Full-level bosses conquer the world with metaphysics

Chapter 116 Horror Movies Are On Fire

Chapter 116 Horror Movies Are On Fire

Ren Xixi glanced at the magpie, "How can you become a Buddha if you have too much obsession."

Finally, the magpie flew away.

Ren Xixi stood on the balcony, bowed her head and pinched her fingers to make up her mind.

In the afternoon, she followed the traces of the metaphysicians and found the monk Wuxing, and the magpie demon was also there.

The monk had dots on his body, and more than a dozen metaphysicians were besieging him.

The magpie bird demon was guarding in front of him, and she was also decorated with dots.

Just when they were about to capture the monk, a female Taoist priest appeared.

"Who are you?" When they saw Ren Xixi, they all backed away a few steps.

"I know her. She is the most recent famous Taoist priest. The Du family and the Pei family died because of her."

Because Ren Xixi is too famous, there are already many Taoist priests in the metaphysics world, and the warlocks have heard of her.

But the Du family and the Pei family specialize in dealing with metaphysicians, and many metaphysicians who do not follow the righteous path follow them.

Now those metaphysicists spurned by the metaphysic world are shouting and beating, hiding everywhere.

"Little girl, could it be that you also came to grab merits like us?" said a leading metaphysician.

"Well, can't you?" Ren Xixi said.

The metaphysicist heard the words and said, "Little girl, we are almost finished, so it's a bit immoral for you to come here at this time."

"You can grab it, but I can't?"

"You Taoist is really shameless. This monk has already been beaten and injured by us. You come to share a piece of the pie at this time. It's not such a good thing to just pick up ready-made ones." A grumpy metaphysics teacher said.

Ren Xixi smiled and said, "I learned my shamelessness from you. It's really shameless for you to grab the merits accumulated by others."

"You!" The irritable metaphysician said angrily.

"Where did he get so many merits from a monster, he probably stole it too." He was not convinced again.

"Then what if it's a gift? If someone is willing to give it as a gift, that's his blessing. Although you are not demons, sometimes you are really not human." Ren Xixi said.

"You!" Those metaphysicists were annoyed by her cursing around the corner, "A little girl is really uttering wild words."

"If you don't accept it, hit it." Ren Xixi said.

They said angrily, "little girl, don't blame so many of us for bullying you."

"Do you need to blame this? When did you not bully the few with the more, and bully the weak with the strong?"

The chests of the metaphysical teachers heaved instantly, obviously very angry.This little girl has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. It seems that if she doesn't teach her a lesson, she probably doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

After a while, Ren Xixi fought with them.

But the bird demon took the monk and took this opportunity to escape quickly.

The escaped monk met the snake demon, which triggered another war.

The snake demon wanted to eat the bird demon, but was stopped by the monk. He clasped his hands together, "Snake demon, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately."

But she looked at the monk and sneered, "What kind of Buddha are you? You're just an evil Buddha in a demon's skin. A demon dares to save all living beings and enlighten the world, what a joke!"

Thousands of years ago, she met a bird demon with Buddha's fate on her body, and wanted to eat her to increase her power, but was bumped into by this monk. As a result, she has been hunted down by this monk for thousands of years.

The bird demon protected the monk behind him, "Wu Xing, you go, I'll deal with it here."

The monk shook his head.

And the snake demon will not give them a chance to escape, because once the monk is allowed to escape, if she is caught by him in the future, she will have no chance to escape again, and the monk will definitely kill her.

On Ren Xixi's side, she resisted the qi from those metaphysics masters, and she avoided all kinds of talismans one by one.

Immediately, she stood in the air and quickly threw out a few big talismans to knock down all these metaphysicians.

Those Taoist priests and warlocks couldn't believe it, so many of them couldn't beat a young Taoist priest.

"You are indeed as powerful as those Taoist priests said." The head metaphysician said.

Being able to subdue a 500-year-old ghost and a ghost that can be called a ghost king is worthy of fear by anyone.

However, after they fought with her, they found that her strength was more than that.

Ren Xixi saw that they had all put away their magic weapons, so she put away their hands too, and rushed towards the direction where the monk was fleeing...

The snake demon fought with the bird demon, and after a while, the bird demon was seriously injured and lost any fighting power.

Ren Xixi arrived in time and used a talisman to knock out the snake demon who had killed the bird demon.

The snake demon immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

She looked at the Taoist priest in front of her, and then fled quickly.

The Bird Demon immediately came over and said, "Thank you, Daoist Xi."

Ren Xixi said, "You're welcome." She looked at the injured monk and said, "Take out the antidote that has hypnotized mortals."

The monk looked at her, "What's wrong with letting them learn Buddhism from me?"

"Learning Buddhism is voluntary, not forced by brainwashing."

The monk said nothing.

Ren Xixi said, "Your merits and virtues do not belong to you. The relics given to you by your master are to enable you to truly save all living beings and educate the world, instead of perseveringly forcing everyone to follow you with your master's wish." Learn Buddhism."

"I just want to fulfill Master's wish..." the monk said.

"Your master's wish has already been fulfilled. The Tang Dynasty was the pinnacle of the prevalence of Buddhism, but prosperity must decline, and things must reverse. Nothing can last long, and no one can always stand on the altar to enshrine the gods."

The monk was stunned, and murmured, "Is that so...?"

Ren Xixi then said, "If you don't voluntarily give me the antidote, then I'm going to fight."

The monk walked over and handed her a Buddhist scripture.

"This Buddhist scripture is the way to break it. You only need to read it in front of everyone, and it will be eliminated."

Ren Xixi looked at it for a while, "Is there no other way to crack it? Do you need to read it?"

"Yes." The monk said.

"Why don't you come to read?" Ren Xixi said.

The monk shook his head, "My account has been blocked, and my face is already well known to everyone, and it will be discovered if I think about it."

Ren Xixi, "..."

The Nirvana happily said beside him, "Wu Xing, will you be able to practice well in the future?"

"Hmm. Follow the master's words and carry forward Buddhism." The monk said.

The bird demon heard it, and flew around in the sky happily.

Director Liu's horror movie was released today, and it became popular within a day.

However, the fire of this movie is different from others.

In a movie theater, the ticket inspector let them in after checking the tickets, but after only ten minutes, those customers ran out one after another.

It was the first time for the ticket inspector to see this kind of scene, and she looked puzzled. It was the first time she saw it and ran out after watching it for more than ten minutes.

No matter how ugly it is, they won't all run out.

Everyone knows domestic horror movies, no matter how scary they are, they can't go anywhere.

Some people don't believe in this evil, how can it be so exaggerated, it is too fake to scare everyone out in ten minutes.

Many daring men want to meet them, and some male bloggers deliberately boast in their comment areas, and tell them when they finish reading.

(End of this chapter)

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