Chapter 186
The couple smiled and said, "If the little girl has nowhere to go, why not stay at our house first."

They said again, "We have been husband and wife for many years and have no children. What we want most now is to have a child. Since the little girl has nowhere to go, how about being our daughter?"

Ren Xixi paused and looked at them, hesitating in her heart, then she seemed to make up her mind and said, "Okay."

They all have her familiar aura, and this couple is kind and simple, she really has no place to go, it's good to stay here.

Hearing this, the couple immediately beamed and were very excited.

The woman first introduced, "My name is Xu Xue, you can call me...mother now."

"Okay, mother." She said.

When Xu Xue heard this, joy immediately appeared in her eyes.

She has been looking forward to a girl for a long time, and she has also been looking forward to this motherly kiss for a long time.

The man also hurriedly introduced himself, "My surname is Ren, and my name is Ye. You can also call me Daddy..."
However, Ren Xixi shouted, "Old Ren."

Ren Ye paused, although he felt strange about this title, he still smiled and said, "Okay, you can call me Lao Ren."

When the couple learned that her name was Ren Xixi, they were taken aback for a moment. It seemed to be God's will to have the same surname as her husband.

They chanted Buddhist scriptures and prayed for a daughter every day, and God finally heard their wish and sent it to them.

Then Ren Xixi stayed here.

Gradually, the couple discovered that their daughter was different from ordinary people. She had talents that ordinary people did not have, and she could predict many things in advance.

A year later, Ren Xixi moved them to a village.

It is also very comfortable here, with beautiful mountains and clear waters. The difference is that there are fireworks and more people.

Not long after, people in the village learned that the daughter of the newly moved Ren family could tell fortunes, and they all asked her to do fortune-telling.

The couple also know fortune-telling because of their daughter's intelligence, and their family's life calculation is stable.

Spring went to autumn, and a few years later, the couple found that her appearance was the same as when she first came, without any change.

They worried that their daughter's unchanged appearance would be discovered, so they took her to another village.

After living there for eight years, they moved to another place to live.

At first, they were surprised that their daughter would not look old, but gradually accepted that their daughter would not look old.

They thought, maybe the daughter was really sent from heaven, she is not a mortal, she is a fairy in the sky, and she should return to the heaven after the calamity is over.

In this way, every eight years, the couple will change places.

And Ren Xixi watched them grow older and become more and more silent.

Inexplicably, a sentence came to her mind: Human beings are fragile.

Not only will their lives be in danger if they touch it, but they will also be born, old, sick, and die, with a life expectancy of at most a hundred years.

The couple, who are already in their 70s, began to find that their daughter would shut herself in the room for a period of time every day, not knowing what she was doing.

Occasionally, they would hear a bang from her room.

Because the daughter is like a god in fortune-telling, the divination fee is very high. Thanks to their daughter, their life can be so good all these years.

However, my daughter has recently started to buy a lot of various medicinal materials, and I don't know what to do.

Ren Ye finally couldn't bear it anymore and went in to ask her.

Then he heard his daughter tell him seriously that she was refining longevity pills.

He was stunned, longevity pill?Is it the longevity pill he was thinking about?

In an instant, he understood that the girl didn't want them to continue to grow old, so she wanted to refine longevity pills to prolong their lifespan.

Over the years, both he and Xu Xue have become gray-haired old men, while their daughter is still the same as before, without any change.

Now they all let their daughters call them grandpa and grandma when they are outside.

They didn't want their daughter to work so hard. She had to go out to set up a fortune telling stall every day, and had to refine those pills when she got home, so she didn't have time for her own entertainment.

The main thing is that she doesn't seem to be as happy as before.

However, the daughter who has always been very obedient to them has become very persistent in this matter. No matter how much they persuade her, she still wants to make longevity pills.

They had no choice but to let the girl continue refining her pills.

"Girl, we have lived here for eight years, it's time to go." Xu Xue came over and said.

Ren Xixi paused, "I'm not leaving."

"Why don't you leave? If you stay here, if people here find you..." She didn't dare to continue.

If the fact that her daughter does not grow old is revealed, it is inevitable that people will not think of her as a monster.

And there is a Taoist temple nearby, which specializes in collecting demons and catching ghosts.

Recently, a demon appeared in the next door village, and was subdued and captured by those Taoist priests.

They were really worried that one day their daughter would be taken away as a monster. They were ordinary mortals, and they were already in their twilight years and had no ability to save her. What would they do then?

Ren Xixi comforted them and said, "Don't be afraid, those people are not as good as me."

"Mother knows that you are powerful, but there are so many of them, it's hard for one person to beat four hands."

"Mother, you and Lao Ren are both old and can't bear to travel around anymore. From now on, this is the place for you to retire, so you can live in peace, I won't have any accidents, and I won't be taken away as a monster. Mom, you trust me."

Xu Xue looked at her daughter's firm eyes, and in her eyes, she saw a sense of peace of mind.

The girl seemed to have such a heart-stopping magic power, and she obeyed her words unconsciously.

"Okay, mother trusts you." Xu Xue smiled.

Ren Ye learned that his daughter said that she would not move in the future, so she stopped talking.

After so many years, they have seen the girl's ability.

The girl not only has a long life span, can tell fortunes, can also fly into the sky, and can communicate with ghosts.

In their hearts, the girl is already omnipotent.

The daughter can predict the future in advance, and if she really perceives danger, she can also prepare to escape in advance.

Thinking about it this way, they didn't worry anymore.

In this way, they lived here for a few more years, they are already 80 years old.

Elderly people in the village die every day, and daughters become more and more silent day by day.

She stood at the window of the house, looking at the scene of life and death in that house.

Ren Xu and his wife couldn't help sighing when they saw it.

Finally, the villagers discovered that their daughter's appearance had not changed.

Just as they were carrying this nervous heart, they were always worried.

The girl sent them away with a smile, "I can not only tell fortunes, but also refine beauty pills. Eating one can make your skin look better and keep you young. What do you want?"

When the girls and women heard this, they wanted to pay for it.

Seeing this, Ren Xu and his wife smiled helplessly.

This is also a good way. If everyone knows that the girl can refine the beauty pill, they will naturally know why she is younger than everyone else.

The daughter's words quickly dispelled their doubts, and she was asked to advertise. The neighboring villages, towns, and even the county seat heard that she had recently refined a beauty pill that can make people look younger. They all ran to her to buy.

(End of this chapter)

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