Full-level bosses conquer the world with metaphysics

Chapter 111 Why is Daoist Xi so nice to them all of a sudden?

Chapter 111 Why is Daoist Xi so nice to them all of a sudden?

And these two people seem to be a good match, neither loses to the other in terms of appearance and momentum, people who don't know think they are a couple.

Ren Xixi, "..." "I can't, the one next to me." She looked at Shi Beiyao.

The director followed her gaze and looked at Shi Beiyao. This girl is good-looking, but even if she didn't speak like a gentle lady just now, I don't know if she can act well without any acting ability.

He can't find an actor now, if the girl doesn't act, he can only ask Shi Beiyao to act.

And Shi Beiyao saw the director's eyes, "I'm good at acting, are you looking down on me?"

Hearing this, the director hurriedly apologized.

Shi Beiyao saw that he had a good attitude, so she didn't bother with him anymore, but what she was puzzled about was why Xixi agreed to act.

Could it be that something is going to happen to the crew later?

"The boy chooses...?" The director aimed at Si Jue.

Si Jue said, "The guy next to me is nice, let him be." He looked at his nephew Si Lingfeng.

Si Lingfeng said, "Uncle, I don't want to take pictures at all?"

Ren Xixi said, "Go ahead, besides Si Jue, you are the only boy."

Hearing this, Si Lingfeng smiled and said, "Okay, Master, then I'll go."

Si Jue, "..."

After Shi Beiyao came out wearing clothes from the Republic of China period, everyone's eyes lit up.

Si Lingfeng was a little dazzled when he saw it.

The director was particularly satisfied, as expected, people rely on clothing, Buddha depends on gold clothing.

Si Lingfeng came up and boasted for the first time, "I didn't expect you to change your temperament after changing your clothes."

Shi Beiyao glared at him, then said triumphantly, "That's right, I can be a man or a goddess, okay?"

"You are not a lady when you open your mouth." Si Lingfeng said.

Shi Beiyao snorted upon hearing this.

They took a long time to shoot, and Ren Xixi and the others still ate the boxed lunches from the crew here.

This movie is about a group of courageous young men and women who travel to a deserted ancient city and encounter a series of strange things and ghosts.

Ren Xixi looked at the sky outside, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

There are hotels everywhere around them, and they don't worry about having no place to live.

At this time, a monk passed by here, the one who was begging for alms in the Li family. He saw Ren Xixi, and he turned around and left immediately before he came over.

Ren Xixi hurriedly chased after him, and Si Jue immediately followed after seeing this.

"Hey, master, what are you going to do?" Si Lingfeng who was about to go on stage shouted when he saw it.

However, the master has disappeared.

"Si Lingfeng, it's your turn." The director came over and shouted.

"Oh, here we come!" He had no choice but to go over to shoot first.

The directors' camera positions were ready, and the camera was aimed at Si Lingfeng.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind blowing behind the camera. Si Lingfeng was wearing a Republic of China costume, and his face became serious.

He has two identities, one appears in the memory of the female ghost played by Shi Beiyao, and the other is the reincarnation of this young master, one of the boys who came to travel.

After Si Lingfeng finished the scene, he asked Shi Beiyao to go up.

She needs to hang the wire to make herself float.

When she climbed to the top, a woman in white clothes with disheveled hair suddenly appeared behind her and flashed past Shi Beiyao's back.

The director sitting in front of the camera was startled and quickly rubbed his eyes. He looked up and saw that there was nothing behind Shi Beiyao.

He looked at the staff and asked them if they saw anything just now, and the staff shook their heads blankly.

The assistant suddenly called the director, "Director Liu, those two extras who played Impermanence in Black and White had a stomachache today and can't come."

"Two of them didn't come this morning, and now the two extras don't come? Are you playing with me?" Director Liu was angry.

He walked out angrily, stood at the door, and smoked a cigarette...

At this time, in a place where a funeral was held not far away, Heifu Wuchang of Jifu slowly floated over here holding a mourning stick.

Director Liu, who was sulking, looked up and saw the black and white impermanence in front of him, he was stunned, didn't they say they couldn't come?Why are you here again?
But no matter what, it's good that they come, after all, it's not easy to find an actor to play Impermanence immediately.

Because the makeup on Black and White Wuchang's face is extremely difficult to change, many people don't want to play this, they would rather play a dead person directly.

Director Liu immediately extinguished the cigarette, hurried over, and yelled at Black and White Impermanence, "You two are playing tricks, are you playing with me? If you want to shoot, shoot, if you don't shoot, get out of here!"

Director Liu scolded Black and White Impermanence in a daze, and the two brothers looked at each other. Can this person see them?
Director Liu knew that they were needed now, so he immediately said, "You two come in with me, the filming has already started."

Then Black and White Impermanence was forced to be brought in by Director Liu.

After entering, Director Liu looked them up and down seriously, and was caught off guard when he met their cold eyes. For some reason, he had goosebumps all over his body, and his back felt cold.

They came here with good makeup, and their skin was turned pale, like a real corpse pulled out of a coffin.

Director Liu shuddered, and the other staff also shuddered immediately when they saw the two actors playing black and white impermanence.

This is where the director found the actor. This outfit, and the aura of that body looks like a ghost, which is a bit too realistic. It's a bit condescending to be a trick here.

Director Liu was overjoyed, "Okay, okay. You two guys are not bad. If the performance is good this time, I'll let you be the leading actors."

Black and white impermanence looked at each other, they came here to seduce souls, but they met a person who was weak and could see them.

Because they were brought in front of people by him, the two brothers had no choice but to show themselves so that everyone could see them.

Black and white Wuchang was thinking about how to get out of here, when he saw a girl coming in from outside, this person was Ren Xixi.

"Xi Daochang." Black and White Wuchang's eyes lit up, "You...why are you here?"

"Come here and sit down." Ren Xixi was also a little surprised to see them.Then seeing Director Liu holding them by the hand, he instantly understood.

"Xi Daochang,...we...we were brought here..."

Ren Xixi smiled and said, "How about...? You just act? Leave after the act...?"

Black and white impermanence shook his head again and again, "Xi Daochang, how can we come to the world to make movies? If our boss knows..."

"I told your boss that he won't blame you."

Black and White Wuchang still looked embarrassed, "The soul of the family next to you hasn't been hooked yet?"

"I'll hook you up." Ren Xixi said and went out.

Black and white impermanence, "..."

Why did Master Xi treat them so well all of a sudden?

Director Liu felt puzzled when he heard their conversation.

Then hurriedly urged them to go up to perform, and simply taught them how to act and what needed to be done?He expressed that he wanted to add some drama to the two new actors.

 Thanks for the little cutie’s reward, Piaopiao, meh~
(End of this chapter)

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