will take it myself."

"Retire, prepare in advance, and give Guan Yu a fight!"

"Also, let Xu Huang and Tai Shici come over quickly, and Meng Gong will continue to guard Qingzhou."

He didn't dwell on the issue of the generals underestimating the enemy, Han Wu just mentioned them.

All the soldiers stood up one after another and retreated respectfully.

Dian Wei and Lu Zhishen still stayed outside the tent of the Chinese army, responsible for guarding.

After Han Wu said again, he narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly.

next morning
Han Wu led an army of [-] to gather in the plain area north of Xuzhou City, waiting for Guan Yu to lead his troops out of the city.

As expected by Han Wu, Guan Yu really left the city, which also proved his extraordinary arrogance.

Faced with the invitation letter from the younger generation, if Guan Yu refuses to challenge, it will hurt his face.

Seeing a tall man sitting on a horse from a distance, wearing a dark green shirt, Han Wu became serious.

Riding his horse forward, Han Wu was going to meet Guan Yu for a while.

Dian Wei saw his lord galloping out, and he followed closely to protect his safety.

Hua Mulan also rode her horse and followed, holding the spear tightly in her hand.

"Guan Yu and Guan Yunchang are indeed heroes among men."

"General Guan, Xuzhou City should be guarded by our army, but you must not be reconciled to letting General Guan withdraw like this."

Guan Yu narrowed his eyes and kept silent, but clenched the Qinglong Yanyue Knife tightly in his hand, his murderous aura surged.

Dian Wei suddenly became vigilant, and he rode forward to stand in front of the lord.

This Guan Yu was not ordinary, which made Dian Wei very vigilant!
Han Wu smiled slightly, and continued: "General Guan, the army fought with heavy casualties. The siege of the city will endanger the people. Why don't you and I fight for a general, and each side will send five people, and the side that loses more than three games will evacuate from Xuzhou City. .”

After hearing Han Wu's words, Guan Yu suddenly became suspicious, and said coldly, "Could it be that your Excellency is planning to use Tian Ji's horse racing strategy?"

Seeing that Guan Yu was wary of his strategy, Han Wu laughed loudly, pointed at Guan Yu and said, "If General Guan has the confidence to fight against the five generals of our Jizhou Army in rounds, it is naturally possible."

After Guan Yu heard this, he hesitated for a while, then nodded, narrowed his eyes and said, "Mi Fang, you take the lead."

Raising the Qinglong Yanyue Saber horizontally, Guan Yu rode his horse back and agreed to Han Wu's proposal.

After Han Wu understood Guan Yu's attitude, he saw another young soldier from Xuzhou galloping out, so he activated the God of War summoning system to check his strength.

"Mi Fang, force 69, so-so..."

After detecting Mi Fang's force value, Han Wu continued to ride out, holding the spear tightly in his hand.

"General Guan, for the first battle, I, Han Pengju, will fight in person and beat the drums!"

Han Wu glanced at Dian Wei, signaling that if he saw that he was in danger, he would immediately come to help him.

Han Wu has already used the God of War Summoning System to increase his force value to 81 points, and Mi Zhu is nothing to be afraid of.

What's more, Mi Zhu is still young, not the age with the strongest martial arts.

Dian Wei cheered up and clenched the steel halberd in his hand.

Lu Zhishen immediately asked the drummer to beat the drum.

When the generals of Jizhou saw that the generals were about to fight, and the first one to go out was the main general, Young Master Han, their blood boiled immediately!

"Young Master Han! Young Master Han!"

For a moment, the shouts shook the sky and shook people's hearts!

The momentum of the Jizhou army made Guan Yu feel emotional.

(End of this chapter)

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