Chapter 286
Ling Wuyan always called the little snake a stupid dragon, when did he call it an ancient dragon?

This little Ling Wuyan definitely has no memories of ten thousand years later.

"Where's Ling Wuyan?" Lingyan asked.

The little snake can understand her animal cry.

The little snake didn't speak in a childish boy's voice, but also replied with a beast's cry: "I'll wait for you in front." '

When Lingyan heard this, she was overjoyed.

'Then hurry up, I really want to see him! '

Little Snake: 'You should tell him that. '

Along the way, the two talked with each other with the sound of beasts. Although Xiaoling Wuyan couldn't understand what the sound meant, he saw that the two beasts were asking and answering, so he could guess that they were communicating.

He looked at the two beasts calmly, and didn't say much.

Until the little snake came to an oasis in the wasteland, he jumped down and waved to the two beasts by the way: "You two come here, you will never be discovered by those mortals here."

Lingyan stepped up and followed, but the little snake didn't move.

'You go, he's under the lake. ' said the little snake.

'how about you?Are you not going here? '

'I can't go, I'm waiting for you outside. '

The little snake changed its shape and became a snake as thick as chopsticks. It slid into the bushes and disappeared.

"He's going to keep watch here, so stay here."

Xiaoling Wuyan didn't care about the situation of the little snake, and walked into the lake with Lingyan.

There is a barrier set up by Xiaoling Wuyan beside Lingyan, so he doesn't feel how cold the lake is.She had also been to this place when she was in the ancient book, so it can be said that she found the place with ease.

At the bottom of the depths of the green lake, uneven luminous gravel covered the bottom of the lake.

The moon in the sky fell to the bottom of the lake, shattering the moonlight all over the place.

- gravel beach
It is exactly the same as the scene in the ancient book, the only difference is that there is a dying blood-colored ancient dragon lying on the gravel beach.

All the scales on his body were pulled out, not a single piece remained, this is... a little snake!
Ten thousand years later, the little snake is waiting on the lake, no wonder it refuses to come down no matter what.

And the little snake ten thousand years ago was dying at the bottom of the lake, with its eyes tightly closed, it was in a deep sleep.

It suddenly sniffed lightly with the tip of its nose, smelled a familiar smell, and immediately opened its eyes.

Seeing the appearance of Bai Ze who had turned into a skeleton, the dying Gu Long's eyes were moist and he couldn't move.

Xiaoling Wuyan didn't understand the gaze between Lingyan and it, and seeing Gu Long's eyes moist, he approached and wiped his tears with his sleeves.

"It's weird, I didn't see any reaction from you when I rescued you from those mortals, why is this stuff leaking out now?"

Lingyan was originally in a sentimental mood, but because of Xiaoling Wuyan's words, she was almost amused.

Whether it is him ten thousand years ago or ten thousand years later, he doesn't understand what tears are.

After wiping away the bloody ancient dragon's tears, he still felt a little baffled.

"Why are you two worse than the other?"

"Forget it, for the sake of the immortals and beasts doing good and not invading the demon world, I'll go find some herbs for you."

Xiaoling Wuyan walked out of the green lake while talking to himself.

But as soon as he left, the moonlight at the bottom of the lake suddenly flashed, and the man in black appeared out of thin air above the gravel.

Stepping on the moonlight gravel, he approached Lingyan step by step.

He raised his hand, and following his movement, the long hair behind him fluttered.

The moment Lingyan blinked, she was hugged tightly by the man in black.

 Master Mozun and Lingyan kissed at the bottom of the valley to make love

(End of this chapter)

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