Chapter 51
In the early morning of the next day, Wen Chou led his troops to attack Gaotang City again.

This time he was fully prepared.

However, Meng Gong on the top of the city smiled again. He was absolutely confident that he could defend the city wall.

Meng Gong abolished the vanguard army under Wen Chou's command almost without bloodshed yesterday, improving the morale of the generals defending the city.

Today, he is still sure that Wen Chou will retreat.

Gaotang City is the gateway to Qinghe County. If Gaotang City is captured, the entire Qinghe County will be in crisis.

But if Gaotang City cannot be conquered, even if Wen Chou has [-] more troops, he will not be able to threaten Qinghe County.

"Everyone, charge me! The reward for conquering Gaotang City is 100 taels!"

Wen Chou roared, and the soldiers under his command shouted one after another, launched a charge, and rushed towards Gaotang City.

There must be brave men under heavy rewards, especially the Qingzhou Army, especially the soldiers under Wen Chou and Yan Liang.

Wen Chou's confidant lieutenant Li Niu was originally a farmer, but he joined the army because of the war and became Wen Chou's lieutenant.

He was quite brave, leading his troops to charge forward, and directly charged towards Gaotang City.

"Brothers, follow me to take down Gaotang!" Li Niu roared loudly.

Holding a saber in his hand, he charged forward, and behind him was the Yunti brigade.

The siege soldiers charged with their ladders on their shoulders, and Li Niu held a sword and a shield in his hand to protect the ladders from arrow feathers.

After a night of repairing, the Qingzhou Army has regained their vitality and their combat effectiveness is high.

Especially in this group of soldiers who attacked the city, most of them were veterans brought out by Wen Chou from Bohai County, and their combat effectiveness was very strong.

The arrow feathers only slowed down the charging speed of Qingzhou soldiers, but caused only a few hundred casualties.

"Brothers, we have arrived at the foot of Gaotang City, everyone rush up to me!"

Li Niu saw that the soldiers under his command had already arrived at the Gaotang city, and the moat was more than half dry, so it was easy to cross.

There were no traps for defending the city even on the city wall, and the ladder brigade directly put the ladder on the city wall.

Standing on the tower, Meng Gong smiled slightly, and with a big wave of his hand, let the generals defending the city give orders.

After the general guarding the city saw General Meng Gong's gesture, he raised the red flag and ordered the pikemen to defend the city.

The archers withdrew one after another, and they replaced their bows and arrows with swords and shields, preparing for close combat.

The Qingzhou army roared and climbed up the ladder, continuing to climb up to Gaotang City.

But the length of the ladder is half a meter short. To climb directly to Gaotang City, soldiers need to build a human ladder on the top of the ladder.

The one-meter-high gravel that Meng Gong asked the defenders to temporarily build finally worked, making the enemy's ladder half a meter short.

"Brothers, charge up to me! They have few guards in Gaotang City, so if we go up there, we will be able to..."

Li Niu charged first, and his leader was the first elite soldier to climb the ladder, responsible for building the human ladder.

But as soon as Li Niu's words fell, the ladder was inexplicably overturned!

All the ladders on the top of the city were overthrown, and for no reason, the soldiers guarding the city could not overthrow the ladders with their spears.

Wen Chou in the distance was shocked. He also guarded the city, and it is impossible for such a ladder to be overthrown!

"What's going on here? Is it a sorcery? Quickly send scouts to see what's going on."

Two arrows away, Wen Chou couldn't see what happened on the city wall at all.

The ladder collapsed inexplicably, and even his confidant lieutenant was seriously injured.

Li Niu fell from a height, his arm was broken, and now he has lost the ability to fight.

A scout on a horse hurriedly took orders, rode his horse and rushed towards the city, and returned after observing a stick of incense.

The soldiers who attacked the city kept erecting ladders, and at the same time, the ladders were overturned inexplicably.

The scout finally discovered the situation and hurried back to report to Wen Chou.

"Report to the general! There are some small holes in the gravel part of the city wall, and weapons will be poked out of them and pushed to the ladder!"

The scout knelt on one knee and reported the situation to Wen Chou.

Wen Chou was taken aback for a moment, but took a deep breath, feeling in his heart: "Meng Gong is really powerful. Brother, you failed to capture Gaotang City that time. It really wasn't because of you, but because Meng Gong was too powerful."

"It's not easy to build a one-meter-high gravel to strengthen the city defense in a short period of time, and at the same time, it can be pushed to the ladder!"

Wen Chou was full of emotions, Yan Liang also sighed leisurely, and he shook his head helplessly.

"That's right, and these gravels are still very large. Once the equipment needed to defend the city is gone, these boulders can still be smashed down to defend the city."

"With our current strength, I'm afraid we won't be able to take down Gaotang City in Lili in three or four days. If we can't do it, let's withdraw our troops!"

"Han Fu sent Meng Gong to guard Qinghe County. I'm afraid our lord will not be able to get any benefits even if we personally attack with troops."

Although he didn't want to admit it, Yan Liang still sighed helplessly, admiring Meng Gong in his heart.

It's not that Yan Liang doesn't trust his lord, but that Meng Gong's ability to defend the city is too weird.

Behind the walls of Gaotang City, Meng Gong smiled slightly.

Although he can't see the situation outside, he can guarantee that he can still defend Gaotang City today.

Moreover, Meng Gong himself was not simply defending the city.

He has sent his generals to go around and cut off Yan Liangwen Chou's retreat.

The soldiers and horses of this route came from Qinghe County City. They did not follow Meng Gong to Gaotang, but marched around in a hurry.

Meng Gong only brought his own personal team to guard Gaotang Town, and at the same time built Gaotang City into a "bronze wall and iron wall"!
"Retreat! I'm afraid we won't be able to conquer this Gaotang City. After returning, I will personally apologize to the lord."

"Meng Gong's troops defending Gaotang City are definitely not many. He has more troops idle, and I'm afraid he will circle around and surround us."

"Once surrounded, it will be difficult to break out!"

Wen Chou sighed faintly, he really didn't want to admit this failure, but there was nothing he could do.

He and Yan Liang are known as the first and second generals under the lord's command, and they are evenly matched, but now they are defeated by the mere Confucian general Meng Gong.

Wen Chou's self-esteem was immediately frustrated.

But he was also secretly happy, because he learned a lot of Meng Gong's methods of defending the city.

Wen Chou's lieutenant general heard the general's military order and immediately called for gold to withdraw his troops, preparing to retreat.

But now the soldiers who have just attacked the city are charging with blood, and retreating at this time will damage many elites.

But there is no way, even if Wen Chou knows this, he must withdraw his troops.

Qingzhou Army Ming Jin retreated, Meng Gong immediately ordered the archers to release arrows: "Archers, get ready and shoot the enemy!"

Hearing that the troops began to withdraw from the city, Meng Gong immediately ordered to shoot and kill the enemy who had originally attacked the city.

Many soldiers of the Qingzhou Army gave up their weapons and fled. They were the elite of Wen Chou, and they naturally retreated urgently when they heard Ming Jin.

In order to avoid the archers in Gaotang City, these Qingzhou elites gave up their weapons.

"We held it! The enemy retreated!"

The guards on Gaotang City roared loudly, they were very excited now, and even everyone took out their bows and arrows to shoot at the enemy.

Cui Yan nodded in admiration. He admired Meng Gong a lot, and he was ashamed to defend the city.

"Ji Gui, lead the troops to clean up the battlefield, collect the enemy's equipment, and then follow my plan to defend Gaotang City."

"I'm going to leave for a while and lead troops to attack Pingyuan County."

After Meng Gong said something very calmly, he held his right hand on the hilt of his sword, turned around and walked down the tower.

Cui Yan immediately took orders and waited for the enemy to completely retreat before leading troops to clean up the battlefield.

Pingyuan County is a county town on the border of Qingzhou, but it is very close to Jizhou. Meng Gong has always been eager to win Pingyuan County.

But the division was unknown, and Meng Gong's troops were more than enough to defend the city, so it was difficult to counterattack Yuan Shao, so there was no chance.

But now Meng Gong plans to give it a try and lead troops to attack Pingyuan County.

Yuan Shao sent troops to attack Gaotang, and Meng Gong's division was famous, so there was no need to worry about affecting the reputation of the lord.

Two days later, Qinghe's battle report spread to Yecheng, and the soldiers and civilians in Yecheng were discussing the matter.

"Hey, did you hear that? General Meng Gong defeated Yuan Shao's [-] army with [-] troops!"

In a small restaurant, two small vendors who were eating breakfast were talking about it.

The small traders near Yecheng are all well-off. After the city entry tax is reduced, almost all of them can afford to eat in small restaurants.

"Who did you hear? Why don't I know who General Meng Gong is?"

"That's right! Yuan Shao seems to be a nobleman, how could his 2000 army be defeated by [-]?"

Three or four ordinary people who were also having breakfast retorted that they didn't know the situation.

However, the whole city of Ye was discussing this matter, and it was spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and Meng Gong's achievements became more and more bizarre.

Now there is even a version in which Meng Gong defeated Yuan Shao's [-] army with [-] troops, which is quite unreliable.

However, in the state pastoral mansion, Han Wu happily watched the battle reports from all over the place, very satisfied.

Qu Yi restricted the development of Gongsun Zan, Yuwen Chengdu controlled Bingzhou, and Meng Gong was also guarding the southern part of Jizhou.

Zhang He was encroaching on the Sili area and was about to take Hetao, but now he has stopped.

Cao Cao sent his general Cao Ren to restrain Zhang He's behavior, so Zhang He dared not act rashly again.

A large area of ​​land in the Sili area is still occupied by Cao Cao, and the area of ​​the prefectures and counties he is currently managing is not under Han Wu at all.

Although Han Wu and Cao Cao, the two great princes in the north, reached a consensus some time ago, friction is gradually emerging now.

Han Wu sat in the lobby of the State Shepherd's Mansion and glanced at his father: "Father, my son wants to add General Meng as General Fenwei."

"Now that the merits of General Meng Gong are spread all over the city of Ye, the State Shepherd's Mansion should post a notice explaining the achievements of General Meng Gong and the rewards of the State Shepherd's Mansion."

Han Wu made a suggestion to his father, while Han Fu nodded slightly, agreeing with his son's idea.

Han Fu nodded, and said: "Okay, let's do it according to Wu'er's wishes. You, go and draw up the notice, and I will stamp the official seal and award General Meng Gong."

After hearing the words of Lord Inspector, Ju Shou hurriedly took orders and prepared to draw up a notice.

He is currently the order of Yecheng, so he naturally has to do his best to manage the public security and people's livelihood in Yecheng more perfectly.

(End of this chapter)

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