Chapter 278 One Last Look

It was Xin Ma who screamed.

She fell to the ground, holding the body of the person in front of her with both hands, crying heart-piercingly.

"Xinxin! Xinxin..."

Shocking pools of blood fell on the snow-white ground of the hospital.

Lingyan was wearing a white dress, all stained red with blood.The pale lips were also stained with a dazzling red, and dripping blood slid down the jaw.

In just a few minutes, her eye sockets suddenly sunken severely, her clear star pupils were covered with gray, and her face was ashen as if she had no life at all.


She opened her mouth as hard as she could, wanting to comfort Mama Xin, and then said three words intermittently, and spit out another big mouthful of blood.

Now, she couldn't even utter a word.

The eyes struggled to open, but they couldn't open them no matter what, as if a stone weighing ten thousand catties was pressing on them.The vision in front of me has also become so blurred...



The voices of a man and a woman sounded at the same time, and she had no energy to take another look.

Gu Chen came to her side and wanted to hug her back to the hospital bed, but just as his hands were about to touch her, he was shaken away by an invisible force.It was as if he had been struck by lightning, causing severe pain in his arms.

At the same time, the man in black appeared in the ward out of thin air.

The black clothes were incompatible with the whiteness of the hospital. After Gu Chen stepped back, he took his place and hugged the person in front of him by the waist.

Familiar strong arms, hugged very warmly last night.

Lingyan half-opened his eyes, and in the haze, he could only see those deep green eyes shining like stars at night in the gray mist.


She opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything.

Ling Wuyan put her on the hospital bed, with a hoarse voice, painful and heavy: "You don't need to say... I know, you want to bear it alone, and you don't want to say anything to me."

"If I don't come, you will abandon me and leave alone like before."

The green eyes looked at the glaring blood on her body distressedly, and raised her hand to wipe off the bright red on her jaw.

But in the next second, another large mouthful of blood was spit out, and it splashed on the back of his hand, scalding hot.

Xin's mother couldn't stand up, and walked to the bed on her knees, tears streaming down her face: "Xinxin, don't be afraid, don't be afraid..."

Maybe Xin's mother didn't know what she was talking about. The scene in front of her made her insane, and she couldn't control her emotional breakdown. She just tried her best to comfort her daughter.

Just like when she was a child, when she was suffering from illness, Xin's mother was at a loss what to do, she could only hug and coax her, and do things that could not relieve the pain at all.

'Mom, don't cry. '

'Ling Wuyan, I'm sorry. '

Lingyan couldn't speak at all.

The bone-piercing pain made it so difficult for her to even breathe.

Doctors and nurses swarmed in from the door, oxygen machines, testers, and all available equipment were used.

Ling Wuyan and Xin Ma were separated by the nurses.

The doctor took the needle and stuck it into Lingyan's arm, one needle after another.First aid measures, done over and over again.

There were ringing in Lingyan's ears, but he couldn't hear anything.In the hazy vision, he tried his best to search for the people around him.

While trying to distinguish, she saw Gu Chen, a big man crying, Luo Qiao and Xin Ma were hugging each other and crying, and the green-eyed man was quietly standing aside.

He rarely has emotional fluctuations, so he can't see what kind of expression it is.

There is only one person left.

Lingyan thought so.

And core dad.

But the heavy eyelids really couldn't be opened anymore.

This time, I really want to bid farewell to the white cage that has trapped her for eight years.


Dad Xin was in the alley next to the hospital, carrying the air conditioner, sweating profusely and walking upstairs.

Suddenly, there was a sharp car horn sounding outside the empty window at the corner of the stairs.

He tilted his feet and threw himself forward.

He fell hard, and his knees and arms were bleeding on the stairs, but he didn't care at all.

Quickly got up to check if the air conditioner was broken, he murmured: "Don't break it, you have to install the air conditioner for Xinxin as soon as possible, she is afraid of heat..."

(End of this chapter)

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