Chapter 156

Hearing this, both Si Lingfeng and Shi Beiyao looked at the female bandit lying behind Mo Que...

Mo Que was terrified by the eyes of the two of them, "What are you two looking at? Could it be... Is there... something on my back?"

Si Lingfeng and Shi Beiyao were silent for a few seconds, then looked at each other again, and then nodded at the same time.

Seeing how often they nodded at the same time, Mo Que suddenly felt chills all over his body from head to toe.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He immediately slapped himself on the back with his hands.

He ran away, trying to shake what was behind him.

Si Lingfeng and Shi Beiyao glanced at the same time, "It's true that one thing is one thing."

After school, Si Jue came to pick her up. He first asked her about yesterday, and then said, "Did you promise him?"

Ren Xixi turned her head and didn't react for a while. "Promise what?"

He was silent for a while, looking at her, "Su Ruili's invitation."

"Yeah." Ren Xixi then came over with a smile, "Are you jealous? You suddenly treat me twice as nicely these days, is it because of him?"

Hearing this, Si Jue blinked.

"Hmph, I still dare not admit it." She raised her hand and stroked his head, just like before, she liked to stroke his hairy head.

He grabbed her hand and held it, "Xixi, can you stay away from him in the future?"

She said, "Su Ruili is very suspicious, he probably came from another world."

There was surprise in his eyes.

"Otherwise, how could I agree to his invitation." Ren Xixi touched his head again, imagining when he was a unicorn.

"I'll go with you," he said.

She nodded, "Yeah." She raised her hand and pinched his face again.

There was a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

At Su Ruili's birthday party, there were many humans there, and she felt that they all had a fishy smell.

"Xixi, you're finally here." Seeing her, Su Ruili immediately ran over. When he saw Si Juehou next to him, he smiled unnaturally, and then smiled obediently, "Uncle is here too."

Si Jue heard the words, and now his face was expressionless.

These people all looked at the two of them with some strange eyes.

A beautiful-looking woman walked around Si Jue, her eyes were charming, and she said, "Handsome guy, would you like a drink?"

Before he could speak, Ren Xixi stepped forward and grabbed him, looking at the beauty, "I'm sorry, he only drinks with me."

Seeing this, she walked away in a self-defeating manner.

Everyone sat together, and the dishes came up one after another.

The atmosphere on the table seemed harmonious, but it was strange.

Both Ren Xixi and Si Jue remained silent.

While drinking, she poured him wine.

Si Jue suddenly remembered the time when he was eating barbecue.

Seeing her pouring a cup into her mouth, she took the initiative to get her cup.

"You drink less."

"Then I'll drink it for you." Ren Xixi blinked at him.

"Okay, I'll drink it." He drank it all in one gulp.

"The relationship between the two of you is really good." The person next to him said enviously.

Su Ruili looked a little sour from the side.

Suddenly he received the eyes of the person next to him, he couldn't help but clenched the hands in his sleeves, a little hesitant.

"Come, come, let's continue drinking. If you don't get drunk tonight, you won't go home." A man who looked bold poured a large glass full for Ren Xixi and Si Jue.

But most of it was drunk by Si Jue, his face was a little flushed, and he leaned on her shoulder a little drunk.

"Miss Xixi can drink really well."

"Oh, didn't he drink it all for his boyfriend?" a girl Jiao Didi said.

While they were drinking, Su Ruili received another look from the man.

The bold man took a new bottle of wine, took another glass and poured a glass, and handed it to Ren Xixi, he smiled and said, "This is a good wine, the most expensive bottle among these wines. Miss Xi, would you like to try it?"

Ren Xixi looked at the transparent wine glass in his hand, the wine was purple, she smiled suddenly, "Okay, then I'll have a taste."

Seeing this, Su Ruili couldn't help but want to stop him, but was held down by a boy next to him.

Ren Xixi brought over the glass of wine, and smelled a faint fishy smell.

She looked up, and these people were all looking at her, and they were smiling at her.

Si Jue noticed the strangeness on the wine table and looked at her, "Let me drink."

Everyone saw this, and there was no reaction.

Either of them can drink this glass of wine.

It's just that this female Taoist priest is much stronger. They may not be able to win 100%, but with this glass of wine, it is not necessarily so.

As a unicorn beast, Si Jue's strength should not be underestimated.

He drank it, which also reduced their fighting power, only Ren Xixi was the only one, and their chances of defeating her were greatly increased.

"No, you've already drank so much, let me drink it." Ren Xixi said, and quickly finished the glass of wine.

When those people saw it, they all showed a weird smile.

"The wine is here first, let's go first." As she spoke, she pulled him to get up.

Suddenly, she felt dizzy in her head, and she fell down and lay on the table.

"Xixi, Xixi." Si Jue hurriedly called her, and then hugged her horizontally.

Others stopped, "You don't have to be afraid, your girlfriend is just drunk."

Si Jue didn't believe what they said at all, and his eyes became cold.

When the others saw it, they couldn't help taking a slight step back.

A boy boldly stepped forward and said with a smile, "Miss Xixi is really drunk. I have sober medicine here, which can wake her up immediately."

As he spoke, he took out a small round box from his pocket.

As soon as he opened it, Si Jue seemed to smell something, and suddenly passed out.

Ren Xixi and Si Jue lay on the wine table together.

Everyone stood up and walked to their side.

Unscrupulously looking at the two who are even afraid of the false master.

One of them folded his arms around his chest and said, "Don't they look very powerful? They were so easily fooled and fascinated by us."

"It means that they are not very good at all, and those rumors are probably all blown."

"Leave this handsome guy to me." said the glamorous woman who wanted to toast him earlier.

Without speaking from the beginning to the end, a man in black stepped forward and said, "Don't take the enemy lightly, now you guys should be quicker, pull out all their spiritual power, and hand it over to the Void Lord."

Su Ruili immediately came up, stopped his companion who was about to attack Ren Xixi, and said, "You can't hurt her."

"Su Ruili, don't you really like her? She ignores you every day and is very arrogant. What do you like about her?"

During this time, he has been quietly following Su Ruili, watching him follow Ren Xixi every day.

This woman was obviously impatient with him, but Su Ruili didn't seem to notice it, and smiled at her all day long.

If he had such a violent temper, he would have been out of the way a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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