Chapter 270 It's For Your Good
The corner of Lingyan's mouth curled into a bitter smile.

Looking at the liquid in the ticking medicine bottle, she said, "Mom, you are wrong."

"There is no possibility of a cure for my disease."

Being able to live to be 20 years old is already a miracle.

Relying on drugs to continue life, but the human body cannot rely on drugs alone.

The function of the body is damaged, and the resistance is weaker than that of ordinary people. He often has a fever and aches all over his body.Sometimes when it hurts, her heart-piercing screams can be heard all over the floor.

On the day when the body can no longer bear it, there is no cure for medicine and stone.

Now, there are already many drugs that have no effect on her.Will it be far from the last day?

Mentioning this topic, a topic that she never dared to bring up before, made Xin Ma's heart ache.

Tears instantly wet the eyes, Xin's mother sobbed softly, and said in a trembling voice: "Xinxin, don't say that, I... your father, we all believe that you will be fine."

Luo Qiao took the tissue and handed it to Mama Xin, patting her on the back gently.

"Auntie, and me, I also believe that Xinxin will get better!"

If it was possible to get better, would Xin's mother cry like this?
Words of encouragement, no matter how much you say, can't match the reality.

As the party involved, Lingyan is as calm as water, and she is not like Xin's father and mother, who often cry because of such things.

To her, she was already someone who had died a million times.

The last time he died was Yuchi Lingyan's body, who was chased by the immortal sect and stabbed to death with a single sword.

Death is no longer something to fear.

"I'm not afraid of death."

She thought of someone, and the bitter smile on the corner of her mouth became satisfied.

"I'm just worried that before I die, there are still unfinished things. And Ling Wuyan is someone who I refuse to let go after I die. Even if I only have a short life, I still want to be with him."

"Core core!"

Xin's mother's tone became more serious, she looked at her with hatred, her eyes were red and she said: "Mom, you are not allowed to talk about yourself like that! Your life will be very, very long..."

"Mom advised you to break up with him today because she just thinks he's not suitable for you. You still have a long battle to fight! No matter if the other party is a big star or whoever, we shouldn't drag him down..."

"Mom is thinking about him, not making you give up hope of living! Your illness will be cured, and you will be able to live!"

Xinma said a lot of things abnormally, most of them were for Lingyan, and the last two sentences were for herself.

Even though the doctor has told the family that there is no cure for this disease, she and Dad Xin have been fighting hard.

As she spoke, Xinma burst into tears.

Luo Qiao comforted her in a good voice, seeing such a scene, she couldn't help shedding tears.

Only Lingyan looked normal.

When she died under Su Yaoqing's sword last time, she had already thought clearly.

——If you can hold Ling Wuyan's hand tightly, you will never let go!

Now, even if she doesn't have much time, she still wants to be with him well.

At the same time, Ling Wuyan, who was chatting with Dad Xin in the corridor outside the hospital, also had the same idea as her.

Papa Xin took out a tissue from his pocket, blowing his nose, his eyes flushed.

"Big star, I advise you to break up for your own sake. You are so good, go find a healthy girl who can accompany you for a long time..."

Ling Wuyan clasped his hands, and said cautiously: "No matter what happens, I will stand with her unswervingly."

 This chapter is a bit long-winded...

  It's one of my favorite chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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