After wearing the book, the male lead always wants to kill me

Chapter 251 Want to go to the vertical shop

Chapter 251 Want to go to the vertical shop
Within a few days, Luo Qiao came to the hospital, holding a new mobile phone, dancing and describing to Lingyan.

"Master Gu is rich and powerful, he bought me twenty mobile phones!"

Her hand drew a large circle exaggeratedly.

"There are so many, I can't use them up even if I become an octopus."

Lingyan was amused by her actions: "And then? Did you choose one of them?"

"No." Luo Qiao shook her head and said, "I don't want any of them. I'm afraid that if I ask for his mobile phone and offend him later, he will say: If you want to use your mobile phone, shut up!"


Luo Qiao imitated Ling Wuyan's tone so vividly that Lingyan laughed happily.

This is the smile she rarely showed when she lived in the hospital for a long time.

Seeing Lingyan smiling so happily, Xinma, who was silently peeling the fruit, also smiled.

Luo Qiao continued: "Master Gu's actions are really too exaggerated. I am acting cautiously and do not owe favors, lest I have to pretend to be a grandson when I see him."

"Well, that's true." Lingyan responded.

After Luo Qiao finished talking about Gu Chen, she said: "By the way, Qiaoqiao is well informed, can you help me find someone?"

"Who is it?"

"The actor who plays Gu Xingchen."

Luo Qiao looked puzzled: "Xinxin, what are you investigating him for? Isn't he a well-known star?"

Mother Xin peeled the fruit and handed it to the two girls.

Hearing this, he interjected, "Gu Xingchen, I know, the young man is quite handsome."

Lingyan looked at Xin's mother in surprise, "Mom also knows him?"

He looked at Luo Qiao again: "Everyone knows about it? Then why is there no information about him on the Internet?"

"His fame doesn't need Qiandu and Weibo. If you ask a three-year-old kid on the street, he can tell that the most popular star is Gu Xingchen." Luo Qiao said.

Lingyan was completely confused: "I'm asking about the actor who plays Gu Xingchen, not Gu Xingchen! It's the male lead in the store!"

"That's right." Luo Qiao tilted her head and said, "That's him, Gu Xingchen is Gu Xingchen, a well-known star."

Xin's mother also echoed: "The square dancing aunt downstairs is also his fan, and she is also named Pink Gu's mother."

Lingyan: "..."

I can't complain about the words that Xinma said.

In her opinion, the words of Luo Qiao and Xin Ma seem to be in a state of madness...

correct!Bewitched! !

Ling Wuyan is Lord Mozun, so it shouldn't be difficult to tamper with other people's memories.

Originally, Lingyan was only guessing in this direction, but now he feels that this possibility is even greater.

She quickly grabbed Luo Qiao's hand and said, "Qiaoqiao, I beg you, you must help me with this favor!"

Luo Qiao patted her chest with the other hand, and said righteously: "Just say it."

"I want to go to Shudian again and meet the actor who plays Gu Xingchen."

Luo Qiao touched the back of her head in embarrassment, and said, "Xinxin, I was just about to tell you about this."

"I work in an entertainment company under the XC Group. Young Master Gu has been coming to the company to bother me all this time. He asked me to take you to the vertical store. He has something he wants to show you."

Luo Qiao apologized: "I'm sorry Xinxin. He is my boss. I have refused many times. Today I really have no choice, so I came here to tell you about it..."

"It doesn't matter, I want to go to Shudian anyway."

Lingyan patted the back of Luo Qiao's hand comfortingly.

But the reason she wanted to go was just for another man.

——Ling Wuyan.

(End of this chapter)

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