Chapter 154 Rescue Operation
When she arrived at school, she met Su Ruili head-on.

Suddenly, she felt a faint bloody aura on his body.

When she looked carefully, there was nothing there.

"Xixi, is that uncle who picked you up to school?" he said.

Ren Xixi, "..."

She felt that the person in front of her was very suspicious and an object of suspicion.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Su Ruili said pitifully, "Xi Xi, I was molested today, and a senior sister touched my ass."

Ren Xixi, "..."

He wanted to go up to hold her arm, but she backed away.

His own hopes had come to nothing, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Xixi, I like you, why are you ignoring me? They all like me, why is it that you are the only one who doesn't like me?" Su Ruili confessed suddenly, his eyes full of grievances.


Si Lingfeng saw Su Ruili entangled his master again from a long distance, and ran over quickly.

He wants to take good care of his master for his uncle, he is afraid that Su Ruili will really seduce his master away, after all, this boy is very good at coaxing women.

"Master, have you just arrived at school?" Si Lingfeng asked.


"I've just arrived too, Master, let me help you with your schoolbag, class will start later, we are in the same classroom for this class."

"Okay." She handed the schoolbag to Si Lingfeng.

Then the two left.

Su Ruili, who was standing behind him, couldn't help feeling depressed. Every time he wanted to get close to Ren Xixi and talk to her more, he was destroyed by Si Lingfeng.

Suddenly, a memory was forcibly implanted in his mind.

His mind buzzed for a moment, and he looked at the back of them leaving...

The appointment time between the gangster and the big star is tomorrow night.

After Shi Beiyao and the others found out, they said, "Xixi, which big star is it? Such a big thing happened. It seems that being a star is not a good thing."

"I don't know." She said.

Ren Xixi, who was about to go, received a call from a strange woman.

"Hi, may I ask if you are Master Xi?"


The woman said nervously, "Officer Chen has already told you about me, I beg Master Xi to save my daughter."

Ren Xixi comforted her and reassured her.

After a while, "Thank you Master Xi." The woman thanked while crying, then hung up the phone.

At night, she went out and met Si Jue who came over.

"You want to go with me?"

"Hmm." Si Jue said.

Ren Xixi hesitated for a few seconds, then said, "Then follow along."

The place agreed by the criminals was a newly built building on West Ring Road.

When Ren Xixi followed, she found that there were many media cars following the police cars.

Officer Chen saw a large number of media following behind him, followed by countless flashing lights.

Such an approach greatly exposed their whereabouts and put the hostages in danger.

Their arrest operation was originally carried out in secret.

When the media is here, the gangsters are likely to find out and tear up the ticket.

Officer Chen couldn't help being angry when he saw this phenomenon.

"Officer Chen, don't be angry, these media simply don't care about the safety of the hostages for the sake of traffic," Officer Liu said.

The car drove for another ten minutes, and the media still followed persistently.

Police officer Chen couldn't take it anymore, all the police cars stopped, he got out of the car and yelled at the media, "This is not a place for you to play around! We are handling cases and arresting people, and our lives are in danger at any time. You should get out of here immediately."

However, his words did not help.

A media outlet held up a camera and said, "If they quit, we will!"

Several media outlets behind immediately said, "They retreat first, and then we retreat!"

In the end, no one will let anyone else, and no one will retreat first.

It's useless for the police to catch up.

Police officer Chen got angry for the first time and kicked the police car.

When Ren Xixi who came over saw this scene, she moved her fingers.

Suddenly, there was a burst of crackling sound of lenses in the crowd, one after another.

In an instant, these lights were all extinguished, and the originally large crowd and bright lights suddenly returned to the night.

The eyes of the media showed shock, after all, all this was too weird.

Officer Chen and the others were very surprised when they saw it.

But this is also a good thing, and it has helped them a lot.

In the end, the media could only watch the police cars drive away.

They don't have the shooting equipment, even if they follow the past, it's useless.

When they got there, the criminals had already carried a little girl to the top of the building.

Looking at the police cars downstairs and a group of special police officers following him, he knew he had been tricked by that Wan Lin.

The big star Wan Lin, who had already stood on the top, saw her daughter being held hostage by gangsters with a knife, her heart was in her throat.

She now regrets calling the police. If she hadn't called the police, would there still be a chance to save her daughter.

She is an actress and has been popular for more than ten years. She has always protected her daughter well. For some reason, information about her daughter was leaked a few days ago.

It wasn't long before her daughter was kidnapped.

"Wan Lin, I think you don't want your daughter's life anymore." The leader of the gangster said viciously.

The gangster's knife rested on the little girl's neck, and blood spilled instantly.

"No, don't!" Wan Lin screamed, "I'll give you whatever you want, just please don't hurt my daughter."

The gangster heard the words and snorted, "Do you think we still have the life to escape?"

She hurriedly said, "I beg the police to let you go, please don't hurt my daughter."

However, none of them saw that the blood on the little girl's neck seemed to be being sucked away, and above their invisible heads, a few strands of black air hovered in the air.

And the gangster's forehead was blue and black.

The little girl cried loudly in pain, "Mom, I hurt..."

Wan Lin's heart was pounding, "Xiao Min, don't be afraid, mom is here, don't be afraid, mom will come to save you right away."

Officer Chen and the others were holding guns, and they were approaching step by step.

The gangsters saw that the knife cut into the little girl's neck again, and blood flowed out again.

The little girl was crying in pain.

"Daughter, daughter, I beg you, don't hurt my daughter!" Wan Lin knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

The policemen didn't dare to take a step forward when they saw it.

Suddenly, the gangster's hand holding the knife went numb, and the knife fell to the ground immediately.

Seeing this, the policemen rushed up immediately.

When the gangster saw it, he became ruthless and pushed the little girl downstairs. In an instant, the little girl fell quickly, and there was another talisman following the little girl, but no one paid attention.

"Xiao Min! No!" Wan Lin rushed over immediately, and she caught an empty hole.

"Wan Lin, you will pay the price for your actions, just let your daughter die!" The gangsters were completely enraged.

They were just trying to make a fortune, but they didn't expect this woman to call the police.

In this case, don't blame them for being rude.

"Bang!" followed by a gunshot.

(End of this chapter)

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