Chapter 35
"Father, my son wants to marry Cai Yan, but according to the order of his parents and the words of the matchmaker, he wants his father to give him more attention."

Han Wu glanced at Cai Yan, and then said something directly to his father seriously, which made Han Fu stunned for a moment.

In front of the other girl, his son actually said so bluntly that he wanted to marry her. I have to say that Han Wu is really quite bold, without any shyness.

Cai Yan, who was originally very embarrassed, now lowered her head so much that she couldn't see her eyes after hearing Han Wu's words, and her heart was pounding.

Mrs. Liu also snickered, her son was indeed very interesting, he even said that he wanted to marry her in front of the girl, and it seemed that the relationship between the two was only in the ambiguous stage.

"Well, that's fine. Parents are the ones to decide on marriage. If Wu'er has already made a decision, then my father will send someone to Cai's mansion to propose marriage tomorrow."

Han Fu calmed down a bit. He was actually very satisfied with Cai Yan being his daughter-in-law. After all, she was Cai Daru's daughter, and her background was considered innocent.

Although Cai Yan had already been hired by the three media and six media of Sili Wei's family at the beginning, he was short of a real pass, but what can be guaranteed is that his identity is innocent.

Wei Zhongdao's early death was something that everyone in the aristocratic family knew, so Cai Yan's marriage has been delayed. The Wei family is very famous, and no one dared to provoke them.

Therefore, when Cai Yan arrived, she has not yet married. According to the age when she should be married at the age of 16 in the Han Dynasty, Cai Yan is considered an "old girl".

"Really, you two, talking about these things in front of other girls makes them so shy that they dare not eat, especially Wu'er."

"Wen Ji, don't worry about Wu'er. Ever since he started leading troops to fight, he has been very straightforward in everything he does. His mind is that of a general."

Seeing that Cai Yan was so ashamed that he didn't dare to eat, Liu quickly brought food for Cai Yan, while Han Wu looked straight at Cai Yan, just in time to look at him when he saw her.

The shyness of the typical ancient beauties made Han Wu unable to help falling in love with such classical girls. Compared to Su Xiaoxiao, who is cute and soft, Cai Yan is more quiet and shy.

But then Han Wu didn't say anything anymore, he ate quietly and didn't look at Cai Yan again.

Cai Yan sneaked a few glances at Han Wu, but found that Han Wu no longer paid attention to him. This feeling of hot and cold made Cai Yan very at a loss.

After the meal, Han Wu even made an excuse with his father and prepared to leave the table. Although Han Fu was not satisfied, he couldn't say anything.

Han Wu has been dealing with the problem of how to deal with the black bandits during this time, and Han Fu also knows that his son has a lot of things in normal times.

However, Han Wu went straight back to his room, and Su Xiaoxiao had just finished her meal, and her food was several levels higher than other servants.

Basically, Su Xiaoxiao can eat whatever Han Wu usually eats, but she rarely eats particularly greasy food.

"My lord, you are back, let me give you a massage, my lord has been busy all day, so I must be very tired now."

Just after tidying up the room, Su Xiaoxiao saw Han Wu coming back, she immediately showed a very happy smile, and walked to Han Wu's side.

Han Wu sat on the bed beside him. He picked up the report that he hadn't had time to read before. This was the situation on the front line from Wei Jun Zhang He.

"Okay, just give me a massage on my thigh. I have been riding a lot during this period, and my thigh is so sore every day that I can hardly move."

Han Wu said something with a serious face, but Su Xiaoxiao's face was red, because that afternoon, the young master was doing the same thing while saying that he was taming the horse.

In the early morning of the next day, Han Wu got up very early, and he had to get ready to attack Montenegro during this time.

Moreover, the news of Dong Zhuo's death has also reached the ears of every prince, and each of them is planning the next strategy.

Sitting in the hall, Guo Jia stood in front of Han Wu, while Han Wu sat on the honored seat, shaking his head slightly.

"Feng Xiao, Dong Zhuo Fuzhu, the current court has actually been controlled by Wang Yun. Although this guy seems loyal, he is a fool."

"He didn't allow Guo Si and Li Jue to surrender. These two guys actually control [-] to [-] Xiliang elite soldiers. If they attack Chang'an, Wang Yun can't stop them at all."

"Although Lu Bu is a powerful general in the world, he can't compete with tens of thousands of Xiliang's elite soldiers. It seems that the court will still be controlled by thieves."

Han Wu said to Guo Jia that he already had a plan, but he was hesitating and didn't know what to do.

Now Han Wu has two plans. One is to prepare for King Qin and control the emperor to Jizhou, so as to coerce the emperor to order the princes.

But in this way, Han Wu was worried that once he left Jizhou with his troops, Yuan Shao of Qingzhou would attack Bohai County on a large scale, which was very troublesome.

If you just give up the emperor, then the one who picked up the cheap must be Yanzhou Cao Cao, but this guy must also be worried about Qingzhou Yuan Shao.

Guo Jia observed his words, he naturally understood what the lord was thinking, but Guo Jia also had a plan and was about to say it.

"My lord, in fact, the current situation does not require my lord to go to serve the king, because Jizhou is rich enough, and Bingzhou is currently considered a land without an owner."

"What we need is to increase our strength as soon as possible. After we take down the Black Mountain bandits, we will find a way to directly control Bingzhou, and then we will have a decisive battle with Gongsun Zan of Youzhou."

"As for the Son of Heaven, at most it can be a sharp weapon for the Young Master to restrict the development of other princes and become famous as a teacher, but in the face of absolute military strength, the Son of Heaven may be dispensable."

"Moreover, if the lord coerces the emperor to command the princes, it is easy to be slandered by others as a traitor, which will have a great impact on reputation."

Guo Jia made a suggestion to Han Wu. In fact, he did not support the lord to go to the king, because Jizhou didn't need the emperor at all.

Jizhou is currently very stable, and the direction of development is also very clear. What is needed is a period of steady development, not rapid growth after controlling the emperor.

"It is indeed very reasonable for you to say so, but if you just give up the emperor like this, it always feels inappropriate and a bit disadvantageous."

Han Wu muttered to himself, but at this moment, a scout sent from Taiyuan County ran in with Chen Qingzhi's letter.

After Han Wu opened the letter, he read it again and felt a little dizzy, but felt that the situation was okay.

"Damn it, history is beginning to deviate from the original Three Kingdoms. This guy didn't leave Youzhou to rescue Kong Rong, but Gongsun Zan still lacks powerful support."

"If it's not what I expected, Zhao Yun should be among the 3000 people. This guy Liu Bei is really lucky. He's really pissed off."

Han Wu sighed quietly, and he will gradually pass it to Guo Jia, let Guo Jia have a look, and at the same time want to ask Guo Jia's opinion.

After a few seconds, Guo Jia rolled up the bamboo slips and put them back on the table in front of the lord, and thought for a few seconds before speaking.

"My lord, Liu Bei borrowed troops from Gongsun Zan to go south around Bing Prefecture. It seems that he is going to Qin Wang, but his army is too small, but he took away two generals, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei."

"Without Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, Gongsun Zan would have lost his sharpest minions. I believe that General Qu Yi is fully capable of dealing with the current Gongsun Zan."

"Liu Bei leads his troops south to Chang'an, which will make the situation in Chang'an even more chaotic. If Cao Cao can send troops at this time, he must be able to win the emperor."

Guo Jia now understands the situation, he has analyzed the situation clearly to Han Wu, and the next step is to see what the lord himself plans.

Han Wu took a deep breath, frowned slightly, and decided to wade into the muddy waters of Chang'an City, because he still wanted to subdue a fierce general.

At present, under Yang Feng's command, there is Xu Huang, a fierce general. After all, he is also one of Cao Cao's five good generals in history. Han Wu still values ​​it very much.

The second of the five good generals, there are also summoned generals and Dian Wei under his command. With these powerful generals, Han Wu believes that his team is very solid.

"Well, I already know. In this case, we still have to send troops. Let's put aside the matter of Montenegro. Anyway, Zhang Yan is just an old fritter, and he is exhausted."

"When I have enough troops, I will directly lead the troops to surrender Zhang Yan. He is a remnant of the Yellow Turban Party. What he values ​​now is just feeding the people under his control and realizing his ambitions."

Han Wu said something lightly, and then he was going to find his father and ask him to write a letter to Cao Cao in Yanzhou, asking Cao Cao to cooperate with his actions.

Cao Cao also got news from Chang'an City at Yanzhou Governor's Mansion. Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu stood by Cao Cao's side. They are Cao Cao's most effective advisers at present.

Cheng Yu is currently dispatched, so Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai can be said to be Cao Cao's think tanks, but Xi Zhicai is in extremely poor health.

Zhan Zuoxi Zhicai was sitting next to him. After reading the news he had just received, Cao Cao couldn't help sighing, hesitating in his heart.

"Zhicai, the city of Chang'an is in chaos. If you send troops now, you can control the emperor well, but Han Fu and his son will not stand by and watch."

"And once we send troops, Yuan Shao will definitely take advantage of the emptiness and seize my Yanzhou. This is really troublesome."

Cao Cao sighed faintly, but Xi Zhicai already had a countermeasure, but his countermeasure was completely different from Xun Yu's.

Although Xun Yu also wants the lord to be king, but he is a loyal Han family, but Xi Zhicai's plan is indeed a perfect strategy.

"My lord, although Han Wu and Han Fu are difficult to deal with, they can be friends. Jizhou is surrounded by enemies, and Jizhou's weakness is obvious."

"Jizhou has a lot of soldiers and generals, even if it is to send troops to check and balance Yuan Shao, it is no problem to dispatch the general Qin Wang, but if it is Han Wu, he will not take such a risk."

"Bingzhou is now a land without an owner, and Han Sui, the governor of Bingzhou, can't control Bingzhou. If we promise Han Wu to appoint him as governor of Bingzhou immediately after King Qin, I think Han Wu will not disagree."

As soon as Xi Zhi finished speaking, he coughed violently, and now he was about to reach the point of terminal illness.

Cao Cao was also shocked. He was more concerned about Xi Zhicai's body, which was his number one brain trust, and he couldn't just lose it like this.

"Zhicai should also pay more attention to his body, but the plan you mentioned is indeed good, but he is worried that Han Wu's appetite is too big, so he disagrees."

Cao Cao frowned slightly, and he said lightly, what he is worried about now is that Han Wu will not cooperate with him, after all Han Wu is not a fool, it is impossible to give up the emperor.

After Xi Zhicai heard what the lord said, he smiled slightly, shook his head and denied the lord's thoughts.

"My lord, you don't have to worry about this. As long as the lord promises enough substantial benefits to Han Wu, he will never refuse."

"As we all know, Yuan Shu would not be so stupid for giving more than 1 war horses to Jizhou, and the current news is that the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom is in Yuan Shu's hands."

"The Jizhou army was the first to enter Luoyang. They must have obtained the jade seal, but Han Wu exchanged the jade seal for [-] horses to seize Bohai County."

"From this point, it can be seen that Han Wu is a person who pays more attention to real interests, so compared to an emperor who restricts his freedom, the whole Bingzhou will make him value it more."

Xi Zhicai explained something to Cao Cao, and Cao Cao suddenly realized that he immediately sent someone to write to Han Fu to unite with him.

At Jizhou State Shepherd's Mansion, Han Wu was also writing letters to Cao Cao, and his letters were more straightforward, just like a businessman bargaining.

He helped Cao Cao get the emperor, but Han Wu wanted to let Cao Cao get the emperor, canonize himself as the governor of Bingzhou, and bring half of Hedong County into Bingzhou.

It was completely a lion's mouth, Han Wu just wanted to make Cao Cao have no capital to bargain, this time it was a conspiracy, and he had to agree.

If Han Wu's current forces are all pressed up to deal with Cao Cao, Cao Cao will not be able to resist at all, although this will make Jizhou also suffer from the enemy and fall into crisis.

But after all, Han Wu has such a force, Cao Cao will definitely not bargain with himself, so he wants to take down the entire Bingzhou and half of Hedong County.

(End of this chapter)

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