Chapter 350 The Battle of Yuxi
In Xiangyang City of Jingzhou, Yuan Shu closed the city, and he had reached a desperate situation.

He used to be the number one prince in the world, but now he has no soldiers and no food to defend. Yuan Shu still has to face Liu Bei, Sun Quan and Cao Cao's attack from three sides!
Xiahou Dun personally led troops out of Fuling to attack Jingzhou, Liu Bei led a large army to attack, and Sun Quan also sent general Zhou Yu as the governor to attack Lingling.

Yuan Shu sat paralyzed in the city, holding his jade seal, sighed helplessly and shook his head.

Tao Qian was exhausted, Sun Jian was killed, and Liu Biao was driven out of Jingzhou. Yuan Shu thought he had a great record, but he still couldn't escape being besieged and defeated.

The generals under his command were originally loyal people, even if they gave up Yangzhou, they never rebelled.

But now in the past two months, under the siege of the three of Cao Cao, many soldiers have turned their heads one after another!
Even his own think tank, Yan Xiang, was captured by Liu Bei when he was guarding the pass.

Outside Fuling, Xiahoudun's follow-up support team continued to strengthen Jingzhou, and won more than a dozen cities.

In Wuling City, Xiahoudun's soldiers had just stopped looting after breaking through the city. Veteran Yan Yan brought a few people to Xiahoudun's place to report the situation.

"General Xiahou, Wuling City has been completely captured. We only need to go north for three days to besiege Xiangyang City."

Xiahou Dun nodded slightly after hearing Yan Yan's words. He respected this Yizhou veteran very much.

Yan Yan also respected Xiahou Dun, and the two respected each other.

Xiahou Dun opened the map of Jingzhou and said, "General Yan Yan, you see, this road is not only the way for us to go north, but also the way for Zhou Yu, the governor of that boy Sun Quan."

"Liu Bei has won the most land in Jingzhou so far. The prime minister's request this time is to bring back the jade seal. All the land in Jingzhou can be given to Liu Bei."

"Therefore, we must ensure that this road is unimpeded, and we cannot let Zhou Yu get a share of the pie. If Zhou Yu intervenes, and the land captured by Liu Bei is affected by Zhou Yu, I am afraid that Liu Bei will not support us in taking Yuxi away."

Yan Yan frowned, gritted his teeth and said, "No way? After all, Liu Bei is a clan member of the Han family. If he hides the jade seal privately, it will be a crime of treason! But he is right, if he really hides the jade seal, we will no way."

"Okay! If that's the case, then I will lead my troops northward early tomorrow morning, and take the lead in besieging Xiangyang City!"

As soon as Yan Yan finished speaking, she immediately turned around and left to rectify the troops.

Xiahou Dun glanced at Yan Yan with satisfaction, and then began to look at the topographic map of Jingzhou.

A hundred miles to the east of Xiangyang City, Liu Bei's army is stationed on the official road.

His family members, Yun Changyide's family members and even some people in Yangzhou were all brought into Jingzhou by Liu Bei.

Xu Shu and Zhuge Liang were also in the camp, discussing how to occupy Jingzhou.

Xu Shu frowned, and said worriedly: "Kong Ming, if we take over the land south of Xiangyang in Jingzhou, we should not only be wary of Cao Cao in the west, but also worry about Zhou Yu in the east."

"There is still Wuximan in Jiaozhou in the south that needs to be recovered. Is this really a good place?"

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly, nodding in agreement.

"Although this place is surrounded by enemies, Yuanzhi, you must know that Jingzhou is rich enough to allow the Lord to develop. Wuxi is easy to recover, and Cao Cao will sell us favors, provided that we let Xiahoudun take the jade seal away."

"Sun Quan is still young, and he has not yet established himself in Soochow. There is nothing to worry about within five years."

Xu Shu nodded. In terms of coordinating the overall situation, he thought he was not as good as Zhuge Liang.

Xu Shu squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then said, "My lord, let the three generals lead the cavalry to Xiangyang immediately tomorrow morning. I think Xiahou Dun will also send a cavalry to raid Xiangyang."

Liu Bei nodded immediately, waved his hand to let Zhang Fei go out, and follow Xu Shu's request.

Although Zhang Fei was a little reluctant, he still took the order and swaggered to dispatch the cavalry.

Guan Yu narrowed his eyes, he felt very strange, but he didn't know whether to say it or not.

Zhuge Liang was good at observing words and expressions. After seeing Guan Yu's expression, he smiled and said, "General Guan, I think you seem to be worried about something. You might as well speak up and listen."

Zhuge Liang spoke kindly, but Guan Yu snorted coldly, obviously looking down on him.

But Zhuge Liang didn't care, because he thought Guan Yu had the capital.

As the lord's sworn brother, Guan Yu is even more of a brave general, and he can even guard one side alone if he is trained!
Guan Yu saw that his elder brother also motioned for himself to speak out, so he turned his head and said without losing his arrogance: "Mr. Zhuge, Mr. Xu, I was wondering why Han Wu has an absolute advantage. He can directly take down the Sili area. Lead troops to capture Jingzhou."

"Even if he can't capture Jingzhou, he won't stand still, at least he needs to make some moves."

"But now the entire Jizhou is at a stage of high morale, but no single soldier has gone south. I am wondering about this."

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang nodded approvingly, and Xu Shu also showed approving eyes.

Being able to think of this proves that Guan Yu's vision has touched the overall situation.

Zhuge Liang smiled and explained, "General Guan's question is indeed worth thinking about. However, this is also the scary thing about Han Wu. He doesn't fight for the land, but only seeks to stabilize the foundation and develop after each piece of land is occupied. People's livelihood, so as to ensure that this piece of land is solid!"

"Wars are not only about strategy, but also people's livelihood and money. In recent years, the desolate Bingzhou and Youzhou have been governed by Han Wu as much as Jingzhou a few years ago. This is what is terrible. Whether it is Cao Cao It’s still Sun Quan, they all need a year to recuperate after World War I. But Han Wu is different, he can withstand years of battles, but still fight steadily!”

"That's why Yuanzhi and I let the lord win Jingzhou, and after the world is divided into four, we joined forces with Cao Cao and Sun Quan to fight against Han Wu."

Guan Yu nodded slightly, he understood Zhuge Liang's explanation.

Liu Bei also understood, but he sighed helplessly, feeling that he did not have such a good fate as Han Wu.

Xu Shu frowned and said, "Okay. Kong Ming, let's continue to plan our strategy. We'll think about long-term issues later. Let's find a way to take Xiangyang first."

Continuing to point and point on the map, Xu Shu and Zhuge Liang started discussing again.

In the prime minister's mansion in Chengdu, Cao Cao sighed helplessly and glanced at Li Ru and Jia Xu in the hall.

This old yin man dragged Jia Xu to find him again, subtly persuading him to have an heir.

Jia Xu naturally did not dare to participate in this matter, but Li Ru dared to speak out, and Cao Cao had no choice.

Establishing an heir is certainly a big problem, but Cao Cao still wants to train Cao Ang for a few more years.

Cao Cao smiled slightly and said, "Li Ru, the prime minister knows about this matter, you can go down and rest."

"The issue of heirs has always been that there is a heir to establish a heir, and no heir to establish an elder. The prime minister is free and proper, and Jia Xu stays."

Cao Cao waved to Li Ru, he wanted to ask Jia Xu's opinion alone.

Jia Xu was taken aback for a moment, and immediately began to think about how to answer the prime minister's next question.

(End of this chapter)

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