After wearing the book, the male lead always wants to kill me

Chapter 307 Extra Story: Witch VS Ancient Dragon

Chapter 307 Extra Story: Witch VS Ancient Dragon (2)

Surrounded by endless chaos and darkness, it was quiet, as if deep in the ground.

"Ling Mingyi..."

It was the first time for Ling Miaomiao to encounter such a situation, so she froze and did not dare to move, tentatively calling the little snake's name first.

A small soft hand was stuffed into her palm.

An immature male voice said, "I am here."

Ling Miaomiao held his little hand, "Where is this place? Aren't you going to the Demon Realm?"

Ling Ming was silent for a moment, then said: "...During this period, I have used my abilities too frequently, and something seems to be wrong."

Although most of his ancient spiritual power and cultivation were accumulated over ten thousand years, the latter part of his spiritual power was lost to it by Gu Xingchen.When I used the ability just now, I suddenly lost control.

He immediately said: "Don't worry, after I go out, I can go back by using my ability again."

I thought Ling Miaomiao would be afraid, but in the dark, her chuckle came out: "It's okay, with you here, am I afraid that I won't be able to find my way home?"


Not long after, a white light flashed in front of them, and they finally walked out of the chaotic darkness.

What imprinted in the eyes was the white mist, which blurred their vision and made it difficult for people to see where it was.

Ling Miaomiao waved her hands to block the white mist, while pulling the little Ling Mingyi to walk forward.

In the white mist, a woman in white suddenly walked out.She is dressed in white clothes like a fairy, with fair skin and beautiful appearance, and a pair of big watery eyes look forward to shine.

As soon as Ling Miaomiao saw this person, she immediately shouted happily: "Aunt Qiao!"

The woman in white's expression changed, she stared and said, "Who is the little girl called auntie? I am so young!!"

As soon as Ling Ming looked at the woman in front of him, he understood instantly.

He grabbed Ling Miaomiao's hand and said, "She's not your aunt Qiao."

At this moment, a male voice came from outside the white mist, saying, "Luo Qiao, Wia is ready, can we start?"

Luo Qiao turned her head and replied: "Director, wait, there are two extras here, we have to clear the stage first!"

So several people outside the arena got into the blank white mist, pushed Ling Miaomiao and Ling Mingyi involuntarily, and blasted them out.

Ling Miaomiao was at a loss. After walking out of the white mist, she saw that the people and scenes around her were so strange.

They wore strange clothes and cut their hair short, the likes of which she had never seen before.A pair of black and white eyes, turned and turned, looking at all these things in novelty.

Her 'Auntie Qiao' was being hung in the air by a thin rope, flying around.

"What are they doing? It's strange." Ling Miaomiao said to the little man beside him.

Ling Mingyi and Ling Wuyan have stayed in this world for a period of time, so he understands everything that should be understood.

Explained: "We are now in another world. This is Shudian, and they are filming."

Ling Miaomiao was even more confused.

Ling Mingyi has already dragged her and walked towards a place where there are few people, "I will explain to you later, let's go back to a place where there are no people."

"It's hard to come here, let's play a little longer!"

Ling Miaomiao looked at Luo Qiao reluctantly, whether it was those strange people or the strange things in the hands of strange people.

All of this is so new and interesting to her.

At this time, a long-haired man in white came towards him, followed by several assistants.

Seeing the man, Ling Miaomiao blurted out without thinking, "Uncle Gu!"

Gu Chen, who was only 23 years old: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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