After wearing the book, the male lead always wants to kill me

Chapter 294 Extra Story: After the West Sea War

Chapter 294 Extra Story: After the West Sea War (3)

—— Demon Realm

For ten thousand years, this is probably the first time that humans, demons, demons, beasts, and half-demons have gathered in the demon palace.

On the white jade platform moved from the residence of Sequoia in the depths of the West Sea, a woman lay quietly on it.

The jade is nourishing her body, and Mo Yu, who is lying in front of the jade platform, is continuously injecting her own abilities into Lingyan's body.

Being able to make immortal magic flowers, only Mo Yu can preserve the corpses of mortals better than when they were alive.

There are a large mountain of ancient books scattered in the hall. Three people who have nothing to do with each other in the Three Realms are burying their heads in flipping through them, while Qingyao is smashing medicine with a medicine jar on the side.

He looked at the three people who were busy for a while, and at the woman lying quietly on the jade platform for a while, and couldn't help complaining in his heart: I'm dead, and all her traumas have been healed, so why bother?

For thousands of years, it has never been heard that anyone can come back from the dead!
Time passed day by day, and when turning to the last few books, Sequoia finally found another record about the red line of fate.

"Hahaha!" The hearty laughter suddenly resounded in the hall, and it was very different from the sad expressions of Ling Wuyan and Gu Xingchen no matter how you looked at it.

"Sequoia, what's the matter? What did you see?" Qing Yao hurriedly got up from the ground, came to Sequoia, and looked at the book in his hand together.

"I've heard about the red thread of fate for a long time, and I've always wondered why if it's just a token of love, once the red thread is tied, one party will be drawn by the other. Now it seems that my doubts are not wrong!"

Everyone looked puzzled.

Ling Wuyan even said bluntly: "We are looking for a way to save her, what does it have to do with this matter?"

He was faintly impatient.

Sequoia explained: "It is this red line of fate that can find Miss Lingyan's dissipated soul!"

There are more or less rumors about the red line of fate in the world of humans, monsters and demons.

All the rumors have the same meaning, that is... the red thread is a token of love, connecting the fate and emotion of the two people from life to life.

However, in the previous ancient book, the red thread was clearly tied to a bunch of white skeletons and men with ghost masks.

Now, this ancient book found by Sequoia directly writes: the red thread and even the most yin and evil things come out in troubled times, and once they are tied, they will be reduced to slaves for life after life.

"A lover's call may not necessarily be answered, but between the master and the slave, the only way to go is to obey."

"After Miss Lingyan's death, Gu Xingchen gained tremendous spiritual power. It is clear who is the master and who is the servant. What we need to do now, the most important thing, is to find her soul through the connection between Gu Xingchen and Miss Lingyan, and bring her back to life. She's back."

"Only him?" Ling Wuyan asked immediately.

I have to rely on other men to find my own woman, and I can't do anything by myself.

Sequoia understood Ling Wuyan's thoughts, he spread his hands helplessly, and said, "It's him who gets involved in the red line of fate with Miss Lingyan."

Gu Xingchen was very firm and asked, "Then what do I need to do?"

Sequoia pondered for a moment, her eyes fell on the little snake coiled beside Lingyan.

"Everything is boundless, and if we search for it one by one, I'm afraid it will be impossible to find it for several years. Gu Long's ability is to travel to various places, and it would be best to have his help. But..."

Sequoia changed her voice, and said: "Its ability is not enough to travel through time, otherwise the chances of finding Miss Lingyan's soul will be greater..."

(End of this chapter)

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