Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 56 The Assassination of Montenegro

Chapter 56 The Assassination of Montenegro

Five days later, outside Yecheng, Han Wu assembled [-] Jizhou recruits and all the troops of the bloodthirsty tiger guards.

The bloodthirsty tiger guards have [-] elites and [-] reserves, but the bloodthirsty tiger guards with armor only have those [-] elites.

Riding on a tall horse, Han Wu wore light military uniform, not even leather armor.

Dian Wei rode his horse to guard Han Wu's left rear, while Hua Mulan guarded Han Wu's side, riding his horse and Han Wu went hand in hand.

After these few days of adaptation, Dian Wei knew that the lord wanted to make himself a warrior, not a guard.

Therefore, although Dian Wei was guarding the lord, he kept a little distance, and regarded himself as a guarding general.

"Come on, this dispatch of troops is an opportunity for recruits from Jizhou and bloodthirsty tiger guards to practice."

"As the chief general of the Bloodthirsty Tiger Guard, you must make good use of this opportunity. Wen Wei, the team of ordinary recruits, I will leave it to you."

Han Wu marched slowly. Naturally, the speed of the recruits couldn't keep up with the veterans, but they still needed experience.

"Yes! My lord!" "My lord, Geng Wu takes orders."

Geng Wu and Dian Wei took orders one after another, they were all loyal people, so naturally they would not object to Han Wu's orders.

The areas where the Black Mountain Army operates are in the valleys of the Taihang Mountains in Zhongshan, Changshan, Zhaojun, Shangdang, Hanoi and other places.

Black Mountain is located at the southern end of the Taihang Mountains, so the soldiers and civilians in Jizhou and Bingzhou called Zhang Yan and other troops the Black Mountain Army.

However, after the suppression by Zhang Yang and Zhang Xi during this period, Zhang Yan no longer dared to lead troops to harass Shangdang County and Hanoi.

"First clear the Heishan bandits in the Zhaojun area, and then find Zhang Yan. The largest force of the Heishan Army near Zhaojun is Pei Yuanshao."

Han Wu thought in his heart, he frowned slightly, because this time he led the troops to attack Montenegro.

Guo Jia didn't follow at all, but Han Wu was not good at leading the army, so he needed the help of Geng Wu and Dian Wei.

In the evening, they arrived at the county seat of Zhao County. Thirty thousand troops were stationed outside Zhao County, and Han Wu only entered the city with his relatives.

The prefect of Zhaojun is an old man in his fifties named Wang Yang, who is considered a very prestigious Confucian official and a follower of Han Fu.

He personally waited for Empress Han Wu outside the city gate of Zhao County, and all the officials of Zhao County came out to greet him in person.

Wang Yang, the prefect of Zhao County, walked up to Han Wu and bowed deeply: "Wang Yang, the prefect of Zhao County, pays homage to Mr. Han."

"Mr. Han's crusade against the bandits in Heishan is a blessing for the people of Jizhou. Wang Yang will replace the people of Zhaojun first. Thank you, sir."

Wang Yang's tone was very calm, but it was absolutely sincere, because he was very happy that Han Wu could come to crusade against Montenegro.

Although the Black Mountain Army has poor weapons and currently does not have a large-scale cavalry team, it has a large number of people.

The people of Zhao County are exhausted from being harassed, so everyone hopes that the State Shepherd's Mansion can send troops to crusade against Black Mountain.

Han Wu didn't get off his horse. He smiled at Wang Yang and waved his hands lightly to show his friendliness.

In fact, Han Wu was already very tired, he was too lazy to get off his horse, and just wanted to hurry to the city to rest.

Wang Yang can be regarded as a discerning person, and he can tell at a glance that Mr. Han Wu has been on the road for a day and is exhausted.

Hurrying to open a passage, Wang Yang escorted Han Wu to the prefect's mansion with the officials of Zhao County to rest.

Wang Yang walked beside Han Wu's horse, and asked gracefully: "My lord, I have already prepared a dinner for you, I hope you will show me your favor by showing me your favor."

Wang Yang, the prefect of Zhao County, smiled brightly, and the people in Zhao County also greeted Han Wu one after another.

Although not all the people were there, there were not a few people who greeted Han Wu, which made Han Wu frown slightly.

"These people actually came to greet me in person, are they willing, or is Wang Yang ordering everyone?"

Han Wu thought in his heart, he was rather surprised why the people in Zhaojun seemed to be more enthusiastic than the people in Yecheng.

This is obviously very unreasonable.

Before Han Wu led his troops back from a great victory in the Sili area, when he returned to Yecheng, the enthusiasm of the people was not as high as that of Zhaojun.

Geng Wu saw this scene, and he also noticed that Han Wu was frowning slightly, and at the same time saw the young master glanced at him.

Immediately understood what the son meant.

Geng Wu knew that the young master was doubting the enthusiasm of the people, whether it was because of the coercion of Wang Yang, the prefect of Zhaojun.

Han Wu still smiled, and said to Wang Yang: "Okay! Since the prefect Wang is so enthusiastic, then the younger generation should be respectful rather than obedient."

Quietly glanced at Wang Yang, Han Wu smiled very kindly, which made Wang Yang, who had been nervous all the time, heave a sigh of relief.

Wang Yue, who had been hiding among the soldiers, frowned, as if he had seen some clues.

Half an hour later, Han Wu sat on the honored seat of the prefect's mansion, where singing and dancing were peaceful and the fire was brightly lit.

The dinner prepared by Wang Yang was very sumptuous, and the singers were all dancing so beautifully that Han Wu couldn't help squinting his eyes.

Hua Mulan gritted her teeth lightly, for some reason she always felt very uncomfortable seeing the young master staring at other women like this.

It's just that on this occasion, even if Hua Mulan wants to remind the young master, she can't really say it.

The other officials of Zhao County had already discovered that Mr. Han Wu's guard was a girl, and although they all looked down on Hua Mulan, they didn't dare to say more.

The dinner was about to start, Wang Yang took the initiative to pick up the wine bottle and toasted Han Wu: "Young Master, Wang Yang toasts you again, and please appreciate it."

Wang Yang toasted Han Wu, but when he was toasting, his forehead was sweating, his eyes were blurred, and he kept blinking.

At the same time, Wang Yang's fingers kept shaking, as if reminding Han Wu.

It's just that Han Wu was so nervous that he didn't notice this at all, and Wang Yang suddenly became more nervous.

"Okay! Since it's senior's respect, then Han Wu will pay Mrs. Wang a glass in return. If you don't get drunk today, you won't return."

Han Wu wanted to raise his glass and drink it all in one gulp, but when he just put the wine bottle to his mouth, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his wrist.

A somewhat aging scabbard hit Han Wu's wrist directly, which seemed to be an understatement, but it was a real hit.

Han Wu was in pain, the wine bottle fell to the ground, and the wine was also spilled on the ground.

The scabbard belongs to Wang Yue.

When Wang Yue showed his figure, everyone in the hall was shocked. None of them had noticed Wang Yue's existence before.

Wang Yue snorted coldly, and after glancing at the food on Han Wu's table, he kicked the table over.

It is rare to lose your temper like this, but Wang Yue is not angry at Han Wu.

He was ready to draw his sword and stood in front of Han Wu.

After Hua Mulan felt Wang Yue's murderous aura, she was shocked, and she held the hilt of the sword with her right hand.

Wang Yue squinted his eyes and said lightly: "My lord, there is poison in the wine. The officials present, except for the prefect Wang Yang, are all assassins."

Han Wu was startled when he heard the plain words, and stood up quickly.

Now Wang Yang breathed a sigh of relief, he was afraid that Han Wu would really drink the poisoned wine, because what Wang Yue said was true.

Everyone present, except Wang Yang himself, was an assassin.

The prefect's mansion in Zhao County was raided by a group of Heishan thieves last night, and most of the officials were imprisoned.

Wang Yang's family members were also captured as hostages, and he was asked by the Montenegrin bandits to cooperate in the assassination of Han Wu.

Although Wang Yang has been trying to remind Han Wu, but Han Wu's observation ability is too poor, so he never noticed it.

However, Wang Yue had already seen what Wang Yang meant. From the moment he entered the city of Zhaojun, Wang Yue knew that the officials of Zhaojun were not simple.

"Hahaha! Under Du Chang, my family, Mr. Qu, has invited Mr. Han to sit down, and please Mr. Han not to resist, otherwise we will use force."

"Han Gongzi's people really have two brushes, but your elite soldiers are outside the door, it's better for you to be conscious."

"The guards in the courtyard outside are all our people. When your elite soldiers come in, if necessary..."

The official sitting next to Wang Yang stood up immediately, and he took out a dagger from his sleeve.

But before Du Chang finished speaking, he was decapitated and fell to the ground!
I'm afraid Du Chang didn't know that he was going to die before he died.

Wang Yue, make a move.

Wang Yue's figure was like a ghost, if he didn't make a move, he would see blood, and he sealed his throat with a sword.

The other officials were pretending to be Heishan thieves. Seeing that Du Chang was killed directly, they all stood up and drew their short knives.

"Brothers, let's go together, the people inside the pavilion, block the soldiers outside!"

The other officials showed bloodthirsty expressions one after another. They knew that they must use force now to take down Han Wu.

Hua Mulan also clenched the long sword tightly, her back was almost pressed against Han Wu's chest, completely protecting Han Wu behind her.

Dian Wei outside the courtyard was shocked when he heard that the courtyard was quite chaotic and saw the situation inside from the door!

"Bloodthirsty Tiger Guard, follow me in and protect the lord!"

Dian Wei roared, gripped the steel halberd tightly, and rushed directly into the courtyard.

The situation in the hall was obviously a battle, and Dian Wei immediately went berserk and rushed into the courtyard.

The guards in the courtyard stopped Dian Wei one after another, but they couldn't stop Dian Wei's progress at all.

Every halberd took a life. Now Dian Wei has displayed extraordinary strength. When protecting the lord, he never relaxes.

The fake officials in the hall rushed towards Han Wu one after another, but Han Wu had calmed down now, and stood diagonally behind Hua Mulan.

With the protection of Juggernaut Wang Yue, Han Wu is not afraid at all, because these guys are not Wang Yue's opponents at all.

A swordsman is never afraid of the number of enemies.

Unless it is evenly matched, no matter how many enemies there are, it is not worth mentioning in the eyes of a master swordsman like Wang Yue.

In just five seconds, Wang Yue's movement was weird, as if he disappeared instantly.

Until it appeared, Wang Yue had already reached the entrance of the lobby, and Dian Wei also killed here directly.

The Black Mountain bandits in the hall fell to the ground one by one with their throats sealed with a sword, and only one was injured on the thigh and fell to the ground.

Without hurting this person's vitals, Wang Yue purposely left a mouth alive for the convenience of Han Wu's interrogation.

Now Wang Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't dare to remind Han Wu directly before, because he was worried that these thieves would forcibly assassinate him.

It's just that Wang Yang didn't expect that the fierce generals around Han Wu would be so powerful. Just an old man could kill all the generals in the hall.

Han Wu smiled slightly. He lightly touched Hua Mulan's hand, which was still holding the sword tightly, and motioned her to put the sword away.

Hua Mulan was still waiting for the battle, but her face was a peachy pink, but she was not distracted in the slightest.

It is also her duty to protect the young master.

(End of this chapter)

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