Chapter 274 Can You Wait?
"Sleeping Ling Wuyan! We will win tonight!"

With Lingyan's words, Luo Qiao's jaw almost dropped in shock.

"Xinxin, I didn't expect you to be so bold."

Lingyan smiled happily, "This life is so short, you have to hurry up and do everything you want to do."

She said it easily, but Luo Qiao understood why she said this.The last time I heard the conversation between Xinma and her, and the materials in the interview with Lingyan, all illustrate the fact that Lingyan's time is numbered.

She is so active now because she knows that she will not live long.

Luo Qiao also agreed with a smile, that smile was a bit forced.

At the same time, because of Lingyan's words, she made up her mind to tell what troubled her for several days alone.

"Xinxin, I'm dreaming too."

"Dream what?"

"I dreamed that my name was Luo Qiaoqiao, a disciple of the Dongyun sect, and the vicious female supporting role in "The Peerless Little Medical Concubine"." Luo Qiao looked at her with gentle eyes: "I also dreamed about you, who is my most longing for Sister."

If Luo Qiao wasn't Luo Qiaoqiao, how could she dream of these things?
Lingyan didn't say anything, and hugged Luo Qiao, her nose was sour, and her eyes were red.

Luo Qiao hurriedly comforted: "Xinxin, don't cry, don't ruin the makeup you just put on."

Lingyan forced back her tears again.

"You remember, don't you?" Luo Qiao asked her.


Luo Qiao smiled contentedly: "Maybe there is a past life and this life. In the previous life, you were my senior sister. In this life, we are still good friends. How nice!"

"It's just that in my dream, I only stayed in the back mountain of the Dongyun sect, during the days when I was confined. I really want to remember quickly, what happened after that."

Luo Qiao's memory probably stayed at the time when Su Yaoqing planted the dream yang poison to control her mind.

The same is true for Gu Chen, they all only remember the good times in that world, and they don't have any bad memories after that.

"It's okay, as long as you remember these, you don't need to recall too much."

Lingyan and Luo Qiao open up their hearts, and their friendship grows deeper.

With a good mood, I came to the door of Ling Wuyan's apartment.

As soon as Ling Wuyan opened the door, what he saw was a charming little face full of smiles.

"Honey~ I'm coming!"

A bear hug fell on Ling Wuyan's body, shaking Ling Wuyan's heartbeat even stronger.

He hugged the person in front of him with both hands, and closed the door with his toes.

His chin touched her shoulder lightly with nostalgia, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

"Have you eaten yet?" Lingyan asked.

"I don't need to eat."

"So did you take a shower?"


"Okay! Let's go to your room then."

Ling Wuyan is very obedient, and Lingyan does what she says.

Holding the person in his arms, he came to the bedroom, closed the door by the way, and went to the bed with his arms around the person in front of him.

This time, there is no need for Lingyan to give any orders, he knows everything by himself.

Putting her on the snow-white bed sheet, leaning over, rubbing her short hair with big palms, watching her delicate little face dyed a pretty bright red.

Ling Wuyan's green eyes ignited sparks.

With a deep voice, suppressing emotions, he said hoarsely: "It's not dark yet."

It's seven o'clock in the afternoon in summer, and it's not all dark outside yet.

Lingyan's slender arms naturally circled his neck.

"Master Mozun, can we wait until it gets dark?"

"If you don't want to, I can wait."

"You are my boyfriend, you don't have to ask me every time if I want to."

(End of this chapter)

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