Chapter 4 Visiting Zhang Miao
"Qi Yi, strength 84, intelligence 73, military command 88, charisma 78, politics 23, loyalty 18. This is simply a talent!"

"However, this loyalty value is too low. No wonder this guy rebelled as soon as the Battle of Hulaoguan in history was over."

"Fortunately, I'm here, so I can definitely keep you! Father doesn't like your arrogance, so he can't tolerate you, but I don't believe it. My strength can't increase your loyalty!"

Han Wu frowned slightly, thinking about how to fool Qu Yi.

Han Wu waited outside the tent for Qu Yi to assign training tasks to his subordinates, quietly thinking about countermeasures.

But it didn't take long before several military lords under Qu Yi came out from the tent.

Their attitude was almost the same as Qu Yi's, they treated Han Wu with arrogance.

None of them saluted Han Wu, as if they only recognized Qu Yi in the eyes of these people!
Seeing that he was ignored by several sergeants, Han Wu smiled instead of anger, feeling a little happy in his heart.

"Mr. Han, please come in! If you have something to say, please come to me if you have something to do with the governor?"

Qu Yi sat behind the desk in the tent, glanced arrogantly at Han Wuhou who had just walked into his military tent, and said something casually.

Seeing Qu Yi's arrogance, Han Wu smiled instead of anger, and became more determined about the countermeasures against Qu Yi.

"General Qu Yi, what do you think of my corrupt father? I really want to hear your thoughts!"

Han Wu's words were indeed astonishing, even Qu Yi was taken aback by Han Wu's straightforwardness!
Since ancient times, where has a son criticized his own father?
Although Qu Yi is a rough man in the army, he also knows how to be loyal to the emperor and serve the country, and he also knows how to treat his ancestors!
Qu Yi was indeed startled by Han Wu's words, but what he said next did make Qu Yi listen more and more pleasingly, and on the contrary, he respected Han Wu a little more in his heart.

"Haha! General Qu Yi must really think that Han Wu is so outspoken that he dares to criticize even his own father."

"But Han Wu is telling the truth. In this troubled world, what is needed is a great talent like General Xiang Quyi, such a general!"

"Father is more like a civil servant. Although he wears armor, he doesn't have the ability to lead troops to fight and survive in troubled times. But I am different from my father, so I came to find General Qu Yi. General Qu Yi is a smart man , naturally understand the meaning of Han Wu's words!"

Seeing Qu Yi, he fell silent immediately, and after Han Wu laughed, he said to Qu Yi very bluntly.

He has tested Qu Yi's intelligence, although 73 points is quite high, but compared with Tian Feng, it is far behind.

Han Wu with 79 points of intelligence can even fool Tian Feng, and he firmly believes that he can also temporarily fool Qu Yi with 73 points of intelligence.

Because, it can be said that he did not play cards according to common sense, and said every word according to Qu Yi's thoughts.

Moreover, every word and every sentence made Qu Yi very pleasant!

Qu Yi frowned slightly, and stared at Han Wu.

He felt it, as if he had fallen into Han Wu's scheme, and he actually felt that Han Wu, the underage yellow-haired child, had such a great capacity.

He understood that Han Wu was trying to test himself, and also intentionally recruited himself, but he didn't reply to Han Wu directly.

However, in Qu Yi's heart, he really liked Han Wu a lot more!

"Oh! This family is really difficult to deal with. I used the method of laughing at my father, but it only increased his loyalty by 10 points."

"18 points of loyalty are no different from 28 points of loyalty. When it's time to rebel, you will still rebel, no!"

Han Wu tested Qu Yi's loyalty value again, and couldn't help but sigh.

Moreover, Qu Yi was obviously thinking about something now, and Han Wu knew that it was obviously impossible for him to say anything else!

"Han Wu won't say any more, General Qu Yi can think about it carefully. Farewell!"

Han Wu saw that Qu Yi was frowning thoughtfully, so he didn't stop any longer, but directly bid farewell to him, and then left Qu Yi's military tent.

Qu Yi was the only one left in the military tent, and he was indeed a little hesitant now.

Originally, he planned to observe Yuan Shao when he was in the alliance, but now Han Wu jumped into Qu Yi's eyes, making him seem to see Han Wu's future bearing.

"No! You can't have too much hope for Qu Yi, and my performance just now was too bad!"

"Although the force value of 84 is very high, it is far from enough to deal with Hua Xiong. If Hua Xiong comes to single-handedly fight, I must find a brave general to replace General Pan Feng!"

"Otherwise, General Pan Feng would have been cheated to death by his father. But at the time of the Eighteenth Route princes' alliance, is there any hidden talent who can deal with Hua Xiong?"

Han Wu frowned, feeling very irritable!Not only was he just about his performance when he dealt with Qu Yi, but also the helplessness of not having a general in his hands!
Han Wu just wanted to be tougher with Qu Yi, trying to subdue him with arrogance, but he didn't perform well.

No, it should be said that the pretense was not successful.

But the Battle of Sishuiguan was the first battle after the alliance of princes, and it was also the most famous first battle.

Han Wu didn't want to give up this good opportunity to Guan Yu, the second brother of the fake emperor's uncle!

"In terms of force, there has always been a saying that one Lu, two Zhao, three Dianwei, four passes, five horses, and six Zhang Fei!"

"Both Guan Yu and Zhang Fei belong to Liu Bei, and Ma Chao is still young, and he is the son of Ma Teng, one of the Eighteenth Princes."

"Zhao Yun should be a member of Baima Yicong now, and his force value should not be low, but he is still very young. I'm afraid he won't be able to reach his peak combat power."

"Then... Dian Wei is the only one left. Yes! Dian Wei!"

Han Wu walked straight to the big tent of the Chinese army, thinking quietly in his heart.

"Dian Wei is definitely much stronger than Guan Yu! Whether Guan Yu beheaded Hua Xiong or Yan Liangwen Chou, he relied on the momentum of the first three swords."

"If Guan Yu's first three strikes are blocked, I'm afraid he will not be able to defeat even a general like Xiahou Dun."

"After Guan Hai in the Yellow Turban period blocked him three times, he was able to fight him for dozens of rounds before he was beheaded, which shows that Guan Yu must gather momentum in a duel!"

"If it was Dian Wei, he would definitely be able to defeat Hua Xiong. However, he is under Zhang Miao's command now, right?"

Han Wu walked to the big tent of the Chinese army, making sure in his mind that he must sneak into Zhang Miao's barracks to have a look when the princes were meeting for an alliance.

If Dian Wei really followed Zhang Miao's army to Suanzao, then Han Wu must take this fierce general under his command.

Moreover, without further ado, Han Wu wanted to ask his father now, and bring money to worship Zhang Miao.

Of course, I also want to pay homage to Yuan Shu.

"Father, my son has something important to discuss with you."

Han Wu saw his father sitting behind the general's case looking at the bamboo slips from outside the big tent of the Chinese army, so he went directly into the big tent of the Chinese army, and knelt down on the ground with a bang!
Han Wu knew his father well, but if he insisted on asking his father, he would definitely get his permission.

But if it is a little softer, my father will definitely hesitate!
Han Fu saw his son knelt on the ground on one knee as soon as he entered the Chinese army's big tent, first he felt distressed, and then he became serious.

"Wu'er, what's the matter with you? Let's hear it."

Han Fu saw that Han Wu must have something important to discuss with him, so he stood up quickly, walked in front of Han Wu, and helped him up with his armpit.

Han Wu, on the other hand, smiled awkwardly and stood beside his father.

"Father, I have communicated with Mr. Tian Feng before, and I agree with him."

"If we come to participate in this alliance of princes to attack Dong Zhuo, we must have a leader!"

"I guess, the fourth and third sons of the Yuan family, the position of the leader must be Yuan Shao or Yuan Shu!"

"And the other one of them must be in charge of the food and grass of the allied army! Therefore, I think that I will go to Suanzao and visit Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu. This will also be of great benefit to my father's alliance!"

Han Wu frowned slightly, and made up a lie to his father.

In fact, he wanted to arrange Zhang Miao, and he wanted to find out if there was Dian Wei in his camp!

Therefore, Han Wu was really nervous when he lied to his father like this, even his legs were a little weak!

But Han Fu didn't say much, and nodded after frowning.

"You boy! Tell me what you have to say! Why are you still lying to your father? You didn't want to go to Suanzao in advance to visit Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, did you?"

"You can't tell lies since you were a child. Look at how your legs are shaking now? Haha! Tell the truth! Wu'er, as long as you do anything excessive, your father will satisfy you."

Han Fu smiled lightly, and patted Han Wu on the shoulder twice.

Han Wu was startled, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Han Wu originally thought that he could fool his father, but he didn't expect that his father was not as dull as he imagined.

Also, how could a person who can be the governor of Jizhou be a fool?

Now that his father has found out, Han Wu no longer intends to deceive his father!
"Father, my son actually wants to visit Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu! Because my son heard an important news, there is an ordinary soldier under Zhang Miao's command, whose military strength is so outstanding that he can almost be named after the flying general Lu Bu!"

Han Wu frowned as he left, and directly told his father what he wanted.

But Han Fu smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Wu'er, you are so stupid this time! If you can really find out about a guy who is as famous as Lu Bu in martial arts, how can he be an ordinary soldier under Zhang Miao?"

"Father understands what you mean, so you bring money to visit Zhang Miao, and see if you can find the guy you mentioned. If you can, use money or fame to poach him! Bring more money, I'll let Wenwei and the others stay with you."

Han Fu smiled lightly and nodded helplessly.

Wenwei is Geng Wu's character.

However, Han Fu didn't believe that Zhang Miao would have a hero with the same name as Lu Bu!
It can be said that Lu Bu is a figure known to all soldiers and civilians in Bingzhou, a dignified flying general who once killed the barbarians on the grassland in Jiuyuan.

This prestige is not just talk, so Han Fu didn't believe that Zhang Miao had such a strong general at all.

However, he still agreed to let Han Wu go to Suanzao for a walk.

After all, the son is grown up, and he must be allowed to practice on his own.

And this personal visit to the princes along the way is one of the best experiences!

That's why Han Fu agreed to let Han Wu bring money to visit Zhang Miao.

He didn't have high demands on Han Wu, and it was enough to make Zhang Miao feel his kindness.

Moreover, Han Fu himself really wanted to visit the princes from all walks of life, and his son happened to be able to do Zhang Miao's journey for him.

Not only exercised his son's ability to handle things, but also reduced himself a task.

This kind of killing two birds with one stone, for Han Fu, why not do it?

"Thank you father for your support! The child must live up to his father's entrustment!"

Seeing his father expose his lies, Han Wu was very disappointed at that time.

But when he heard that his father agreed to give him money to let him visit the talents, he was naturally very excited!
Han Wu can guarantee that as long as Dian Wei is in Zhang Miao's barracks, he will be able to find Dian Wei within 10 minutes!

Because of the God of War system, it has a full-coverage search function.

Although it will consume a lot of merit points when using it, 30 merit points are just enough to support a wide-ranging talent search.

(End of this chapter)

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