Chapter 284
Under the mask, the expression on the man's face was slightly surprised.

A face that was almost exactly the same as Gu Xingchen's, with a darker complexion and deeper features.He was surprised to see that Bai Ze, who had become a skeleton, still had the strength to resist.

But the surprise was only temporary, he immediately reacted and attacked Lingyan with a palm.

Lingyan screamed and roared like a beast. Relying on instinct, his body turned to bite the man's hand.

Especially the glaring red line on his hand!

Never let the red thread connect the fate of the two!

"Death struggle is nothing but useless work!"

As the man said, an invisible force condensed in the palm of his hand and attacked Lingyan's head.

That power is familiar to Lingyan, spiritual power with pure power.Gu Xingchen is a person who has a predestined relationship with immortality, and now this man who looks like him also possesses spiritual power.

The expected pain did not fall on the top of the head, Lingyan only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the man took a few steps back as if he had been hit suddenly.

Stopping his body, he looked up at the direction of the sky, and immediately approached Lingyan again. At the same time, the red thread on one of his hands was thrown towards Lingyan.

The red silk thread, as if it had vitality, stretched out and attacked Lingyan.

It seems that once it is stained, it will be tightly bound!
Lingyan hated the red thread, moved her body, and wanted to avoid it, but the red thread changed direction with her movements, and she couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

Seeing that he was about to be overtaken by the red line.


A familiar humming sound sounded from mid-air, and in the strong wind, a long black giant tail swept towards him, forcing the man back.

'Little snake! '

Lingyan shouted, but what came out was just a beast cry.


What responded to her was not the cry of a beast, but the crisp and tender voice of a young boy.

The black dragon jumped down and came to Lingyan's side. Its huge body stood in front of her, shielding her from all possible dangers.

The man looked at the black dragon with surprise and fear in his eyes, "Didn't you have your scales pulled out? Why did you grow new scales so quickly?"

The removed scales were the same color as white moonlight, and now the little snake's scales are shiny black scales.Even so, he would never admit to the little snake's breath.

The majestic momentum of the Wannian ancient dragon cannot be compared with other divine beasts.


The little snake called Lingyan's name again, very clearly and seriously.

Lingyan nodded in response.

The tacit understanding allows the two to know what the other wants to say without having to say much.

The little snake wants to say that he has not had his scales removed, he is an ancient dragon ten thousand years later.

"No matter why..." The man looked greedily at the two divine beasts, "The power of the divine beasts is indeed inexhaustible. If I get either of you, I can become a king!"

He threw the red line in his hand away again.

This time, the target of the red line attack was actually a little snake!

Lingyan was surprised and said: "Isn't the red line of destiny only connecting men and women?" '

What she said was the cry of a beast, and the man couldn't understand it.

The little snake took the time to reply: "This is not a red line of fate, it is a crooked way to take away spiritual power and make immortal beasts slaves!"

As long as the red lines are connected, the spiritual power of one party will be absorbed by the other party.

Moreover, no matter how far away you escape, to another time and space, your physical body no longer exists.This red thread also tells that two people are pulled together, making one a slave to the other for life after life.

Lingyan suddenly realized.

It turned out that she and Gu Xingchen did not have a bad relationship, but she was a slave for life after life!
(End of this chapter)

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