Chapter 146

Ren Xixi said beside him, "From now on, you practice seriously. In the past thousand years, you have not practiced seriously in order to find your husband. Your current cultivation has not improved much compared to a thousand years ago."

Hearing this, Tao Yaoyao's face felt hot and ashamed.

She said stubbornly, "Didn't I delay? Don't worry. This time I will practice hard, strive for the immortal body, gain merit, and come to the underworld to find a job, so that I can be with Mu Jun again. "

After finishing speaking, she looked at Mu Jun, and he smiled softly at her, and he held her hand, "It's all my fault for making you delay your practice."

Tao Yaoyao shook her head, "I'm very happy to see you."

Hearing this, he raised his hand and rubbed her head.

Ren Xixi stayed in the mansion for a while, then came out.

Tao Yaoyao didn't come out with her because she just met her husband and the couple still had a lot of whispers to say.

On the way, she passed the place where the ghost lived.

There was a little boy playing games in front of him, his eyes were black like panda eyes.

Fang Minsheng, who came out with her, said, "Master Xi, this child died suddenly while playing games, but his parents don't know what to think. After his death, they burned a computer for him to let him die." He continued to play here, and the uncles and aunts next to him persuaded him, but he didn't stop, and now you look at him, his eyes are black out of shape."

As he said that, he shook his head and sighed. He seemed to see that when he was alive, he was addicted to the wine jar every day, except drinking. Fortunately, he has come to his senses now.

Ren Xixi looked at other places. There were people playing games, playing mahjong, drinking and chatting, and some elderly people were exercising.

"Why are there so many souls left in the underworld?"

The houses here are densely populated, and those with a large population cannot stand on their feet.

"Xi Daochang, you don't know something. People in Yangjian don't want to get married more and more, so the birth rate of babies is low. These are unable to reincarnate." Fang Minsheng said.

Ren Xixi nodded upon hearing this.

Suddenly, there was a commotion ahead.

"Everyone, hurry up and queue up. How many places are there for the birth of animals under national first-class protection?"

A kid yelled.

Saying that, those ghosts all swarmed away.

"Give me, give me, give me this!"

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, it's decided by lottery!" Those ghosts hurriedly maintained order.

Ren Xixi was quite curious.

Fang Minsheng explained, "Young people nowadays are under a lot of pressure. They can't marry a wife or buy a house. The national first-class protected animals, especially the national treasure panda, are the ones everyone is scrambling to reincarnate."

"Ahhh! I got it, I got it! The national treasure panda, in my next life, I can eat, drink, and sleep in peace, and I don't have to work like a turtle again."

Holding the lottery ticket in his hand, the male ghost ran around excitedly...

In a palace deep in the underworld, a middle-aged man suddenly opened his eyes.

When he heard the report from his subordinates, he couldn't help but ask, "Is Xixi still alive?"

Wufang Ghost Emperor couldn't help but wiped his forehead, "Xi Daochang once drank that unicorn blood, and his lifespan is indeed much longer than ordinary people."

Hearing this, he sighed, "I shouldn't have entrusted her to the care of God Zun Sijue back then..."

Otherwise, she would have finished her experience and returned to the underworld long ago.

"It seems that I have to wait." He stretched his waist, squinted his eyes, closed them again, and fell into a deep sleep.

Ren Xixi has returned to Yangjian, Shi Beiyao and the others all ran over when they saw it, "Xixi, you are finally back."

"How about the Peach Blossom Demon? Has she found Mu Jun?"

Ren Xixi nodded and told them about the situation in the underworld.

"You mean, Mu Jun's soul has transformed into two souls?"

Ren Xixi nodded.

"Isn't this similar to a kind of clone? After being separated, it becomes two people."

"That's almost what it means." Ren Xixi said.

"Great. From this point of view, Tao Yaoyao's hard waiting was not in vain."

"Yeah, we thought Tao Yaoyao would be like this in this life..."

As they said that, they looked at Mu Jun and Jin Ruruo. In this way, the two lovers became married, and Mu Jun in this world does not need to blame himself. He can be with Jin Ruruo well without any guilt .

Although the two of them were not wrong, they could still feel that Mu Jun and Jin Ruruo felt a little guilty after seeing Tao Yaoyao's past life.

Seeing that Tao Yaoyao had found her own Mr. Mu, they all breathed a sigh of relief.


The magpie flew out of Ren Xixi's house again.

"Wu Xing, do you know? I just heard the story of the Peach Blossom Demon from Daoist Xi."

She flew back to the monk's side and became a human being.

At this moment, he was meditating with his eyes closed, knocking on the wooden fish in his hand, and the sound of magpies talking in his ears, and he didn't stop knocking on the wooden fish.

"Wu Xing, do you want to listen?" Magpie asked afterward.

He didn't answer.

She felt bored, and after eating some fish, she sat beside him and talked about the story of the Peach Blossom Demon to herself.

The story was very, very long, and she talked for a long time, until the sound of his knocking on the wooden fish became slower and slower, and finally stopped.

Magpie knew that he had listened to the story she told.

"Wu Xing, next time I hear any stories from Daoist Xi, I'll tell you." She said with a smile, regardless of whether he would reply or not.

In a certain foot bath shop, several girls are enjoying the massage foot bath given by the beautiful sister.

"Xixi, you said Si Lingfeng, a rookie, can he subdue a ghost?"

Shi Beiyao doubts his technique of trapping ghosts very much, so just don't put herself in it when the time comes.

The talisman that Si Lingfeng learned recently became more and more handy, so Ren Xixi asked him to go to a remote and uninhabited park alone to collect an ordinary ghost.

Ren Xixi, "It's okay, it went well in the end."

The ladies who were doing the foot massage just felt that they couldn't understand what they were saying, what kind of ghost?Did they think they were living in Lin Zhengying's movie?

In the park, Si Lingfeng looked around at the desolate place with withered leaves. It looked gloomy here.

Master asked him to come here to collect ghosts, are you sure he wasn't teasing him?

Although he has learned how to draw talismans and has a few basic skills, but he is still very scared to let him collect ghosts by himself.

But he is a man, and he can't say in front of Master that he is actually very scared.

Before coming, he asked his uncle to accompany him, but the uncle ignored him at all and went to chat with Master on the phone.

Now he was standing in the park, surrounded by a windy wind, he couldn't help shrinking his neck, and walked forward bravely.

Suddenly, he saw a red shadow flashing in front of him.

He was startled, he encountered a ghost so soon?

He hurried to catch up, and then there was no one in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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