Full-level bosses conquer the world with metaphysics

Chapter 133 I Want Him to Remember Me

Chapter 133 I Want Him to Remember Me

Just now they all saw Mu Jun's attitude towards Jin Ruruo, there was love in their eyes, and it was not easy to be separated.

"I think Tao Yaoyao is just deceiving herself and others." Si Lingfeng said.

Everyone else agrees.

Afterwards, Tang Xiaoxiao sighed, "I've seen with my own eyes what it's like to lose reason for love. I really hope Tao Yaoyao can wake up soon."

Everyone was a little silent, but Si Jue looked at Ren Xixi.

She sat there, looking downstairs and didn't know what she was thinking.


Fang Luo looked at their leaving figure and couldn't help stomping his feet angrily.

"Forget it, Fang Luo. Mu Jun is just infatuated with her for a while now. When he loses interest in Jin Ruoruo, you will have a chance."

Her friend stepped forward to comfort her.

Fang Luo heard his friend's comfort and said. "Yes, you're right, when he doesn't like Jin Ruruo, I'll have a chance."

Thinking of this, she felt much better.

"Then let's go up to eat, it's already noon."

"Yeah." Fang Luo led them upstairs.

Then they saw Ren Xixi and their table.

One of the men caught their attention.

Si Lingfeng saw, "This bunch of philandering women won't fall in love with my uncle again, right? But don't, my uncle won't even want them if they give it to my uncle."

Si Jue, "..."

other people,"……"

Shi Beiyao rapped Si Lingfeng hard, "What's going on in your head? Does your uncle want you to worry?"

Si Lingfeng covered his head in pain, "Shi Beiyao, you have a convulsion. Why are you beating me?"

Over there, one of the daughters came over with a smile and said, "How are you guys?"

She then looked at Si Jue and walked towards him. There happened to be an empty chair next to him.

She was about to sit down, but suddenly, when the chair moved, she sat down and fell to the ground.

When Si Lingfeng saw it, he laughed embarrassingly.

Then he turned his head and saw Shi Beiyao, Master and the others were all expressionless, so they honestly stopped smiling.

And the woman who fell to the ground had a pale face, and she was even more ashamed in front of this handsome man.

Other women: Luckily I didn't.

Just now when everyone saw that she was the first to strike up a conversation with that man, they were all jealous, but now they have no idea.

Si Jue sat there without moving, nor did he intend to help the woman.

Seeing this, the woman became more embarrassed and ashamed, her whole face was flushed, it was Fang Luo who helped her up in time.

"Handsome guy, how about adding a WeChat account." Another daughter walked over and tentatively asked.

But she didn't dare to sit on the chair next to her.

The chair just now was obviously fine, but no one moved it, but it just moved a little bit, which is really weird.

"No." Shi Beiyao said first, "You haven't seen so many beauties here, are you missing one?"

Miss Qianjin's complexion changed. When she looked up, she saw Ren Xixi, who was exquisite and beautiful, with a sense of aura on her body. She suddenly felt ashamed and withdrew her hand resentfully, "Sorry, excuse me."

Seeing this, the other young ladies dared not go over.

The people at this table don't seem to be easy to mess with.

Afterwards, Fang Luo took them away quickly, as if something was chasing them behind.

After they left, Shi Beiyao praised, "Xi Xi, you did a great job just now."

Si Lingfeng said honestly, "But you guys were really scary just now."

The girls all stared over.

Si Lingfeng touched his nose and stopped talking for a moment.

But Si Jue reached out and took her little hand.

"It's over, let's go." Ren Xixi said.

"Okay." Everyone got up and went out together.

A few days later, in order to frame Jin Ruruo, Fang Luo kept spreading rumors on the Internet that Jin Ruruo accompanied the gold master.

Jin Ruruo was originally just a little celebrity with little reputation, but some time ago, she suddenly accepted the role of the heroine of a costume drama directed by a big director.

The unknown Jin Ruruo suddenly became the target of crusade by everyone on the Internet, scolding her for being shameful, and scolding her for going all out to become famous.

After seeing it, Shi Beiyao immediately posted a message in the group.

【Xixi, have you seen the news on the Internet?Jin Ruruo was scolded badly, and that Fang Luo was too bad. 】

The other girls expressed their views.

[I saw it. ] Ren Xixi replied.

【Well, although Tao Yaoyao is very pitiful, from Jin Ruruo's point of view, she is also quite pitiful. 】 Tang Xiaoxiao suddenly said with emotion.

However, on the second day, the wind direction on the Internet quickly changed again.

Jin Ruruo disclosed his boyfriend's identity, saying that he has a boyfriend, and the matter of the gold master is purely a rumor.

And Mu Jun's personal account also reposted Jin Ruruo's bib, @朱君: This is my girlfriend, please give me more advice. @金如如

The Internet exploded immediately, and then netizens began to find out who this person was, and then found out that he had a good family background, was a doctor, and was also a well-known gold medal doctor in the imperial capital, and many bigwigs knew him.

[Jin Ruruo is just lucky, her boyfriend is too good. 】

[So those rumors on the Internet are all false. If Jin Ruruo has such a handsome and wealthy boyfriend, will he still go to those old and ugly potbellied benefactors? 】

[Maybe this woman has such a habit?Eating what is in the pot and looking at what is in the bowl. 】

[I think you are sour. 】

[This netizen, your jealousy is almost overflowing the screen. 】

Seeing that the wind on the Internet had changed, Fang Luo smashed his glass angrily.

On the Internet, there is a photo of Mu Jun holding Jin Ruruo's hand tightly, with tenderness overflowing the screen in his eyes, and standing on their right is the great director of that costume drama.

Then those netizens picked up that Jin Ruruo's boyfriend accompanied Jin Ruruo during the process of signing the contract for the costume drama, and her boyfriend even invested a large part of that drama.

These contents were picked up, all of which severely slapped those black fans in the face.

It can be said that this costume drama was completely customized by Jin Ruruo's boyfriend for her.

Tao Yaoyao saw it on the computer at home, and her heart became more and more suffocated.

She immediately called Tong Jia, "Ice Spirit Flame Grass, have you got it?"

"Take... I got it. I'll come out and get it to you."

Tao Yaoyao was about to hang up the phone when she heard Tong Jia say, "Miss Tao, can I ask...do you want this ice spirit flame grass for what?"

Tao Yaoyao was silent for a while when she heard the words.

Seeing that there was no reply on the phone, Tong Jia felt that she was talking too much, and she shouldn't have asked.

She was about to speak when she heard Tao Yaoyao say, "My husband has lost his memory, I want him to remember me."

Tong Jia was taken aback.

Afterwards, Tao Yaoyao sent her an address, asking her to come to this place.

(End of this chapter)

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