Full-level bosses conquer the world with metaphysics

Chapter 188 Invited to Wen Dynasty Palace

Chapter 188 Invited to Wen Dynasty Palace

And he is more inclined to be the second type. The strength of the girl in front of him may be unfathomable.

But that's good too, she was helping him.

With her in the Taoist temple, it will only lead the Taoist temple to a more glorious day.

Jiang Hechuan attacked first, drew a Taoist talisman and flew towards her.

Ren Xixi tilted her head back, the talisman flew over her face, and she immediately used the teleportation technique to come behind him and push, Jiang Hechuan staggered and fell forward.

The imaginary fall did not come, but was pulled by her.

In just a few moves, surprise appeared in Jiang Hechuan's eyes.

In the next second, he released a few talismans that he had drawn in advance, and flew towards her together.

However, those talismans were all caught by her, a thick stack,
Immediately, those talismans caught in her hand flew back quickly.

Jiang Hechuan quickly dodged, but was still hit on the shoulder by one of the talismans.

When he stopped, he immediately said, "I admit defeat."

There is no comparison in this fight at all, her strength is countless times stronger than he imagined.

And the Taoist priests who stood by and watched couldn't close their mouths, and fell silent for a while.

The girl's arrogance just now is true, she should be so crazy.

If they had such powerful abilities as hers, they would probably be even crazier than her.

The old Taoist priest had already been shocked, and what followed was excitement.

He immediately said, "I declare that you have now officially become a member of our Taoist temple, and from now on, you are their senior sister."

There was no disapproval around.

Jiang Hechuan could leave, the old Taoist was very reluctant.

However, he was determined to return to the vulgar life and live that secular life.

He couldn't stop him, and there was no reason to stop him again.

On the day of leaving, Jiang Hechuan looked at Ren Xixi and said solemnly, "Thank you, girl."

"You don't need to thank us, we've got what we deserve." She laughed.

Then Jiang Hechuan went down the mountain under the escort of a group of juniors and sisters.

And there was already a girl waiting at the foot of the mountain, and when she saw that he really came down, her eyes showed surprise, "Hechuan!"

Hearing this, he immediately quickened his pace and came to her.

"I'm still vulgar, let's go."

"Yeah." She said happily.

He took her hand, and after walking a few steps, he would look back at the Taoist temple where he lived for many years since he was a child, until he walked far away, he never looked back...

After Ren Xixi lived in the Taoist temple, because of his strongest strength, he became the absolute majesty in the Taoist temple.

On the first day she came here, the old Taoist master gave her the basics of Taoism, intermediate and advanced Taoism, and talismans.

She learned very quickly, and in just a short period of time, she learned all of them, and she also created a set of Taoism and talisman techniques, which are more powerful.

When the disciples heard the words, they came to ask her for advice.

She taught them everything without being stingy. As for how much they can learn, it depends on their talent and hard work.

The old Taoist priest didn't have much time left. He saw that Ren Xixi had fully integrated into the Taoist temple and had already made this place his home.

So he confidently passed on what he had learned all his life to her, and appointed her as the next priest.

Ren Xixi stayed in the Taoist temple for a long time, and found that the Taoist temple was really poor, and the wooden sign hanging outside was almost eaten by moths.

So she changed a new plaque and changed it to a new name, called: The World's No. [-] Taoist Temple.

The other Taoists saw it and felt that they were too narcissistic.

The old Taoist priest saw the same thing.

They are just a small Taoist temple here, not comparable to those famous Daoist temples.

Even those famous Taoist temples dare not take this name, but they first...

Let those colleagues see it and laugh out loud.

Ren Xixi smiled and said, "Not now, but in the future."

The old Taoist priest got old and finally let her go.

Everyone saw that the old Taoist had no objections, and they even had no objections.

However, they didn't know that in the future, Ren Xixi's fame would spread rapidly.

Their Taoist temple became famous because of this, and it became bigger and bigger, becoming the veritable No. [-] Taoist temple in the world.

Jiang Hechuan brought his wife to visit the old Taoist priest. During the last time of the old Taoist priest, he and his wife have been guarding him and accompanying him.

And the old Taoist finally left with a satisfied smile...

Ren Xixi stayed in the Taoist temple for more than 20 years, and returned the position of Taoist priest to Jiang Hechuan again, and established a new rule that Taoist priests can also marry wives and have children, and still enjoy the position of Taoist priests after returning to secular life.

And she wore a Taoist robe, and began to travel around the world, hanging pots to help the world.

Gradually, there were rumors about her in the world, and she would be recognized wherever she went.

After 900 years--

Ren Xixi's deeds spread throughout the world.

After the Emperor Wen Dynasty heard about her deeds, he sent a post to invite her to the palace.

Ren Xixi had never been to the Wen Dynasty's palace, so he accepted the post.

She has traveled almost all over the world. Mountains, rivers and rivers still have changes, and life, old age, sickness and death are things that disappear in the blink of an eye. She sees a lot, and her heart gradually returns to peace.

When she returned to Wen Dynasty again, she felt like returning to her hometown.

The changes here are also great, and it is more prosperous than before, and it has become a well-deserved big country.

However, she sensed that the Wen Dynasty was facing a catastrophe.

There have long been rumors in the market that Daoist Xi has lived for thousands of years. It is rumored that she has already consummated her merits and virtues, achieved Taoism and became a fairy, but she didn't want to leave yet, so she was left in the world.

Ren Xixi was rumored to be more and more magical. When she came to the gate of the palace, she found that there were many people squatting there to guard, just to take a look at the legendary Taoist priest Xi.

The soldiers sent by the emperor also came out to meet him.

Ren Xixi looked at the big battle, "..."

If I had known earlier, she would have climbed over the wall and entered.

"Xi Daochang!"

"Hi Daoist!"

All the people in the city were filled with enthusiastic smiles.

He stuffed the flowers, melons and fruits in his hand into her arms.

It is said that Xi Daochang fortune-telling is like a god, if only they have the luck to get a divination.

Ren Xixi's bosom was no longer full, and she had to ask the soldiers who came to welcome her to help her prepare several boxes for these things.

After she received the things from the people, she gave each of them a peace talisman.

All around their ears were their excited voices of thanks.

When the soldiers guarding the gate saw it, they were all ready to move, and hated themselves for not bringing some presents, otherwise they would have gotten one.

The same was true for the soldiers who came out to meet her. Although their faces were expressionless, their hearts were already agitated.

"Come, come! Everyone has a share."

Ren Xixi seemed to have seen through the soldiers' thinking, so she simply took out all the safety symbols and symbols she had drawn and distributed them to them.

The sound of thank you in my ear became louder and louder.

This matter also reached the ears of the emperor, and at this time there was still a man in black sitting in the study.

"Oh, is that so? That Daoist Xi is so popular?" The emperor's eyes showed surprise.

Immediately, he looked at the man in black beside him, and said with a smile, "My lord, that Taoist priest is no less popular than you."

(End of this chapter)

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